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Have You Ever Gotten Into A Fight Defending The Bills?

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Here's a question, that I am sure many people can relate to.  I'm wondering if you have ever gotten into a fight defending the Bills.  Personally, I have gotten into many verbal fights that occasionally ended with pushing, shoving, or a thrown drink here or there.  



In high school, this happened quite a bit.  I used to have a Buffalo Bills Starter jacket (which ironically is now worth a lot of money) and it was great to wear it to school when the Bills were winning.  Not so great on Monday after a Super Bowl loss.  I remember getting teased really really bad the day after Super Bowl 27.  Mind you, this was in Western, NY but I think people had started to turn on the Bills for losing.  The problem is that many fans were jumping on Dallas Cowboy bandwagon and wearing those annoying dark blue and silver poofy Starter coats.  Sorry to any Dallas fans, but those guys were just jerks.  The irony of those kids from the blue-collar city thinking they were rough and tough Cowboys.



Anyway these were the days when kids were allowed to be bullies.  There was a lot of bullying going on and school just accepted it as part of the high school experience.  And wow was I bullied after the Bills Super Bowl loss and it started immediately - like right when I walked into school before the first period began.  It got so bad, I finally stood up to one fat blonde haired kid with the Cowboys Starter coat and told him to shut the f up.  I think his name was Randy.  This was around a crowd and he was embarrassed, so he challenged me to fight in the gym at 2:30.  I didn't want to fight because I knew I'd lose, but something inside me wanted to fight for the Bills.  By the end of the day, word really began to spread throughout school and everyone was asking me if I really was going to go through with it.  I told them yes. 


I remember walking down the halls with my Starter jacket.  Several teachers heard of the fight too and they made not attempt to stop me.  In fact, several male teachers shook my hand and said "good luck."  When I got to the gym, I saw Randy waiting for me on the bleachers. 


There must have been about a 100 people waiting.  I ran over the bleachers and we started trading punches on the bleachers.  We fell over a few times, as it's easy to trip over the steps.  I took a few good shots but gave some back too.  But the fight stopped when we backed up to the edge of the bleachers I picked Randy up and suplexed him over the guardrail onto a plastic table.  The table didn't break but it did tip and he kind of skidded right off it.  Everyone cheered.  Randy's pride was kind of wounded and he pretended that he was hurt worse than he was to get out of the situation.  He limped away pretending he hurt his knee when people congratulated me.  


They did not sing the "Shout" but they damn well should have.  The worst part about this was, I think the gym teachers were still in their offices hanging out.  They were too damn lazy to get off their ass to try to stop a fight after school.   Oddly enough, no one was ever disciplined or even questioned about the event.  There were a ton of people there, so the adults and teachers had to find out about but no one cared to do anything.  "Boys will be boys" I guess.  But them 'Dem Boys (Cowboys)....F Them.  


That's really the last major physical confrontation I've had, but it's a great memory defending the Bills against a bandwagon, trash-talking Cowboy wannabe fan.   The Bills did not win the Super Bowl that year, but I sure won the fight. 

Edited by BuffaloRush
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Kinda. In my younger days some drunken jerk was harassing girls at a party that we hosted. His famous line to one of them was "you're to ugly too rape" this is the kind of fool we were dealing with. Asked him to leave the party and he did, we called a cab for him and he waited across the street. The area wasn't great so I went out to check to make sure he got picked up, he was yelling across the street just being a moron. Long story short he called me an idiot for liking the Buffalo Bills so I proceeded to walk across the street and give him an open hand slap that I'm sure his momma felt. 


I always look back and laugh at that night, the too ugly line just got him ejected but the Bills line got the slap. Forever backwards.


Saw the kid about 10 years later at a poker game he still remembered it, I didn't even recognize him it was an awkward moment! 

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12 minutes ago, BrotherChazz said:

Yup, and I showed that table who was boss!




No it wasn't like that.  I grabbed him an did kind of a half-suplex/toss off the side of the bleachers.  He got dropped onto of a plastic table but it didn't break.  He did skid off the table and when he fell his weight made it topple over on it's side.  

13 minutes ago, Seanbillsfan2206 said:

Is this real life?

Yes this did happen.  One of the most fun moments of my life.  If the adults actually gave a damn back then, this would have been stopped way before the fight though

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No fights defending my Bills fandom since elementary school.  Most people now respect that I am still a Bills fan after all the crappy seasons we've been through; anyone who is a Bills fan now is a real fan.  I do get some good natured ribbing from other teams' fans...BILLS is an acronym for Boy I Love Losing Superbowls.  Heard that a few times over the years.

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A couple of little arguments, nothing ever physical.  Yes though I was in 4th grade at the time but Super Bowl 27

39 minutes ago, BuffaloRush said:

Here's a question, that I am sure many people can relate to.  I'm wondering if you have ever gotten into a fight defending the Bills.  Personally, I have gotten into many verbal fights that occasionally ended with pushing, shoving, or a thrown drink here or there.  



In high school, this happened quite a bit.  I used to have a Buffalo Bills Starter jacket (which ironically is now worth a lot of money) and it was great to wear it to school when the Bills were winning.  Not so great on Monday after a Super Bowl loss.  I remember getting teased really really bad the day after Super Bowl 27.  Mind you, this was in Western, NY but I think people had started to turn on the Bills for losing.  The problem is that many fans were jumping on Dallas Cowboy bandwagon and wearing those annoying dark blue and silver poofy Starter coats.  Sorry to any Dallas fans, but those guys were just jerks.  The irony of those kids from the blue-collar city thinking they were rough and tough Cowboys.



Anyway these were the days when kids were allowed to bullies.  There was a lot of bullying going on and school just accepted it as part of the high school experience.  And wow was I bullied after the Bills Super Bowl loss and it started immediately - like right when I walked into school before the first period began.  It got so bad, I finally stood up to one fat blonde haired kid with the Cowboys Starter coat and told him to shut the f up.  I think his name was Randy.  This was around a crowd and he was embarrassed, so he challenged me to fight in the gym at 2:30.  I didn't want to fight because I knew I'd lose, but something inside me wanted to fight for the Bills.  By the end of the day, word really began to spread throughout school and everyone was asking me if I really was going to go through with it.  I told them yes. 


I remember walking down the halls with my Starter jacket.  Several teachers heard of the fight too and they made not attempt to stop me.  In fact, several male teachers shook my hand and said "good luck."  When I got to the gym, I saw Randy waiting for me on the bleachers.  There must have been about a 100 people waiting.  I ran over the bleachers and we started trading punches on the bleachers.  We feel over a few times, as it's easy to trip over the steps.  I took a few good shots but gave some back too.  But the fight stopped when we backed up to the edge of the bleachers I picked Randy up and suplexed him over the guardrail onto a plastic table.  The table didn't break but it did tip and he kind of skidded right off it.  Everyone cheered.  Randy's pride was kind of wounded and he pretended that he was hurt worse than he was to get out of the situation.  He limped away pretending he hurt his knee when people congratulated me.  


They did not sing the "Shout" but they damn well should have.  The worst part about this was, I think the gym teachers were still in their offices hanging out.  They were too damn lazy to get off their ass to try to stop a fight after school.   Oddly enough, no one was ever disciplined or even questioned about the event.  There were a ton of people there, so the adults and teachers had to find out about but no one cared to do anything.  "Boys will be boys" I guess.  But them 'Dem Boys (Cowboys)....F Them.  


That's really the last major physical confrontation I've had, but it's a great memory defending the Bills against a bandwagon, trash-talking Cowboy wannabe fan.   The Bills did not win the Super Bowl that year, but I sure won the fight. 

Well I think Daryl Johnson was a WNY'er as well, so maybe some of them could have had some excuse.   Well not really. 


I was in 4th grade during Super Bowl 27 but I still remember how annoying bandwagon Cowboys fans were during that time period.  But no I've never gotten into any physical fight over them. 

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1 hour ago, BuffaloRush said:

Damn...you must have not went to school in the 1990's.  Those bullies could be relentless after a Super Bowl.  

I graduated from HS in 1984 and a few weeks later my Son was born so I had better things to do with my time than getting into any kind of fights.

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