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The Impeachment Of Donald J Trump

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I want impeachment NOW!!!

When will they start the proceedings already?!?!


Wait...where did everybody go?

with him away across the pond now is the perfect time.


Get er done!


then arrest him for treason along with the rest of his cohorts.

Wash post reporting Trump asked two other intelligence officials to say there is no evidence he was involved with the Russians



He asked them to lie?

Or did he ask them to tell the truth?

Come on man. Listen to the the truth and not what you want to believe.


The only 'nut job' I see has orange skin and yellowish hair that looks like this


Thank God he didn't buy the Bills

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with him away across the pond now is the perfect time.


Get er done!


then arrest him for treason along with the rest of his cohorts.




Come on man. Listen to the the truth and not what you want to believe.


The only 'nut job' I see has orange skin and yellowish hair that looks like this



Thank God he didn't buy the Bills

Treason?? Explain.

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Treason?? Explain.

Are you not aware of all of this stuff going on with Russia?


Do you actually believe this Snake Oil Salesman named Donald?


You don't have to be called a "liberal" to be disgusted with the Worst President Ever.


Donny wants to strip Trillions from Medicare, Medicade and other service organizations, but he made sure his daughter could get 4 to 6 weeks of Maternity leave.


Don't let thus Jackalope fool you.

Funny thing

I saw a bit on SRATZ I think about an interview with Putin to "get the truth" and the decor was familiar, everything in Gold tones.

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Are you not aware of all of this stuff going on with Russia?


Do you actually believe this Snake Oil Salesman named Donald?


You don't have to be called a "liberal" to be disgusted with the Worst President Ever.


Donny wants to strip Trillions from Medicare, Medicade and other service organizations, but he made sure his daughter could get 4 to 6 weeks of Maternity leave.


Don't let thus Jackalope fool you.

Funny thing

I saw a bit on SRATZ I think about an interview with Putin to "get the truth" and the decor was familiar, everything in Gold tones.

For the most part, you refugees are schit posters. You spew out opinions but those opinions are not based on anything but Maxine Water's type of thinking. Your very existence here makes this board less than it used to be. It's like the Mariel Boatlift all again.

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Are you not aware of all of this stuff going on with Russia?


Do you actually believe this Snake Oil Salesman named Donald?


You don't have to be called a "liberal" to be disgusted with the Worst President Ever.


Donny wants to strip Trillions from Medicare, Medicade and other service organizations, but he made sure his daughter could get 4 to 6 weeks of Maternity leave.


Don't let thus Jackalope fool you. Funny thing

I saw a bit on SRATZ I think about an interview with Putin to "get the truth" and the decor was familiar, everything in Gold tones.

What of that is treason?

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with him away across the pond now is the perfect time.


Get er done!


then arrest him for treason along with the rest of his cohorts.




Come on man. Listen to the the truth and not what you want to believe.


The only 'nut job' I see has orange skin and yellowish hair that looks like this



Thank God he didn't buy the Bills

Honestly, I like to wait for more than unattributed sources and overblown acts by Trump that don't amount to much (or at least haven't yet). I asked two questions in my post. Neither has been answered. Looks like you're the one who's made up his mind already.


If there is evidence that amounts to an impeachable offense then go for it. Until then, shut up with the drumbeat.

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Are you not aware of all of this stuff going on with Russia?


Do you actually believe this Snake Oil Salesman named Donald?


You don't have to be called a "liberal" to be disgusted with the Worst President Ever.


Donny wants to strip Trillions from Medicare, Medicade and other service organizations, but he made sure his daughter could get 4 to 6 weeks of Maternity leave.


Don't let thus Jackalope fool you.

Funny thing

I saw a bit on SRATZ I think about an interview with Putin to "get the truth" and the decor was familiar, everything in Gold tones.


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I am guessing that it's treason because !@#$ you, that's why.


I was hoping it was the "stripping trillions from Medicare and Medicaid." Because while it may be breathtakingly stupid, you can at least argue about it.

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Are you not aware of all of this stuff going on with Russia?


Do you actually believe this Snake Oil Salesman named Donald?


You don't have to be called a "liberal" to be disgusted with the Worst President Ever.


Donny wants to strip Trillions from Medicare, Medicade and other service organizations, but he made sure his daughter could get 4 to 6 weeks of Maternity leave.


Don't let thus Jackalope fool you.

Funny thing

I saw a bit on SRATZ I think about an interview with Putin to "get the truth" and the decor was familiar, everything in Gold tones.


So you're calling for treason charges based on unsubstantiated claims? Hysterical much?

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So you're calling for treason charges based on unsubstantiated claims? Hysterical much?


It's hard for them without the Soviet Union and Cuba to worship any more against everything the US stands for.


If they missed out on those years, that's too bad for them, they would have loved arguing the Soviet Union is better than the US in everything.

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When does the steady "Gotcha!" from everyone who opposes Trump (and their incessant desire to impeach him) turn into a type of treason of its own? Let's all gang up on him and overthrow him.

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When does the steady "Gotcha!" from everyone who opposes Trump (and their incessant desire to impeach him) turn into a type of treason of its own? Let's all gang up on him and overthrow him.


That's why some refer to the hysteria as a Coup.

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It's hard for them without the Soviet Union and Cuba to worship any more against everything the US stands for.


If they missed out on those years, that's too bad for them, they would have loved arguing the Soviet Union is better than the US in everything.

But not better than Cuba though. If only we had their medical system. That is, if my '53 Chevy could get me to the hospital.

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