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Kaep will sit at table with Owners: What would you ask him?

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Why are we in your day dream?


Please change subject. It is not news and it is worded as such.


There's a link to the news part - which states that Kaep will be part of the next roundtable.

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There's a link to the news part - which states that Kaep will be part of the next roundtable.

He is going to be in a round table discussion with people he is accusing of colluding against him? What lawyer signed off on that. I can just imagine Jerry Jones spouting off and saying something incredibly dumb, maybe Daniel Snyder, he has been quiet for to long. Maybe Isray comes in all wired up after a long cocaine binge and leads the discussion to a better world.

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He is going to be in a round table discussion with people he is accusing of colluding against him? What lawyer signed off on that. I can just imagine Jerry Jones spouting off and saying something incredibly dumb, maybe Daniel Snyder, he has been quiet for to long. Maybe Isray comes in all wired up after a long cocaine binge and leads the discussion to a better world.


Or, more likely (and hopefully), they'll engage in a meaningful, adult conversation through which everyone can reach a common understanding and a clear direction on where to go next.

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Or, more likely (and hopefully), they'll engage in a meaningful, adult conversation through which everyone can reach a common understanding and a clear direction on where to go next

Fine, have him drop the lawsuit first so they can have a real discussion, if they meet with a lawsuit hanging over their heads you wont get much out of the owners if they are smart and have competent counsel. Just my opinion.

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(Setting the stage: The camera pans left to a long oak table in an upscale hotel in NYC. You can see the leather chairs have all been polished and there is a fresh fruit platter in the middle of the table with white china plates, cloth napkins, crystal glasses for ice water poured from various jugs around the seating area. Waiters stand at attention with freshly pressed pants and white bow ties, each with a towel over their right arm. Paintings of landscapes and metro scenes line the walls and a fireplace warms the room as our characters appear.


First, the line of owners which includes Bob Kraft, Jerry Jones, Kim Pegula and an assortment of assistants for the owners, one of whom is you.


Next, the players and D Smith enter and take their seats at the table, snacking on juicy pieces of strawberries and cream cheese topped melba rounds.


Finally, Kaepernick strolls in and moves his chair, sits at the middle of the table right across from you. He says "I want to talk to this guy here...and that's it."


The Owners take their seats, D Smith fidgets with his iPhone and reclines. The room goes silent (except for Bob Kraft who lets out an enormous fart that makes the waiters giggle)


You clear your voice, take a sip of water, place the glass gently on the table and say:


(What's your question to Kaepernick?)




Beemer...benz... or bentley!?

Edited by corta765
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Fine, have him drop the lawsuit first so they can have a real discussion, if they meet with a lawsuit hanging over their heads you wont get much out of the owners if they are smart and have competent counsel. Just my opinion.


My hope is that his presence in this meeting will be the first step toward the lawsuit being dropped, as well as the end to the blackballing. It's a crappy situation, all around.


As far as what I'd ask Kaepernick:


What are your feelings toward police officers? Is your beef strictly with dirty cops? Or do you have something against police officers, in general? If so, why?


Do you regret wearing the socks and the Castro shirt?


Would you agree that wearing the socks and the shirt took away from your initial means of protest (kneeling), which, alone, would have been more likely to be taken seriously and respected?


If you were to become part of an NFL roster, what would you do to minimize the drama that would inevitably come with it?

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If they act like adults, the first question from the NFL is, "What can we do, together and collectively and appropriately, do to support the cause of civil rights, social equity, and social equality that does not include kneeling during the anthem."


And Kaep should say "Open you wallets, start investing more in the cities you extract profit from. When you've taken billions in direct tax dollars to build stadiums and then used those stadiums to further extract profit from the region, you should think about using a small amount of that to support the people who root for us and support this league."


Sensible people from this starting point can work toward a mutually agreeable solution that a) avoids turning what is not an "anthem protest" (no one is protesting the anthem, stop it) into a continual hot button issue that sadly continually included the doophus at 1200 Pennsylvania Ave and b) gets the NFL and its players a place and platform to actually develop programs and contribute, and c) gets Kaep a place to air his point, make amends with the league, and get a job back.

This should not go unnoticed. Wonderfully written. Also, keep in mind that David Fales is currently a backup QB in this league. Don't tell me that a QB that took his team to back to back NFC championships doesn't beat out David Fales.


He's not elite but the real reason they aren't employing him isn't his skill level.

Edited by Elite Poster
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