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Obama, Hezbollah, Cocaine, Iran Deal


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On 12/20/2017 at 8:47 AM, Tiberius said:

Child's play? You saying interfering in our election is no big deal? Just because the bigot won makes it ok in your eyes? If you think the Russians putting this corrupt, dysfunctional, mentally ill racist in the WH is ok then you seriously must be working for Russia or something 

Lmao, if you think Russia was the only country involved in trying to influence the past US election, then I feel sorry for you. No, allowing a terrorist organization to sell poison to American Citizens in hopes of earning good boy points from Islamic Extremists is traitorous, treasonous, and just another example of how corrupt the Obama machine was. Chicago Politics on steroids (I mean cocaine).

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3 hours ago, DC Tom said:


:lol:  That triggered a bunch of people by being about five different kinds of racist.


Don't forget sexist, why does the donkey have to be a female? It could very well self-identify as a male trying to shake off the yoke of patriarchal oppression and eschew its slave name of 'Cassandra'. We should all be a little more sensitive and point it to the correct bathroom to use.

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3 hours ago, Koko78 said:


Don't forget sexist, why does the donkey have to be a female? It could very well self-identify as a male trying to shake off the yoke of patriarchal oppression and eschew its slave name of 'Cassandra'. We should all be a little more sensitive and point it to the correct bathroom to use.



Assuming Cassandra is a female only name makes you a massage artist.

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  • 3 weeks later...

US prosecution drive could weaken Hezbollah in Mideast




The group pockets $200-$300 million each year – 20-30 percent of its annual budget – from smuggling cocaine to the US and other illicit schemes before using the cash to fund activities in Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, Ottolenghi said.

“You could severely disrupt flows of funds that come through Hezbollah’s Latin American involvement to their war machine in the Middle East,” said Ottolenghi, the author of several books on Iran and its Shiite proxy militia.

“You could weaken them at the global level – impairing their ability to interface with the cartels, logistically being able to carry out terrorist strikes abroad, and reduce their leverage in Lebanon, which is contingent on their financial largesse.”



Or... and just hear me out... Or you could call off the DEA, FBI and state and local law enforcement and allow Hezbollah to strengthen its pipelines, increase it's income, and spread more death and terror across the ME. And in return we will get the privilege of paying almost $2b (in cash) to the Mullahs (and other bad actors) in order to get them to sign off on a nuclear deal that will not prevent a nuclear Iran. 


Image result for obama oops


Eh? Eh? 

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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4 hours ago, row_33 said:

Not a thing will happen no matter how bad it was.




Things are already happening:



And remember the DOJ IG reports just started being rolled out to congress. After that, at a time up to the IG, it will get rolled out to us. The wheels are already in motion. 

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48 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Things are already happening:



And remember the DOJ IG reports just started being rolled out to congress. After that, at a time up to the IG, it will get rolled out to us. The wheels are already in motion.

I hope that it will be at least as entertaining as this at the part where the Ikettes cut loose. :w00t:


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You should hear that black racist POS Joy Reid try and cover for the dirty Dems and spinning everything back towards Trump.


This is one of the many reasons why people with no political agenda hates the left way more than they do the right. FACT.

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55 minutes ago, njbuff said:

You should hear that black racist POS Joy Reid try and cover for the dirty Dems and spinning everything back towards Trump.


This is one of the many reasons why people with no political agenda hates the left way more than they do the right. FACT.

I always found Joy Reid and Joy Behar to be rather ironic names.  Whenever I see them they are never joyful but are rather bitter

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This also belongs in the deep state thread, but I'll put the original here: 


Is 45 lining up treason charges for 44?


A bold idea, certainly. But is there any substance to it? Let's dig into it a little deeper and find out.  


This story hasn't gotten nearly enough ink, though that's about to change since Sessions and the DOJ just opened a fresh investigation into this scandal:



First, remember who Hezbollah is. They've been listed by the State Department as a terrorist organization since 1997. They are fanatically anti-American and, outside of AQ, have killed more Americans around the globe than any other terrorist outfit. The Americans killed include both civilians and military (1983 Berlin bombing). Their reach and power have grown through associations with a rogue's list of American enemies: Iran primarily, but also (at times) North Korea, Syria, Russia, Cuba and Venezuela. 


But don't be mistaken, Hezbollah is Iran. They consider the Mullahs to be their leaders, and are merely an extension of the Islamic state.


Even the loathsome former DNI Clapper agrees:  


(more background)



Iran has been on the State Department's list of terrorist sponsors since 1984. In June 2016 the State Department declared Iran to be the world's number one state sponsor of terrorism. Their number one target is Israel, followed closely by the United States. Iran has committed acts of terror and attacked America through Hezbollah and other Jihadi groups, including cyber attacks on American banks:



The point is that both Iran and Hezbollah have been US enemies for decades, carrying out operations against civilian and military targets alike across the globe. But no one knew much about Hezbollah's operation inside the US until the brilliant (and shocking) politico article which started this thread:



If you haven't read that, do. Sit down while reading. It's not only long, it's shocking. It lays out in detail how 44 was so obsessed with getting the Iran deal done, he was willing to allow Hezbollah to operate unchecked INSIDE the US, running drugs and human trafficking networks.


The article paints a vivid picture of 44 actively working to strengthen Iran's power in the Middle East as well INSIDE the United States through a drug trafficking network. Those drugs were being brought into the poorest and most vulnerable communities. The very ones who voted him into office. Yet, 44 felt it was more important to not piss off Iran and let Hezbollah flourish - US citizens be damned. 


The Iran deal was all 44, make no bones about it, even though it was framed as an international push. The details were finalized in April of '15 and signed in January '16. There was INTENSE opposition to this deal the entire time. Knowing this, 44's administration was spying on Americans illegally - domestic groups and members of Congress opposed to the deal. (sound familiar?) 



One of the most vocal opponents to the deal was Trump: 


There is evidence that the deal itself violated the terms of other treaties the US was a part of, and was also unconstitutional. But 44's administration cared not for law, so they went ahead anyway: 



Due to the MSM doing 44's bidding, almost no details of the deal were known prior to 2017. And once those details started to come out, they were absolutely staggering. Here are just a few: 


* As part of the deal, 44 freed known spies and terrorists in US custody - as many as 35. The US got 4 citizens back. 



* 44 signed the deal while US prisoners were still being held hostage, rather than demanding their release first - not a violation of law but a disgrace and attack on long precedent. 


* The payout wasn't in dollars, but $400 million in Swiss Francs and 1.3b in European notes. 44 organized the swap of US dollars for these currencies to make the deal. 


* However, there was a difficulty with the $1.3b total, because of a long standing US gov't rule that limited a payout to $1b in total... so to avoid that, 44 and his team split the request into 13 separate requests of $999,999,999.99 each and a top out of $10,390,236.28. 


* Each time the payout was loaded onto pallets and onto a waiting, unmarked Iranian cargo plane which took it to Tehran. 44 sought no assurances that money would stay in Tehran, which is ASTONISHING  considering some of that money most certainly ended up in Hezbollah's and other terrorist outfits hands. 


* The deal gifted the Mullahs another $100b+ by lifting the sanctions (which as we've seen, did NOT trickle down to the people, hence the protests now)




Those are just a few examples of how shockingly bad this deal was. And how badly 44 wanted to push it through. S. 110 of Article III of the Constitution & 18 U.S. Code 2381 are quite clear:


"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere is guilty of treason."


Does this fit the bill? Let's see:


Did 44 owe an allegiance to the US? Yes

Are Iran and Hezbollah enemies of the US? Yes.

Did 44 adhere to them? Yes. 

Did he give them aid and comfort? Yes - even worse he actively sought to make them stronger


Will Trump actually try to charge 44 with this? Remember, Trump despises Obama. It really sounds personal with him: 



Does that mean he'll actually try to indict a former POTUS for treason? I'm not sure. But the DOJ investigating this sure doesn't seem like a good sign for 44. 

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:

This also belongs in the deep state thread, but I'll put the original here: 


Is 45 lining up treason charges for 44?


A bold idea, certainly. But is there any substance to it? Let's dig into it a little deeper and find out.  


This story hasn't gotten nearly enough ink, though that's about to change since Sessions and the DOJ just opened a fresh investigation into this scandal:



First, remember who Hezbollah is. They've been listed by the State Department as a terrorist organization since 1997. They are fanatically anti-American and, outside of AQ, have killed more Americans around the globe than any other terrorist outfit. The Americans killed include both civilians and military (1983 Berlin bombing). Their reach and power have grown through associations with a rogue's list of American enemies: Iran primarily, but also (at times) North Korea, Syria, Russia, Cuba and Venezuela. 


But don't be mistaken, Hezbollah is Iran. They consider the Mullahs to be their leaders, and are merely an extension of the Islamic state.


Even the loathsome former DNI Clapper agrees:  


(more background)



Iran has been on the State Department's list of terrorist sponsors since 1984. In June 2016 the State Department declared Iran to be the world's number one state sponsor of terrorism. Their number one target is Israel, followed closely by the United States. Iran has committed acts of terror and attacked America through Hezbollah and other Jihadi groups, including cyber attacks on American banks:



The point is that both Iran and Hezbollah have been US enemies for decades, carrying out operations against civilian and military targets alike across the globe. But no one knew much about Hezbollah's operation inside the US until the brilliant (and shocking) politico article which started this thread:



If you haven't read that, do. Sit down while reading. It's not only long, it's shocking. It lays out in detail how 44 was so obsessed with getting the Iran deal done, he was willing to allow Hezbollah to operate unchecked INSIDE the US, running drugs and human trafficking networks.


The article paints a vivid picture of 44 actively working to strengthen Iran's power in the Middle East as well INSIDE the United States through a drug trafficking network. Those drugs were being brought into the poorest and most vulnerable communities. The very ones who voted him into office. Yet, 44 felt it was more important to not piss off Iran and let Hezbollah flourish - US citizens be damned. 


The Iran deal was all 44, make no bones about it, even though it was framed as an international push. The details were finalized in April of '15 and signed in January '16. There was INTENSE opposition to this deal the entire time. Knowing this, 44's administration was spying on Americans illegally - domestic groups and members of Congress opposed to the deal. (sound familiar?) 



One of the most vocal opponents to the deal was Trump: 


There is evidence that the deal itself violated the terms of other treaties the US was a part of, and was also unconstitutional. But 44's administration cared not for law, so they went ahead anyway: 



Due to the MSM doing 44's bidding, almost no details of the deal were known prior to 2017. And once those details started to come out, they were absolutely staggering. Here are just a few: 


* As part of the deal, 44 freed known spies and terrorists in US custody - as many as 35. The US got 4 citizens back. 



* 44 signed the deal while US prisoners were still being held hostage, rather than demanding their release first - not a violation of law but a disgrace and attack on long precedent. 


* The payout wasn't in dollars, but $400 million in Swiss Francs and 1.3b in European notes. 44 organized the swap of US dollars for these currencies to make the deal. 


* However, there was a difficulty with the $1.3b total, because of a long standing US gov't rule that limited a payout to $1b in total... so to avoid that, 44 and his team split the request into 13 separate requests of $999,999,999.99 each and a top out of $10,390,236.28. 


* Each time the payout was loaded onto pallets and onto a waiting, unmarked Iranian cargo plane which took it to Tehran. 44 sought no assurances that money would stay in Tehran, which is ASTONISHING  considering some of that money most certainly ended up in Hezbollah's and other terrorist outfits hands. 


* The deal gifted the Mullahs another $100b+ by lifting the sanctions (which as we've seen, did NOT trickle down to the people, hence the protests now)




Those are just a few examples of how shockingly bad this deal was. And how badly 44 wanted to push it through. S. 110 of Article III of the Constitution & 18 U.S. Code 2381 are quite clear:


"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere is guilty of treason."


Does this fit the bill? Let's see:


Did 44 owe an allegiance to the US? Yes

Are Iran and Hezbollah enemies of the US? Yes.

Did 44 adhere to them? Yes. 

Did he give them aid and comfort? Yes - even worse he actively sought to make them stronger


Will Trump actually try to charge 44 with this? Remember, Trump despises Obama. It really sounds personal with him: 



Does that mean he'll actually try to indict a former POTUS for treason? I'm not sure. But the DOJ investigating this sure doesn't seem like a good sign for 44. 


Even if these accusations turn out to be true, they'd be entering truly uncharted territory by indicting a former President.  Not sure whether that would be the right way to go as it would seriously undermine our tradition of peaceful transfer of executive power.


Feel similarly about potential indictments agai nst the last Democrat chosen to run for the general election.


We're in a real bad place if 1/2 these accusations pan out.  But it truly is fascinating reading.

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