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QB comparative data for Tyrod from Cian Fahey to discuss

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No matter how bad a QB can be, most fans still root for them and the team to win. TT is miles better than those two QBs. He is the best QB we have had this century.

And there you have it - the sad shape of the Buffalo Bills where not good enough is good enough.




So what happened last season around week 3 when you had given up on TT?

Not believing someone is good is not the same as rooting against them.


You pick some petty fights and are constantly arguing with people. Try and lighten up a little. Not everyone sees things the way you do.

We can only wish.

Edited by ShadyBillsFan
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Why the need to do this to poster's Shady.....bringing up prior?


Everyone gets frustrated?

which part ?

poor QB status or the question to 2009?



it wasn't the best way to present a point. I was rushing the post and didn't fully get into details


The point being is even though he gave up on and was critical of TT he still rooted for the team.


Like the many others here who are are critical of TT and still root for the team.

Edited by ShadyBillsFan
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You are right for the most part but Crusher has been routing against Taylor since he beat out EJ day one

And this would be wrong.


I was a fan of Tyrod going into his first season. I supported him winning the job and felt he deserved a chance.

Crusher is a special case.

I totally am, and I am very proud to say so.

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Like I said, history repeats. QB shows promise, folks fall in love. QB stumbles, some fans start thinking he may not be the one. These fans face constant attacks about how they are biased and haters and are rooting against the QB. 1 year later, QB is no longer the starting QB.


What you posted may turn out to be true. Until it isn't. Using your logic no QB, unless they come in and immediately light the league up, is worth projecting out. It has been a safe bet going against the Bills and their players. However each and every QB gets judged on his merits not downgraded because of the laundry list of QBs that failed here.


Tyrod is an interesting case because the people who like TT and want to see what he can do have him somewhere around the 20th best QB. The people that hate him have him around the 24th best QB. People on both sides of the fence are a lot closer than either think. However the anti-TT people use hyperbole that may end up being true but can't be stated definitively. "He has no chance to improve" "he is at his ceiling" "he doesn't posses the grey matter to succeed" "he is a rb playing qb".


I said early in the off season and stand by it, the camps can be broken down simply with these statements:


Pro TT - not sure what he is but he has played well enough to get another shot and this is his last chance. Would like to see if he grows into the QB we all want and want to find out while he wears a Bills uni.


Anti-TT - Mind made up. He isn't the answer and I've seen enough.


There are a lot of caveats from the pro-TT group and acknowledgment that he may not be the guy. JFH is the biggest homer on the board (wear it with pride John!) and he has stated repeatedly that this is a put up or shut up year. Transplant may have usurped Hokie or myself as the biggest TT supporter and even he has routinely mentioned flaws and caveats. The anti-TT group is much more hardline as they have made up their minds.


What I have never understood is being so invested in something that we are posting here in June and then wanting to doom and gloom it. I want to talk about the possibilities because that is what the off season is about for me. I'm excited for the season as I always am because I love football and specifically Bills football. I'm sure you can see how being excited about something and having people come in and stojan all over it can be annoying to say the least. I don't mind well thought out posts against TT and I fully admit that they may be right. GunnerBill is a perfect example among others. It creates discussion which is the purpose of the board. I only take issue with those that don't support their arguments while thinking they are "crushing" it and spew negativity while taking cheap personal shots.

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What you posted may turn out to be true. Until it isn't. Using your logic no QB, unless they come in and immediately light the league up, is worth projecting out. It has been a safe bet going against the Bills and their players. However each and every QB gets judged on his merits not downgraded because of the laundry list of QBs that failed here.


Tyrod is an interesting case because the people who like TT and want to see what he can do have him somewhere around the 20th best QB. The people that hate him have him around the 24th best QB. People on both sides of the fence are a lot closer than either think. However the anti-TT people use hyperbole that may end up being true but can't be stated definitively. "He has no chance to improve" "he is at his ceiling" "he doesn't posses the grey matter to succeed" "he is a rb playing qb".


I said early in the off season and stand by it, the camps can be broken down simply with these statements:


Pro TT - not sure what he is but he has played well enough to get another shot and this is his last chance. Would like to see if he grows into the QB we all want and want to find out while he wears a Bills uni.


Anti-TT - Mind made up. He isn't the answer and I've seen enough.


There are a lot of caveats from the pro-TT group and acknowledgment that he may not be the guy. JFH is the biggest homer on the board (wear it with pride John!) and he has stated repeatedly that this is a put up or shut up year. Transplant may have usurped Hokie or myself as the biggest TT supporter and even he has routinely mentioned flaws and caveats. The anti-TT group is much more hardline as they have made up their minds.


What I have never understood is being so invested in something that we are posting here in June and then wanting to doom and gloom it. I want to talk about the possibilities because that is what the off season is about for me. I'm excited for the season as I always am because I love football and specifically Bills football. I'm sure you can see how being excited about something and having people come in and stojan all over it can be annoying to say the least. I don't mind well thought out posts against TT and I fully admit that they may be right. GunnerBill is a perfect example among others. It creates discussion which is the purpose of the board. I only take issue with those that don't support their arguments while thinking they are "crushing" it and spew negativity while taking cheap personal shots.

How dare you leave jm2009 out of this !!

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How dare you leave jm2009 out of this !!


lol we are the CoT! I don't know if he is still here often but bobonators and I were in lockstep on pretty much every issue this offseason. It was nice to have him posting while I sat back!


Maury is one of the anti-TT guys and at least he is nice enough to post game recaps and has fun with his wanna be radio host self :nana:

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which part ?

poor QB status or the question to 2009?



it wasn't the best way to present a point. I was rushing the post and didn't fully get into details


The point being is even though he gave up on and was critical of TT he still rooted for the team.


Like the many others here who are are critical of TT and still root for the team.

I also got frustrated at times last year with TT......


It happens I guess......still a lot to like

And this would be wrong.


I was a fan of Tyrod going into his first season. I supported him winning the job and felt he deserved a chance.


I totally am, and I am very proud to say so.

Crusher I dont think that was meant as a compliment....lol


lol we are the CoT! I don't know if he is still here often but bobonators and I were in lockstep on pretty much every issue this offseason. It was nice to have him posting while I sat back!


Maury is one of the anti-TT guys and at least he is nice enough to post game recaps and has fun with his wanna be radio host self :nana:

Its your turn to bring the punch and pie to the next meeting sir

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And some make things up to help their infatuation of hate-like putting words in Maclin's mouth for statements he never made.

Maclin catches on with Ravens after unexpected exit from KC


After receiving inquiries from quite a few teams and visiting Buffalo and Baltimore, Maclin finally picked the Ravens. The decision was based partially on the desire to keep his new bride (they married last month) happy.

“She grew up in Baltimore,” Maclin said. “Everything my wife said was always about Baltimore. That was probably a good sign. Happy wife, happy life.”

Edited by BuffaloHokie13
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I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone here is actively rooting against him. There are just some fans who don't expect him to play well. And as inconsistent as his play has been, they're correct about 48% of the time.


No, pretty clear that Crusher actively roots against Taylor. You may not have been on BBMB, but several of his posts made it pretty obvious he seriously wanted Taylor to fail. What's more, he wanted it largely so he could rub it in people's faces. I don't think he roots for the team to lose, but he's pretty obviously rooting for Taylor to fail, probably without realizing how that would actually hurt the team he's rooting for.

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Orton was a better QB.


Like I said, history repeats. QB shows promise, folks fall in love. QB stumbles, some fans start thinking he may not be the one. These fans face constant attacks about how they are biased and haters and are rooting against the QB. 1 year later, QB is no longer the starting QB.


Orton was better than who? Taylor?

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No, pretty clear that Crusher actively roots against Taylor. You may not have been on BBMB, but several of his posts made it pretty obvious he seriously wanted Taylor to fail. What's more, he wanted it largely so he could rub it in people's faces. I don't think he roots for the team to lose, but he's pretty obviously rooting for Taylor to fail, probably without realizing how that would actually hurt the team he's rooting for.

I think Crusher is impossible to argue with, and I think he's way off base on a lot that he says. But I think you misrepresent his position on Taylor. I suspect he's said on multiple occasions that he'd be delighted if Taylor became a true franchise quarterback. But what he's also said is that he doesn't believe it's possible, and if it isn't possible, he wants Taylor to be gone sooner rather than later. He's afraid that if Taylor keeps having his average season - 200 yards per game and low 90s passer rating, management may decide to keep working with him. That, in Crusher's view, would be a bad thing, because the longer the Bills work with him, the more time they're wasting. I think that's different from rooting against Taylor, or at least I can understand and not be upset with the logic.

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Nothing to discuss, he isn't the QB to get us where we want to go. Our long term solution is either Petterman or a 1st round pick next year.

Agreed, I think most people know he can't carry a team offensively on his shoulders. With some of the hits that he took last season he was extremely lucky not to miss time. This offense is very luck that we have the best RB in the NFL, because without Shady Taylor will be forced to pass the ball more with timing and accuracy.

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Not that's worth a long debate, but Orton was not better than Taylor. No way.


Statistically as passers they were about the same. Taylor added 500 yards rushing and 4 touchdowns.

Agreed, I think most people know he can't carry a team offensively on his shoulders. With some of the hits that he took last season he was extremely lucky not to miss time. This offense is very luck that we have the best RB in the NFL, because without Shady Taylor will be forced to pass the ball more with timing and accuracy.

The problem is that a lot of people don't agree with you. We haven't seen him play in an offense that asked him to pass like the best QBs do. Let's see what 2017 brings.

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No, pretty clear that Crusher actively roots against Taylor. You may not have been on BBMB, but several of his posts made it pretty obvious he seriously wanted Taylor to fail. What's more, he wanted it largely so he could rub it in people's faces. I don't think he roots for the team to lose, but he's pretty obviously rooting for Taylor to fail, probably without realizing how that would actually hurt the team he's rooting for.

Not surprising that this is you're take.


I really have nothing against Taylor besides the fact that I just don't believe he's a very good QB. I like his talent, and he seems like a decent guy who's well respected and liked by his teammates. This doesn't mean however that I need to have blinders on and continue to believe that he will become something that I haven't even seen a glimpse of.



You can carry on with whatever statements you like, as well as the insults and lack of self reflection...it's all good with me because I truly couldn't care less about any of it.


I will still post and continue to correct you when you are wrong, and I will also defend myself and my position when I feel the need to.


I'd like to think I could meet any Bills fan and get along with them, and to this day...it's never failed. I'm sticking with that train of thought...even for you and JM2009 who seem to truly be offended by my position.

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Nothing to discuss, he isn't the QB to get us where we want to go. Our long term solution is either Petterman or a 1st round pick next year.



says who?



neither of those are a guaranteed success, so there's that...one has yet to prove anything and the other does not exist, yet?

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