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Biden's Foreign Policy Already GettING Results


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2 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

You seem to be more aware of the real Trump compared to most right leaning people.  He would've been in his early 30's when the Camp David Accords happened and Carter got great press from it.  Do you find it that much of a stretch that Trump is unaware of the "Camp David summon" symbolism when it came to peace talks over the years and would've loved to make a "deal" with the Taliban there?

It might have been some idea kicked around but I just don’t see it having ever been a serious one. Not nearly enough cameras there and the only symbol I ever saw any real interest was in a 5 letter brand name. 

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ROGER SIMON: Taliban Takeover Amid US Negligence a Disaster for Afghani Women.




Beyond the obvious rise in terrorism now almost inevitable from the disaster in Afghanistan, beyond the many friends and allies likely to suffer death or torture, beyond the disgraceful waste of twenty years of American people and treasure, more than anything, our so-called progressive leaders—in their negligence—have inadvertently instigated one of the greatest examples of misogyny in human history.


Think of what will become of the women of that country at the hands of the Taliban—aware, as opposed to “woke,” people remember the summary executions of females in their soccer stadium—as well as their treatment at the equally “feminist” hands of al-Qaeda and the rapidly renewing ISIS.


These are the same Afghani women who were attending universities and working like normal modern people under our protection while we were there. Now they will be left trying to survive under the most extreme and oppressive versions of sharia law, if they are not raped or shot.


Eli Lake has pointed out in an article that Taliban leaders are already preparing lists of young girls who will be “married” to their loyalists. One can only imagine the result.



As Charles Cooke writes: The Democratic Party Can’t Have It Both Ways on Afghanistan. “



Rhetorically, Joe Biden’s party is trying to have it both ways. Leaving because it’s time to put ‘America First’ is a coherent course — albeit not one I would have counseled. Staying while talking about the importance of universal human rights is too. But leaving while talking about the importance of universal human rights? That’s a bad joke. Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday that she was ‘deeply concerned about reports regarding the Taliban’s brutal treatment of all Afghans, especially women and girls,’ while praising Biden for his ‘clarity’ and ‘wisdom’ in taking a series of actions that will lead directly to that brutal treatment. This makes no sense. As of today, it is simply not possible to say that you think the United States should leave and that you hope it will all work out. The United States is leaving, and it is not working out.”




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MARK STEYN: The Afghan Humiliation: 


“Kabul Could Fall To The Taliban Within 90 Days, U.S. Intelligence Warns. Thank you, geniuses. That was Thursday. So it turned out to be well within ninety hours – which is close enough for US intelligence work.


Was this the same ‘seventeen intelligence agencies’ who all agreed Russia had meddled in the 2016 election – and with whose collective intelligence only a fool would disagree? . . .


To modify Hillary Clinton, what difference at this point would it make if the US government simply laid off its entire ‘intelligence community’? Indeed, what difference would it make if it closed down its military? Obviously, it would present a few mid-life challenges for its corrupt Pentagon bureaucracy, since that many generals on the market for defense lobbyist gigs and board directorships all at once would likely depress the going rate.


But, other than that, a military that accounts for 40 per cent of the planet’s military spending can’t perform either of the functions for which one has an army: it can’t defeat overseas enemies, and it’s not permitted to defend the country, as we see on the Rio Grande.


So what’s the point?”










 “America’s NATO allies are now angry that the so called global engagement leader, Biden, consulted with none of them a whit. They are angry, and feel that they were abandoned. They are also left with the mess of having to rescue their nationals left in Afghanistan themselves. Not only is Biden grossly incompetent, so is all of his military bureaucracy. All of these people need to be cashiered immediately.”






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“Weirdly, Trump did not note in his statement that less than two months ago, he was bragging about how he started the Afghanistan-withdrawal process and claiming the Biden administration was powerless to stop it.


“I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.” - Trump 1 month ago


Or that someone on his team decided to delete from his website an April statement in which he said, “Getting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing to do,” chastising Biden for not doing it sooner than September 11.


Wait a minute, now Trump’s statement from April 18, 2021, has been deleted from his website! He said, “Getting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing to do. I planned to withdraw on May 1.” Republicans now think they can delete history to try and own the libs.“

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5 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

It might have been some idea kicked around but I just don’t see it having ever been a serious one. Not nearly enough cameras there and the only symbol I ever saw any real interest was in a 5 letter brand name. 

There’d have been plenty of cameras no matter where he goes and the symbolism of peace talks at Camp David isn’t lost on the best reality tv star of all time.  We’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

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3 hours ago, B-Man said:

  Indeed, what difference would it make if it closed down its military? Obviously, it would present a few mid-life challenges for its corrupt Pentagon bureaucracy, since that many generals on the market for defense lobbyist gigs and board directorships all at once would likely depress the going rate.


But, other than that, a military that accounts for 40 per cent of the planet’s military spending can’t perform either of the functions for which one has an army: it can’t defeat overseas enemies, and it’s not permitted to defend the country, as we see on the Rio Grande.


So what’s the point?”



  How many wars since WWII have been worth fighting or have been an overall benefit to this country?

 The military industrial complex has received over 20 trillion dollars of taxpayer money since 1960. The value in today's money would be multiples of that.

  War is big big big business.  Every missile, bomb, bullet, tank, helicopter, etc. is just money in the bank for some. During war you can overcharge for everything, you can even steal billion dollar pallets of cash.  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/feb/08/usa.iraq1 . Just fly 360 tons of cash , $12.6 Billion dollars, into a war zone and watch it disappear. Hey it's war, anything goes; no one will hardly notice.

  The dead American and foreign soldiers, dead civilians, shattered lives, lifelong PTSD, wrecked infrastructure, etc is just collateral damage, 'the cost of doing business'. In fact, the more damage done the more money to be made rebuilding.  Added bonus: leave behind a failed state and you can do it all again down the road. Job security.


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Three ways this Afghanistan crisis really hurts Biden. 


“The shambolic unravelling of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan comes from a yet to be written textbook of “‘ow to lose at everything’. Warnings hadn’t been heeded, intelligence was clearly totally inadequate, planning was lamentable, execution woeful. . . .


The withdrawal came during the ‘fighting season’ – a phrase I have to say I have always found rather odd. But in Afghanistan there is a fighting season which starts in spring – and then in winter, when the country freezes over, there is a time when the Taliban go home to their tribal homelands. Did no-one think that it might have been better to have ordered the withdrawal for the dead of winter when Taliban forces weren’t there, poised to fill the vacuum?”




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Mike Pence: Biden Broke Our Deal With the Taliban

It’s a foreign-policy humiliation unlike anything our country has endured since the Iran hostage crisis.

By Mike Pence




By the time we left office, the Afghan government and the Taliban each controlled their respective territories, neither was mounting major offensives, and America had only 2,500 U.S. troops in the country—the smallest military presence since the war began in 2001.


America’s endless war was coming to a dignified end, and Bagram Air Base ensured we could conduct counterterrorism missions through the war’s conclusion.


The progress our administration made toward ending the war was possible because Taliban leaders understood that the consequences of violating the deal would be swift and severe. After our military took out Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani, and U.S. Special Forces killed the leader of ISIS, the Taliban had no doubt we would keep our promise.


But when Mr. Biden became president, he quickly announced that U.S. forces would remain in Afghanistan for an additional four months without a clear reason for doing so. There was no plan to transport the billions of dollars worth of American equipment recently captured by the Taliban, or evacuate the thousands of Americans now scrambling to escape Kabul, or facilitate the regional resettlement of the thousands of Afghan refugees who will now be seeking asylum in the U.S. with little or no vetting. Rather, it seems that the president simply didn’t want to appear to be abiding by the terms of a deal negotiated by his predecessor.






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1 hour ago, B-Man said:

Mike Pence: Biden Broke Our Deal With the Taliban

It’s a foreign-policy humiliation unlike anything our country has endured since the Iran hostage crisis.

By Mike Pence




By the time we left office, the Afghan government and the Taliban each controlled their respective territories, neither was mounting major offensives, and America had only 2,500 U.S. troops in the country—the smallest military presence since the war began in 2001.


America’s endless war was coming to a dignified end, and Bagram Air Base ensured we could conduct counterterrorism missions through the war’s conclusion.


The progress our administration made toward ending the war was possible because Taliban leaders understood that the consequences of violating the deal would be swift and severe. After our military took out Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani, and U.S. Special Forces killed the leader of ISIS, the Taliban had no doubt we would keep our promise.


But when Mr. Biden became president, he quickly announced that U.S. forces would remain in Afghanistan for an additional four months without a clear reason for doing so. There was no plan to transport the billions of dollars worth of American equipment recently captured by the Taliban, or evacuate the thousands of Americans now scrambling to escape Kabul, or facilitate the regional resettlement of the thousands of Afghan refugees who will now be seeking asylum in the U.S. with little or no vetting. Rather, it seems that the president simply didn’t want to appear to be abiding by the terms of a deal negotiated by his predecessor.





Undoing everything Trump did?  Shocker.  


Good job to the sheep who voted for this chump.

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