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The Impeachment Of Donald J Trump

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Hearsay. Judge Judy? What is she on after Bill Nye?

That's exactly what she'd call it which is what she calls it whenever one of her "litigants" tries some such nonsense.

I suspect he may be referring to Judge Jeanine.

No, I meant Judge Judy. Edited by reddogblitz
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oh that's right, Mr. Rich was a robbery victim. my bad.

move along, nothing to see here...

How's this for a plot twist (not saying I believe it):


Seth Rich was the Trump campaign colluder -- working as a DNC staffer on the sly. He gave the DNC materials to the Russians (who in turn gave them to Wicki) and the Russians whacked him. Or, he actually was robbed and that was just a strange coincidence.

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As a republican, I have no problems admitting that Trump is an absolute embarrassment....the rest of the world is probably thinking we're a bunch of idiots to elect such a tool as our President.....he really reminds me of our former head coach.....but at this point, there is no actual proof of any wrong doing that warrants impeachment.....


Pence would not be ideal to say the least, but as many have mention, we would not be living in a daily " Saturday night Live " comedy show....I now hear the 3 stooges theme when a story about Trumps comes up....

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The nonstop accusations leveled against the Donald Trump since his candidacy was announced have now reached a crescendo.

We're more than 100 days in to the new administration and we're still waiting for evidence that a single person in the Trump camp "colluded" with the Russians on a topic more serious than the best brand of vodka.


The New York Times and The Washington Post continue to publish coordinated leaks by "unnamed sources" intended to wound the president. Their efforts have set the Beltway establishment all atwitter.

They sing a siren song of impeachment and criminal charges, twin aspirations as delusional as they are unachievable.

Trump isn't going anywhere. Further, regular Americans are increasingly ignoring the fraudulent and unhinged complex of Democrat-and-government media kooks.

It is, as Kurt Schlichter has described it, nothing less than a coup against elected government.


It is nice... to have liberals finally come out against the abuse of executive power, misuse of classified material, and Russians. Welcome to the party, except we know you’re full of Schumer.

It’s all lies, and they know it and we know it. Normal people just shake their heads and wonder why Washington is so consumed with political nonsense instead of solving problems.
But then, Washington does not produce solutions. It produces only political nonsense.

This is a concentrated, coordinated effort by elite insiders to take down not this president –
Trump’s not the point here – but to take down
, the normal American they seek to rule. Someone came to Washington who wasn’t part of the club, and that’s intolerable. So they are desperate to expel him,
and by extension, us.

Every day will be a crisis, every action he takes will be the worst thing that has ever happened, and every step towards keeping his promises a crime.



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How's this for a plot twist (not saying I believe it):


Seth Rich was the Trump campaign colluder -- working as a DNC staffer on the sly. He gave the DNC materials to the Russians (who in turn gave them to Wicki) and the Russians whacked him. Or, he actually was robbed and that was just a strange coincidence.


Expect the "Seth Rich was working for the Russians" meme to come back.


The DNC (actually the current spokesperson for the Rich family) already tried to float that theory last fall. It'll come back again. :beer:

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How's this for a plot twist (not saying I believe it):


Seth Rich was the Trump campaign colluder -- working as a DNC staffer on the sly. He gave the DNC materials to the Russians (who in turn gave them to Wicki) and the Russians whacked him. Or, he actually was robbed and that was just a strange coincidence.

the only whole i see i that theory is... the supposed robbery victim had nothing taken from him. the wallet and watch were still on the vic.


usually when you are a victim of a robbery, something is taken from you.

other than your life that is....


... The DNC (actually the current spokesperson for the Rich family) ...

nothing like the fox guarding the hen house, eh?

Edited by Foxx
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The Seth Rich story is heating up.




Saturday, an anonymous person who works in Washington DC, alleged on 4Chan’s /pol/ subgroup that high-ranking current and former Democratic Party officials are terrified of the Seth Rich murder investigation.


This comes after internet entrepreneur and hacker, Kim DotCom, admitted on Saturday that he was part of an operation along with Seth Rich to get stolen DNC emails to Wikileaks.

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Interesting, interesting, interesting....So Rosenstein is basically saying that the Trump firing of Comey is part of the special council's mission to review, perhaps as a part of an obstruction of justice.


Other reports have stressed that Rosenstein objected to being cast as the reason Trump fired Comey. But this goes further, suggesting that Rosenstein himself did not want to be implicated in obfuscating Trump’s real rationale for doing so.

To place this in its proper context, recall that Rosenstein frustrated Democratic lawmakers during the briefing of them last week when he refused to say whether anyone (say, Trump) had asked him to write the memo that the White House then cited as the justification for firing Comey. Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) recalled that Rosenstein responded by citing the role of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who will run an independent investigation of this whole affair:

“He said, ‘That is Bob Mueller’s purview,’ and that was puzzling to a lot of us,” said Himes, a member of the House Intelligence Committee.

As Brian Beutler notes, it is critical that “the question of who was involved in laying the pretext for firing Comey is now a matter for the special counsel to examine.” This pretext-laying, of course, could be part and parcel of an effort to obstruct justice. The Times’s new report — that Rosenstein angrily rejected the apparent effort to enlist him in obfuscating what really drove the firing — would appear to lend more support to this possibility.


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That's a highly dubious character who claims to have information on the case. We'll find out Tuesday if he's just trolling or legit.


But you better believe the possibilities of what he may reveal are what have certain MSM outlets scurrying under rocks today.


For what it's worth, one other notable witness in this incident is throwing out signs that this guy has legit information:



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