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Trump and Russia

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What is freaking wrong with our "blame culture!"


Trump is now admitting that the Russians and he colluded to hack the election... BUT HE IS BLAMING OBAMA!


If he would have lost?


Wow! Trump is like Bill Belicheat admitting he cheated but is blaming Roger Goodell for not stopping it!


If Trump would have lost, he would have looked like Belicheat after the Gints beat him twice... You know that look, like somebody gave him the wrong answers to the math test.


I am sure logic is not the strong suit with the Little Trumpamaniacs from Cedar Rapids to (with a tack around Illinois) Harrisburg, so no worries... March on you crooked colluding cheats! It's only right!

On what planet do you live?

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What is freaking wrong with our "blame culture!"


Trump is now admitting that the Russians and he colluded to hack the election... BUT HE IS BLAMING OBAMA!


If he would have lost?


Wow! Trump is like Bill Belicheat admitting he cheated but is blaming Roger Goodell for not stopping it!


If Trump would have lost, he would have looked like Belicheat after the Gints beat him twice... You know that look, like somebody gave him the wrong answers to the math test.


I am sure logic is not the strong suit with the Little Trumpamaniacs from Cedar Rapids to (with a tack around Illinois) Harrisburg, so no worries... March on you crooked colluding cheats! It's only right!


No he didn't. He blamed Obama for not preventing Russia from attempting to influence our election. He just wrote another stupid tweet that said


"Hillary Clinton colluded with Democratic Party to beat Crazy Bernie Sanders. Is she allowed to so collude? Unfair to Bernie."


Some people think that implies he colluded with Russia. If it was a normal politician that might be a fair question, but we're dealing with Donald Trump who chooses his words as carefully as a drunk bridesmaid. He's right in that Hillary and the DNC were obviously in cahoots, but the election was 7 months ago so I have no clue why he's bringing up again. Just another day and another stupid tweet. Still no evidence he colluded with Russia

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"FACT: The threat is real. There is unanimity of opinion in the intelligence community that hackers working on behalf of the Russian government undertook a coordinated effort to destabilize our election system. As the witnesses from the intelligence and law enforcement community testified, one of their primary objectives was to undermine Americans confidence and trust in their election system. We now live in a world where foreign governments wage war on our country not with guns and bombs, but by attempting to diminish Americans' faith in our democratic institutions."


That destabilization IS: Donald J. Trump.

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EII, do yourself and all of us a favor.


Blow it out you azz.

Hey... Pal, I am a fool but I wasn't fooled. Almost though. I am just a blue collar guy that actually buys into some of what Trump was playing Russian patsy about. Yet, my firewall held because of my strong moral upbringing.


Yeah... So I will blow it out my ass but my moral understanding held. That's more than some of you clowns can claim.

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"FACT: The threat is real. There is unanimity of opinion in the intelligence community that hackers working on behalf of the Russian government undertook a coordinated effort to destabilize our election system. As the witnesses from the intelligence and law enforcement community testified, one of their primary objectives was to undermine Americans confidence and trust in their election system. We now live in a world where foreign governments wage war on our country not with guns and bombs, but by attempting to diminish Americans' faith in our democratic institutions."


That destabilization IS: Donald J. Trump.


I hate siding with Trump, but it is purely on the Obama administration that Russians even came close to being able to hack our election. It's not Trump's fault that they were trying to sway it his way. Also, Trump is such a motormouth that if there was any collusion between him and Russia he would of most likely blurted it out by now.

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I hate siding with Trump, but it is purely on the Obama administration that Russians even came close to being able to hack our election. It's not Trump's fault that they were trying to sway it his way. Also, Trump is such a motormouth that if there was any collusion between him and Russia he would of most likely blurted it out by now.



And what do you actually think Obama could have done. Weren't they trying to "tune Russia" up with sanctions... Yet, nobody was worried.


The way we vote for Pres and everything else is decentralized... What is a centralized Fed to do? Everybody turning on everybody... "Ah, don't worry, be happy approach!"


State databases held:


"FACT: There is evidence of only a small number of successful hacks of voter registration databases. Illinois election officials confirmed that hackers accessed thousands of records in the Illinois state voter database, though no data was altered. It was also confirmed that the Arizona state voter database also suffered a possible hack, but it appears that the state shut down access to the database before any breach could occur. Information on both these attacks had been reported last summer, as I testified before the House Science Committee last fall. On Thursday, there was a new unconfirmed leak reported by Time magazine that an unnamed county was breached, with a limited number of records altered, but subsequently restored. We also know of possible access to voter data held by third parties in states like Florida and Georgia, but it's important to note that in both cases, the official voter databases in those states remained secure. And there is no evidence that there were any election problems at all related to any of these issues."


I guess you live in an era where you think one man, leader can protect all the dumbazzes... IE: Deplorables. ??

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Tiberius, Pasta and anyone else who isn't on the right might want to check out this article.


Trump brought it on himself. If he would of just let Comey go forward with the investigation a special prosecutor would of never been necessary. Instead he went on to shoot himself in the foot multiple times with the handling of the Comey firing and then "tapes" intimidation. Like Bill Clinton and Watergate, I wouldn't be surprised if Dems take back the house in 2018 that they'll impeach Trump based on something completely unrelated to colluding with Russia.




And what do you actually think Obama could have done. Weren't they trying to "tune Russia" up with sanctions... Yet, nobody was worried.


The way we vote for Pres and everything else is decentralized... What is a centralized Fed to do? Everybody turning on everybody... "Ah, don't worry, be happy approach!"


State databases held:


"FACT: There is evidence of only a small number of successful hacks of voter registration databases. Illinois election officials confirmed that hackers accessed thousands of records in the Illinois state voter database, though no data was altered. It was also confirmed that the Arizona state voter database also suffered a possible hack, but it appears that the state shut down access to the database before any breach could occur. Information on both these attacks had been reported last summer, as I testified before the House Science Committee last fall. On Thursday, there was a new unconfirmed leak reported by Time magazine that an unnamed county was breached, with a limited number of records altered, but subsequently restored. We also know of possible access to voter data held by third parties in states like Florida and Georgia, but it's important to note that in both cases, the official voter databases in those states remained secure. And there is no evidence that there were any election problems at all related to any of these issues."


I guess you live in an era where you think one man, leader can protect all the dumbazzes... IE: Deplorables. ??


You said in a previous post Trump admitted to colluding with Russia which isn't true. I pointed out that the Russian attack you just mentioned was done under Obama's watch and even Democrats are admitting that Obama should have acted on the intelligence he received about Russia meddling in our election more promptly. The obsession about Russia and the election makes the Democratic Party look pathetic when they should be focusing on how in the world they lost to Donald Trump and fix what's wrong with their party. It's very frustrating to me as somebody who almost always votes Democrat.

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You said in a previous post Trump admitted to colluding with Russia which isn't true. I pointed out that the Russian attack you just mentioned was done under Obama's watch and even Democrats are admitting that Obama should have acted on the intelligence he received about Russia meddling in our election more promptly. The obsession about Russia and the election makes the Democratic Party look pathetic when they should be focusing on how in the world they lost to Donald Trump and fix what's wrong with their party. It's very frustrating to me as somebody who almost always votes Democrat.


You realize that you're one of only a few sane Democrats in the country, right?

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Jared Kushner's firm was given $285 million Deutsche Bank loan a month before Election Day




One month before Election Day, Jared Kushner’s real estate company finalized a $285 million loan as part of a refinancing package for its property near Times Square in Manhattan.
The loan came at a critical moment. Kushner was playing a key role in the presidential campaign of his father-in-law, Donald Trump. The lender, Deutsche Bank, was negotiating to settle a federal mortgage fraud case and charges from New York state regulators that it aided a possible Russian money-laundering scheme. The cases were settled in December and January.
Now, Kushner’s association with Deutsche Bank is among a number of financial matters that could come under focus as his business activities are reviewed by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is examining Kushner as part of a broader investigation into possible Russian influence in the election.
The October deal illustrates the extent to which Kushner was balancing roles as a top adviser to Trump and a real estate company executive. After the election, Kushner juggled duties for the Trump transition team and his corporation as he prepared to move to the White House. The Washington Post has reported that investigators are probing Kushner’s separate December meetings with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, and with Russian banker Sergey Gorkov, the head of Vnesheconombank, a state development bank.
The Deutsche Bank loan capped what Kushner Cos. viewed as a triumph: It had purchased four mostly empty retail floors of the former New York Times building in 2015, recruited tenants to fill the space and got the Deutsche Bank loan in a refinancing deal that gave Kushner’s company $74 million more than it paid for the property.
The White House, in response to questions from The Post, said in a statement that Kushner “will recuse from any particular matter involving specific parties in which Deutsche Bank is a party.” Kushner and Deutsche Bank declined to comment.
Deutsche Bank loans to Trump and his family members have come under scrutiny. As Trump’s biggest lender, the bank supplied funds to him when other banks balked at the risk. As of last year, Trump’s companies had about $364 million in outstanding debts to the bank.


Edited by Spurna
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Let me know when Trump starts renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to the Chinese for campaign contributions.

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"A secretive Washington firm that commissioned the dubious intelligence dossier on Donald Trump is stonewalling congressional investigators trying to learn more about its connections to the Democratic Party."

The NY Post reports.



Fusion GPS describes itself as a “research and strategic intelligence firm” founded by “three former Wall Street Journal investigative reporters.” But congressional sources says it’s actually an opposition-research group for Democrats, and the founders, who are more political activists than journalists, have a pro-Hillary, anti-Trump agenda....










headlines: “Dems push leaders to talk less about Russia.”


Frustrated Democrats hoping to elevate their election fortunes have a resounding message for party leaders: Stop talking so much about Russia.


Democratic leaders have been beating the drum this year over the ongoing probes into the Trump administration’s potential ties to Moscow, taking every opportunity to highlight the saga and forcing floor votes designed to uncover any business dealings the president might have with Russian figures.


But rank-and-file Democrats say the Russia-Trump narrative is simply a non-issue with district voters, who are much more worried about bread-and-butter economic concerns like jobs, wages and the cost of education and healthcare.


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Let me know when Trump starts renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to the Chinese for campaign contributions.

Campaign contributions? Ya, that's horrible! Maybe Trump will leave top secret intelligence around for the Russians to read while they stay there

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