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Keep Rex, Fire Whaley....... by a 36 Year Bills Fan


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Simple. Give this thing one more year and if it doesnt work clear cut the entire organization. Doing that this year we risk McCoy's shelf life running out before we get competitive. Draft some WR's maybe fire Thruman and have a come to Jesus with Rex about his defense, bring in a D coordinator and let him run the show.

Yeah, you can't really fire Rex and keep a chump like Whaley. I'd rather they both leave now, but would rather wait another year than to give a proven failure more clout.
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Lets do the math:


BIlls have number #9 and Cleveland #4. Bills swap picks and draft Sammy. They also give first round draft pick the next year.


So, lets take it slowly. Had they not made the trade, they would have drafted in the first round and would have had their first round pick the next year. Howevery, they swapped First round picks and traded first round the next year.



LETS DO THE MATH: They gave up 1 FIRST ROUND PICK! NOT 2. Not sure why its so hard to understand this.


You are arguing semantics. They 'gave up' one and they spent one. 1 + 1 = 2.


Spending two first round picks on one player (when there were two other equally good talents at the same position sitting on the board) was dumb. Spending two first round picks on a WR thinking he will make your bad QB into a good QB was even dumber.

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Whaley cut Fitz in March.




The team announced the move Tuesday, shortly after the NFL's free agency period opened, and a day before Fitzpatrick was due a $3 million bonus.

"We kept every possible option open right down to the wire, when we had to make a decision on whether to keep Ryan," general manager Buddy Nix said. "In the end, we had to do what we feel is best for our football team. And it was a difficult decision."





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The team announced the move Tuesday, shortly after the NFL's free agency period opened, and a day before Fitzpatrick was due a $3 million bonus.

"We kept every possible option open right down to the wire, when we had to make a decision on whether to keep Ryan," general manager Buddy Nix said. "In the end, we had to do what we feel is best for our football team. And it was a difficult decision."





Whaley was acting GM in 2013. He ran the offseason and draft that entire year. Nix was GM in name only.

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Whaley was acting GM in 2013. He ran the offseason and draft that entire year. Nix was GM in name only.


If everything that came to light in the media about this is correct, Fitz is gone (mercifully, I might add) because Buddy Nix was duped into a recorded conference call in which he is on record discussing how much Fitz sucks and how bad the QB draft class was. When the content of the call was leaked Fitz was incensed, rightfully so, and refused to renegotiate his contract, leading to his being cut and painting the franchise into the EJ corner. How is this on Whaley?

Edited by transient
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The team announced the move Tuesday, shortly after the NFL's free agency period opened, and a day before Fitzpatrick was due a $3 million bonus.

"We kept every possible option open right down to the wire, when we had to make a decision on whether to keep Ryan," general manager Buddy Nix said. "In the end, we had to do what we feel is best for our football team. And it was a difficult decision."









If everything that came to light in the media about this is correct, Fitz is gone (mercifully, I might add) because Buddy Nix was duped into a recorded conference call in which he is on record discussing how much Fitz sucks and how bad the QB draft class was. When the content of the call was leaked Fitz was incensed, rightfully so, and refused to renegotiate his contract, leading to his being cut and painting the franchise into the EJ corner. How is this on Whaley?


Because he wants it to be true to buttress his argument. Truth be damned!

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Whaley was acting GM in 2013. He ran the offseason and draft that entire year. Nix was GM in name only.


I've seen this asserted a lot. I've never seen a credible source, though.


And personally I don't believe it. As soon as Whaley took the title officially, he made some big changes in the personnel department. If he was already the acting GM previously, why didn't he make the changes sooner?

36 years? :o Snot-nosed whippersnapper.. <_<


I was a Johnny Green and Archie Matsos fan.


Anyway, No. Rex must go. Whaley stays.


Yep, if you didn't actually hear Mike Stratton's "Hit Heard 'Round the World" - or if you never sat in the stands yelling "Lookie, Lookie, Hear Comes Cookie!" - you're just a newbie!

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I've seen this asserted a lot. I've never seen a credible source, though.


And personally I don't believe it. As soon as Whaley took the title officially, he made some big changes in the personnel department. If he was already the acting GM previously, why didn't he make the changes sooner?



Yep, if you didn't actually hear Mike Stratton's "Hit Heard 'Round the World" - or if you never sat in the stands yelling "Lookie, Lookie, Hear Comes Cookie!" - you're just a newbie!

Not sure what you define as a credible source.


All I know is that OBD, specifically the PR firm, have no vested interest in ever clearing it up. With the shadows surrounding Nix's step down and Whaley's Ascension, it allowed them to paint all the bad calls (EJ, any 2013 bust, Fitz) as Nix and all the good moves (Hughes, Woods) as Whaley's. Perfect to sell tickets.


Ironic and hilarious coming from you. Thanks for the laugh.

Tell me who traded for Hughes, prove me wrong. Edited by jmc12290
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If everything that came to light in the media about this is correct, Fitz is gone (mercifully, I might add) because Buddy Nix was duped into a recorded conference call in which he is on record discussing how much Fitz sucks and how bad the QB draft class was. When the content of the call was leaked Fitz was incensed, rightfully so, and refused to renegotiate his contract, leading to his being cut and painting the franchise into the EJ corner. How is this on Whaley?


Fitz is on the record in the media saying that the Buffalo Bills made him a reno offer, but it was unacceptably low and they never responded to his counter. I'm not sure the phone call is the "deal breaker" it's reputed to be; I think it's more likely that it reflected the lowball value the Bills put on Fitz based upon Nix's (mistaken) belief that the QB they drafted would be ready to start thus Fitz would be only a backup, and incoming HC Marrone's (mistaken) belief that a vet QB such as TJax or Kolb with experience in a WCO would be a better fit for his offense than Fitz. But that's water long gone over the Falls, and anyway, the point stands it's not on Whaley.


In fact, as I understand the Bills org chart, a lot of stuff put on Whaley (such as contracts extended to players) is not - as I understand it, contracts are negotiated by or under Overdorf, who reports to Lamattina then Brandon. Whaley and the coaching staff assign some sort of "priority value" to the player comparing him to other players around the league and importance to the team, but then Overdorf crafts the contract and Whaley has exactly zero, zilch, nada "fate control" over him and his staff.


Very strange situation, and one I'm not sure the Bills will find a sure fire quality GM willing to entertain.

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Yep, if you didn't actually hear Mike Stratton's "Hit Heard 'Round the World" - or if you never sat in the stands yelling "Lookie, Lookie, Hear Comes Cookie!" - you're just a newbie!

Perfect. We now have our baseline for ultimate team fandom. You must possess personal recall of the CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS!

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With the draft, people ignore what the coaching scheme demands. For example, Marrone wanted big road graders for the O line, so a guy like Richardson fit the mold. Roman needed more athletic linemen, so they grab Miller and Richardson becomes expendable. Roman also needed a TE (several really) in the mold of clay, and they got him. In fact, as some have stated, TE was more important to roman's scheme than WR. But blame Whaley.


On D, it's been beaten to death how Rex ruined a top 5 D. Again, a coaching issue.


I'm of the mind that it would be futile to blow it up and restart, but Rex has been nothing but a blowhard. Keeping Whaley over Rex is a better option.give the job to Lynn, and keep Taylor, and start drafting QBs.

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Lets do the math:


BIlls have number #9 and Cleveland #4. Bills swap picks and draft Sammy. They also give first round draft pick the next year.


So, lets take it slowly. Had they not made the trade, they would have drafted in the first round and would have had their first round pick the next year. Howevery, they swapped First round picks and traded first round the next year.



LETS DO THE MATH: They gave up 1 FIRST ROUND PICK! NOT 2. Not sure why its so hard to understand this.

Consider the source of this ongoing falsehood: it is the same people who are constantly foaming at the mouth to get rid of Whaley "because he sucks at his job." A reason they can't appreciate his way-above-average performance might be they can't even do simple third grade arithmetic. If they can't do something as easy as that, why would anyone take their Whaley criticism seriously?
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I love that each individual aspect of what is wrong here is Rex, yet player success under Rex gets pointed to Whaley. Someone else even criticized our drafting from Clemson in the first round as "Rex's Pick". Because his son goes there ..not because we have been scouting and drafting high almost exclusively from the South (and now 4 #1's to Clemson alone) for the last decade.


So...Rex get's no credit for the offense you reference as the HC? Lorax is great this year...because Whaley? Or is he more the type that fits Rex's defense ? You can't have your cake and....well you know. As far as Brown - great pick up...only because we had to get him because our 2nd rounder went down for the season . He wasn't a planned acquisition nor was he an assembled piece to Whaley's puzzle of a roster. He was an emergency pickup that worked out well. He was also coached.


Whaley has made some nice moves that have worked out as individual players. He has failed to assemble a winning roster, that of a team. He has failed to address the starting QB, depth at skill positions, Safety, RT...and, with regard to certain picks and cap room, overspent to do so. EJ is on him, Nix(and Whaley) had Russell Wilson on the board with a 3 in hand....and drafted speed.


We all have 20/20 hindsight with regard to Sammy, BUT, when you have a rare talent like Khalil Mack right there playing for UB and he wants to play in Buffalo - AND the most WR-loaded draft of all time... When you are the Bills you cannot waste those. When they first announced the trade...I would have bet my life it was for Mack. Made too much sense.


We keep thinking that high-pick diva's treated like Gods on their campuses are going to come from insane College programs in warm climates to live in WNY, be unselfish, not want money, not want lifestyle, not want the ball or simply shut up when we don't target them in the offense...and lose games. All things they have never had to do.


To me, if you are the GM of the Buffalo Bills, you have to know and understand your market vs. the rest of the league and make your moves accordingly. Look where drafting speed has gotten us. I think our scouts need to go with Whaley.


As for Rex, firing him is just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Because if I see Russ in the war room on draft day 2017 with Doug and their poop-eating grins, I am going to know they again mortgaged the future in some goofy trade probably not for a franchise QB....and it won't matter who's coaching this team. I think Rex can get the job done with more of the right players. If you want a new coach, let the new GM pick him. Seen enough from DW.

Brown was signed before any injuries to any defensive player, for the record. The plan was for Brown to be a starter, and then Reggie was still on the board so they hand to pull the trigger - making brown a probable backup. Reggie gets hurt and brown shines. A good pickup by Whaley.

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Blowing the last 4 #1 draft picks has been a huge problem that I dont see the press or fans really taliking about. All in the top 16.

That Ej pick was fire-able alone.

Ej= Fail

Watkins, im sorry, 2 #1's = fail.

Lawson= fail.

The Bills need to stick with Rex. Redo Tyrods contract or cut him, and if they fire anyone it should be Whaley. The Bills cant become the Browns Hiring and firing every year or other year.

If anyone deserves to get Fired Its Whaley


Ej wasn't Whaley's pick, but even if it was, I thought we are supposed to play the QB lottery?

Watkins is an elite WR. Can't wait until I see him with a good QB throwing to him on the Bills or elsewhere. He has talent. (PS second 1st round pick was #19)

Lawson? We holding this 6 games against Whaley still? We will see what Lawson has in the near future.


I love how Tyrod was Rex's idea but you skimmed over that.

I love how the defense is "doing its job" except the last 4 losses (Steelers, Raiders, Patriots, Dolphins) in which they allowed 2 200 yard rushing games, a blow out to the Pats, and allowed 29 unanswered points when we had a 15 point lead against the raiders, and that's our playoff hopes.


I do know that a stretch of games like that gets head coaches fired more often than not.


I'm not sure if Rex deserves one more year or not, but give me a damn break, Whaley is not the problem.

Edited by What a Tuel
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