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Rex draws that kind of scorn because he talks too much. Watching Boomer & Caron today, Esiason was laying into Rex as well.


(P.S. Nothing is more phony than prefacing a sentence with "I love the guy but..." Boomer said that 4-5 times before he laid into Rex. Instead of giving the phony love to someone before you crap on them, just say what you think. No need to profess some fake admiration for someone you think sucks.)

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Rex draws that kind of scorn because he talks too much. Watching Boomer & Caron today, Esiason was laying into Rex as well.


(P.S. Nothing is more phony than prefacing a sentence with "I love the guy but..." Boomer said that 4-5 times before he laid into Rex. Instead of giving the phony love to someone before you crap on them, just say what you think. No need to profess some fake admiration for someone you think sucks.)


"I mean no disrespect but..."

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Jets fans and their local media hacks are always surprised and bitter when the Bills beat their crappy, overrated team. it happens every time.


And Rex doesn't care about the media or their reaction. He doesn't care about the fans' reaction either. He does his thing and I think he really only cares about his team and protecting his players and coaches. He was that way in NY and he's that way in Buffalo. And if being the over-the-top front man is his method to win his team's loyalty then good for him (as long as it works).

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He's a lifelong downstater who is a honk for his Jets. He has a Sunday morning radio that he always manages to bring the Jets in as a main topic and he makes Mike Lupica listenable. If you are a journalist and want any shed of credibility, being objective is a must. He is a J-E-S-T-S shill, plain and simple.

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All the crap talking on Rex this week is over the top IMO. The IK captain thing was obviously going to happen, he does that every week. Other than that, Rex hasn't said or done anything to disrespect the Jets or anyone.


I don't get it.

Yeah it's ridiculous, every week they hang on every word that he says. Most times, the things he gets hammered on are twisted to sound worse than they are.


I read this article earlier and stopped reading about 2 paragraphs in. That's all I needed to realize he was going to bash Rex no matter what, even though he just beat his team. Poor baby!

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He's a lifelong downstater who is a honk for his Jets. He has a Sunday morning radio that he always manages to bring the Jets in as a main topic and he makes Mike Lupica listenable. If you are a journalist and want any shed of credibility, being objective is a must. He is a J-E-S-T-S shill, plain and simple.

:lol::lol: "mike lupica listenable" LMAO! love it.. lupica is the epitome of the whiney new yorker know it all! :thumbsup:

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Maybe I didn't pay attention enough between Monday and Wednesday, but why was this captain thing so offensive? "Making a mockery of the captaincy"? It's a freaking coin toss! I thought it was an amusing dig, smiled, and figured everyone moved on.


Because the NFL and most of its players and coaches take themselves WAY TOO seriously. Most of them, except Rex who is actually enjoying it and having fun. How dare he?!?!

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I don't get the Rex hate (for his personality, not his record/coaching etc...). Even when he was with the Jets, I thought Rex was hillarious. "That's My Boy" where he played a die hard Patriots fan. When he came out dressed like his brother. Didn't he even give Sammy a personal phone call last season asking him not to suit up?


I'll admit the tattoo thing was weird. Funny, but weird. And the foot thing? He's a celebrity having sex with his wife. Outlandish stuff, definitely, but I think DC Tom pointed out that he's the first celebrity in a sex scandal with their spouse.

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I read it and thought "Whew! This guy related to Sully, or is there one of them in every city?"


I don't think Rex would particularly embrace that he's lost anything if he can't be seen as a "nice guy who finishes last". I think he'd be "I am what I am, like it or don't (shrug)"


There's also this: http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2015/11/13/9727918/porkys-revenge

Fat jokes directed at a guy who's lost a lot of weight, very classy, NYC!

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(P.S. Nothing is more phony than prefacing a sentence with "I love the guy but..." Boomer said that 4-5 times before he laid into Rex. Instead of giving the phony love to someone before you crap on them, just say what you think. No need to profess some fake admiration for someone you think sucks.)


Preach it, Brother! It's the same thing as "I don't want to hurt you (your feelings) but....". It's the phonetic equivalent of a rattlesnake shaking its rattles to warn it will bite you, and can be directly translated to mean "I know damn well what I'm about to say will hurt you (your feelings) and Here I Go!" or "In fact, I don't love the guy, and I'm about to tell you why in great detail"

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Preach it, Brother! It's the same thing as "I don't want to hurt you (your feelings) but....". It's the phonetic equivalent of a rattlesnake shaking its rattles to warn it will bite you, and can be directly translated to mean "I know damn well what I'm about to say will hurt you (your feelings) and Here I Go!" or "In fact, I don't love the guy, and I'm about to tell you why in great detail"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but..."
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