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Keep Rex, Fire Whaley....... by a 36 Year Bills Fan


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Whaley reminds me of Tom Donahoe in some ways — they both loved the splashy draft choice (how is the Lawson pick better than drafting McGahee?) and they tend to build the core team through free agency. It's a good way to find yourself in the worst possible situation: up against the cap with no success to show for it.


Most frustratingly for me is how Whaley seems to just neglect certain positions. The QB depth under Marrone was a disaster, and it's absurd they did nothing after Kevin Kolb slipped on a banana peel. Jeff Tuel started that year! Jeff Tuel!! It seems like the only good QB play under Whaley has come because the Coach forced it — Kyle Orton was definitely because Marrone insisted on it, and Rex wanted Tyrod.


Same thing with the WRs this year. Depth was an issue after Harvin went down last year but nothing was done to address it in the offseason.


I'm not saying Whaley should be fired necessarily, he has had his moments. But he's as much to "blame" as Rex is, if not more so.

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Coldstorage5, the original poster, seems to be suggesting keep Rex because he is .500 and he has assemble a good roster. And, to fire Whaley.


Keep the HC and Fire the GM because the roster is good. Hmmmm.


Not tackling the .500 thing other than our schedule has been very Bills friendly the last 30 games. With our schedule the last two years we should have been 10-6 twice and that includes playing the Pats 4 times. We have played the 3 worst divisions these two year....squandered opportunities.


Rex didn't reach for EJ in the first round. The Jaguars loss in England last year clearly falls on that decision. I'd be interested to hear the other games we should have won last year.

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