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Brandon Marshall Anyone?


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He may end up being a cap casualty in NY. If he is would you want Doug to throw money his way to get him to Buffalo? He will be 33 in March, but is still effective. Would definitely make for a nice possession compliment to Sammy's game breaking ability. What say you?

Edited by H2o
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I hope we keep Woods. I couldn't understand how so many posters were bashing him at the beginning of the season. He played injured last year (groin pull if I'm not mistaken).


After watching him torch the Seahawks, we can be sure that he'd be a great #2 if we decide to try out this new forward pass business that all the kids are doing these days.

Edited by somnus00
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He's the best when his team is playing good football: great on the field, great in the locker room, hilarious and likable in the public eye. BMarsh is a talented guy who can be productive and full of personality.


He's also the worst when his team is playing bad football: on-field effort appears to wane out of frustration, cancer in the locker room, talks smack about teammates and coaches in the media.


This is Buffalo so things will not always go well. Pass.

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Not when we are in "Full rebuild mode"



This....but we still arent 100% we are going into the dreaded re-build mode. Our Offense in 2015 n 2016 were top 10 in scoring. I dont think you should destroy without fully cleaning house and they didnt really do that. So maybe their just getting a shape up and not a full hair cut

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Isn't he legit bipolar or something too?

in 2011, he was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), a mental illness characterized by a persistent instability of emotions, relationships and behaviors. He has since become an advocate for awareness around mental illness.



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