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The Trump Health Hoax

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On 10/5/2020 at 7:12 AM, SectionC3 said:

Seems like the President is struggling with COVID-19.  Let’s review the salient information:


1.  Friday sees him sent to Walter Reed as a “precautionary measure.”  BS.  He has outstanding medical care available to him at his residence.  There’s no need to go to a hospital “on spec” unless the situation is more dangerous than the public has been told. 


2.  On Friday, a President obsessively concerned with image and television ratings shoots a hamfisted video saying he “thinks” things will turn out well.  Bad lighting, no mic, odd setting (probably the WH residence; not the Oval Office).  Apparently he does not have the time or strength to do such a thing as put on a “lav” mic or take a better shot. 


3.  He is taken to Walter Reed by helicopter.  Seems strange, given that it’s a short ride and he took the car for his prior WH health event.  


4.  Then the helicopter sits there for about half an hour before Trump can take the short walk to get in.  Obviously this is a dog and pony show; he wants to convey strength by walking to the chopper.  But doesn’t interact with the media on the way out (uncharacteristic for him, to be sure).  Strange. 


5.  Strangely silent on Twitter and Fox & Friends that day.  Would be easy for him to call his pals at Fox and explain that he’s doing fine, has a mild case, the virus is a hoax, he gnawed on hyroxycholorquine and is feeling better, etc.  But doesn’t do it. 


6.  Then it turns out that he actually received supplemental oxygen on Friday as well as a “compassionate use” treatment.  Odd that POTUS receives an unproven treatment that theoretically could do more harm than good.  Does not sound like a mild case of COVID. 


7.  Goes to Walter Reed, then stays basically silent on Saturday, save for a couple of “dog and pony” images that the Internet quickly recognizes as staged (signing a blank piece of paper - a metaphor for his presidency, if ever there was one; metadata shows images taken about 10 minutes apart in time in different rooms).  


8.  But here’s the big tell.  The video from Saturday was about 10 seconds long, and it had to be edited (likely to eliminate a cough).  How hard is it to reshoot a 10-second video?  Not hard at all.  The simple solution if the subject coughs during the take is to re-shoot.  But they didn’t re-shoot.  Was it because they couldn’t?  Speculation, but with an image-conscious president it seems likely that they would have done another take to get it “right” if he was capable of getting through 10 seconds without coughing. 


9.  Saturday tells us that POTUS also gets dexamethasone.  Skips right past the hydroxychloroquine and Lysol and brings in the big guns reserved for moderate to severe cases of COVID.  Not good.  Fits with the bad blood oxygen information and news that he was on supplemental oxygen.  


10.  Feeling better this morning.  Tweet storm.  Usual nonsense.  But this is after stupid parade on Sunday (another dog and pony show) that needlessly put Secret Service at risk so he could convey an image of health.  Why not call Fox & Friends?  Is it because he can’t do it without hacking up a lung?  That’s the speculation here. 


Something definitely is up with this guy.  He may well go back to the WH today or tomorrow.  But that doesn’t mean he’s out of the woods.  And it doesn’t mean that he hasn’t had serious COVID complications that he has concealed both from the public and those with the power to catalyze use of the 25th amendment.  How a guy on dexamethasone and struggling with COVID can keep the nuke codes is beyond me.  But these are the times in which we live. 




Reports pretty much align to this.


Trump received experimental treatments (treatments that are promising, but have not been approved yet via clinical trials/FDA). He has a small army of personal physicians and epidemiologists on standby that I am sure were not caught unprepared. My guess they were thinking it was inevitable that he would contract the virus with his loose adherence to protocols even with a staff of people trying to keep him safe and testing those around him.


After receiving a cocktail of treatments no one in the world has access to he was allowed to go to his residence which has a world class staff of health professionals and emergency care that would likely rival most hospitals.


If his pattern holds true he will downplay Covid-19 and not point out the medical care access that a sitting President has that none of us do as more folks march to the death toll. Because he will always double-down on the dumb - honestly, most politicians will rather than admit a mistake.



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1 minute ago, WideNine said:


Reports pretty much align to this.


Trump received experimental treatments (treatments that are promising, but have not been approved yet via clinical trials/FDA). He has a small army of personal physicians and epidemiologists on standby that I am sure were not caught unprepared. My guess they were thinking it was inevitable that he would contract the virus with his loose adherence to protocols even with a staff of people trying to keep him safe and testing those around him.


After receiving a cocktail of treatments no one in the world has access to he was allowed to go to his residence which has a world class staff of health professionals and emergency care that would likely rival most hospitals.


If his pattern holds true he will downplay Covid-19 and not point out the medical care access that a sitting President has that none of us do as more folks march to the death toll. Because he will always double-down on the dumb - honestly, most politicians will rather than admit a mistake.



So all you're saying is I just need to be president? That shouldn't be too hard with who is running. Hopefully I don't get Covid before then 

Edited by TBBills
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1 hour ago, SectionC3 said:


Explain what to me?  How HCQ isn’t a prophylactic with respect to COVID-19? https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2016638


Or how the drug doesn’t help hospitalized COVID-19 patients?



Or how the FDA has cautioned against the use of HCQ w/r/t COVID-19 outside of a hospital or a clinical setting?



Science, 1; HCQ and “Doc,” 0. 


Delusion amplified by steroid use.  Not a good combination for a guy with the nuke codes.  For once I agree with Don Jr./Uday. 


Hoax.  Interesting how yesterday’s presser revealed favorable information about the president, but potentially (and, frankly, likely) unfavorable information was shielded by HIPAA?


Nope.  He looks like a guy who has benefitted from steroids, who gasped for breath last night, and who has yet to reach the critical stage of this virus. 


Right on.  Coming from the guy who took a helicopter ride to a hospital because he had the virus.  

The dogma lives loudly within you.


The cool part here is some of you are of the mind that he’s a faker faker belly acher, others that he’s so sick his recovery is where the phony lies. 


Good stuff.  


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5 minutes ago, TBBills said:

So all you're saying is I just need to be president? That shouldn't be too hard with who is running. Hopefully I don't get Covid before then 


I think being just a Presidential candidate or former President would likely get you access to some serious medical care.


Being a Senator is probably not so bad either, but used to be better when select members of the Federal government had their own private healthcare with 100% coverage and no deductibles. But provisions in the ACA removed that Federal exemption and forced them to use the same ACA exchanges as others and they have 28% of their healthcare premiums come out of their checks pre-tax - much like the rest of the working US population.


But yeah, it is good to be king, or even the runner up.





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15 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

The dogma lives loudly within you.


The cool part here is some of you are of the mind that he’s a faker faker belly acher, others that he’s so sick his recovery is where the phony lies. 


Good stuff.  


It's not worth the bother anymore.  

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2 hours ago, Kemp said:


Some things deserve a healthy fear. No doubt some have been overcome with fear to a point where it's detrimental, but the actions of people like myself who don't blindly go around without masks in crowds has saved an incredible amount of lives.

It's okay to not fear fire, but putting your hands in a fire is far worse.


In my mind there is no such thing as healthy fear.  A wise man many year ago "all we have to fear, is fear itself."   Concern?  Caution?  Empathy for others?  Yes. Fear?  No.  Fear causes long term psychological and behavior changes that can be very detrimental to you mental, as well as physical, health.  Fear of: going to the doctors, going to the gym, interacting socially etc are just a few of the results of fear of this virus that have long term negative mental and physical affects.  

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22 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


In my mind there is no such thing as healthy fear.  A wise man many year ago "all we have to fear, is fear itself."   Concern?  Caution?  Empathy for others?  Yes. Fear?  No.  Fear causes long term psychological and behavior changes that can be very detrimental to you mental, as well as physical, health.  Fear of: going to the doctors, going to the gym, interacting socially etc are just a few of the results of fear of this virus that have long term negative mental and physical affects.  


Long-term fears cause bad things. Short-term fears can keep us safer.


Coronavirus is a Short-term term fear unless the head idiot keeps doing nothing to help.

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24 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


In my mind there is no such thing as healthy fear.  A wise man many year ago "all we have to fear, is fear itself."   Concern?  Caution?  Empathy for others?  Yes. Fear?  No.  Fear causes long term psychological and behavior changes that can be very detrimental to you mental, as well as physical, health.  Fear of: going to the doctors, going to the gym, interacting socially etc are just a few of the results of fear of this virus that have long term negative mental and physical affects.  

Agree.  Living in fear is not living.  Take precautions, manage the situations but live your life.

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55 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


In my mind there is no such thing as healthy fear.  A wise man many year ago "all we have to fear, is fear itself."   Concern?  Caution?  Empathy for others?  Yes. Fear?  No.  Fear causes long term psychological and behavior changes that can be very detrimental to you mental, as well as physical, health.  Fear of: going to the doctors, going to the gym, interacting socially etc are just a few of the results of fear of this virus that have long term negative mental and physical affects.  

There absolutely is such a thing as healthy fear, I mean construction workers shouldn't just run around on top of a high rise. Or how about this made up scenario you're in a room with a Tyrannosaurus and you have the option of either wearing whatever you want or some sort of clothes that somehow make you dinosaur proof. What should you wear?

2 minutes ago, B-Man said:



One might even say "Don't let it dominate your life"






And also have access to the same level of medical care as the President of the U.S.

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15 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

He looks healthier than you figured though, huh. 


No, he looks he got run over by the Mean Joe Green and his pals from the Steel Curtain


14 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

My point was i feel sorry for people who let this virus dictate their lives. 


If you've lost your job and can't find another one because of the economic dislocations caused by the coronavirus, then Covid-19 dictates your life.


If you've lost your business because of the economic dislocations caused by the coronavirus, then Covid-19 dictates your life.


If you are a hundred thousand dollars or more in debt because your health insurance didn't cover all the expenses from saving your life, your spouse's life, or your kid's life because of Covid-19 infection, then Covid-19 dictates your life.


You and Covid Donnie can wax poetic about not allowing the coronavirus to dictate your lives, but millions of Americans don't have the luxury of being economically immune from the consequences of the pandemic.



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4 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Typhoid Trump 


Please let me know when anyone in his circle passes from Covid.

3 hours ago, Kemp said:


Long-term fears cause bad things. Short-term fears can keep us safer.


Coronavirus is a Short-term term fear unless the head idiot keeps doing nothing to help.


You are confusing fear and caution.


I am not afraid of covid, I am cautious so I wash my hands alot.

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3 hours ago, Kemp said:


Long-term fears cause bad things. Short-term fears can keep us safer.


Coronavirus is a Short-term term fear unless the head idiot keeps doing nothing to help.


We were having a great conversation regarding the fear of a pandemic.  Short term and long term affects. You said Coronavirus is a short term fear.  How do you know this?  We are seven months in and there is little sign of the fearmongering abating.  Then you went and interjected Trump into this.  Why??  Oh wait.  I remember.  You can't go two posts without brining up Trump.   SMH.  

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2 hours ago, Warcodered said:

There absolutely is such a thing as healthy fear, I mean construction workers shouldn't just run around on top of a high rise. Or how about this made up scenario you're in a room with a Tyrannosaurus and you have the option of either wearing whatever you want or some sort of clothes that somehow make you dinosaur proof. What should you wear?



The day a high rise construction worker (or anyone in a dangerous profession) begins to feel the danger of his job and fears it is the day he needs to quit.  I was in a career that was dangerous.  Now it wasn't potentially life threatening but I've had some very severe burns and cuts and have seen a lot worse.  It's not fear.  It's understanding the danger and continuing on in face of that danger.  And often using that danger as an adrenaline rush to go back and do it tomorrow. 

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