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WGR is a constant assault on intellectual honesty.

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The single biggest thing that is driving me nuts is penalties


It slows things down


It drives moral down


It makes players play tentatively


It negates positive plays

Well yes, when they are against us.

and ST they have fallen off the earth. wtf happened there? same coaching staff with plenty O players for him?

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I cannot stand WGR its horrible and what is worse? The simple , easy, let him lff the hook questions the other reporters ask rex! Damn ask him some tough questions like why does your return guy keep catching it inside the ten? Or why didnt you cut Goodwin early on? Or why on kickoffs are we downing it 2 yards in the end zone?

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I have an idea.








I have an idea: the OP makes very valid points and your take is weak. Constantly defending this rubbish that is the 2015 Bills on the air, as Beavis & Butthead (aka Schopp & the Bulldog) are so prone to do, comes off as extremely parochial, myopic, and misleading. Intellectual dishonesty is an apt description. I tried to listen to the post-game show this past Sunday and I couldn't last too long. There is a point after which the blatant imbalance of the radio broadcast makes WGR550 appear to sound bush league, and, frankly, minor league.


FWIW, I do enjoy some of the other on-air talent: Howard & Sal come to find. But the banality, bluster, & arrogance of B & B dominate the reputation of WGR550 in a negative way.

Maybe the problem is you


as a matter of fact I am 98 percent sure the problem is you


Maybe it's not. I happen to think the OP made some valid points. And how you came up with the 98% accusation is beyond me. If you're going to disagree with someone and/or call someone out, you'd have a sliver of credibility if you could back up your opinion with something resembling a reasoned argument, or some approach other than throwing stones.

I don't care how good an NFL offense is. We pay our guys huge money to be elite and they have proven in the past that they are. Are you telling me that all of a sudden the NFL offenses became so great and so fast that no NFL defense can stop an NFL offense? Are other teams having problems getting to the quarterback?

I'm sorry but our scheme is the problem.. There is NO WAY that we have fallen off the mark so drastically with the SAME personnel for all intensive purposes as we've had the past two year's.

For the guys at WGR to consistently say well hey, Rex probably feels that they aren't fast enough to get into the backfield and that's why his linemen are dropping back into coverage is ABSURD. So what are we supposed to do? Throw our pro bowl D Linesmen's hand's in the air and say yeah your right let's just not even rush the passer at all let's just drop into coverage?

That's what the guy's at WGR would have you think. Give me a break....Our guys are pro bowler's and elite. The reason their not getting into the backfield is because there not being allowed to!!!


The player's are upset about it and even Rex commented he should have came with more than three on Sunday more often than he did. They need to play a base 4-3 D/Wide nine, PERIOD. Kyle said himself he is used to having three finger's in the dirt and moving forward. Instead he is moving laterally (his own word's) ... Mario is used to playing Wide off the edge and rushing the passer from an angle. He need's to be lined up OUTSIDE of the tackle's, same with Hughes.

These guys are not linebacker's. Speaking of linebacker's, Rex has his linebacker's so confused they can't even figure out each other's hand signal's with his EXOTIC defensive package's. This is ridiculous, Rex know's how to run a 4-3... he runs a hybrid now. it's time to get back to basic's and let his line ATTACK and let his linebacker's, safeties, and corner's cover the backfield. BTW, same special teams unit and it's like it became our job to do a complete 180 from last year. Can't stop the run on punt's and PENALTIES up the wazoo. Rex needs to run a 4-3/wide 9 base D and get his offense healthy so we can convert on 3rd down to keep our Defense off the field and I don't know maybe make the guys who commit penalties do pushups on the sidelines in front of 70,000 people... lmao. And oh yeah the guys from WGR are clueless...


great points, could you please take it easy on the apostrophes (... as in plurals which don't require them). Sorry to come off as a punctuation Nazi, but it's a tough read)

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Keep in mind that there are strong rumors that Pegula Sports and Entertainment will not only launch a WNY-focused sports channel, but may also buy a local radio station to pair it up with. Take the Bills and Sabres off WGR and you're left with bupkis. An AM station no one has a reason to listen to.

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I don't care how good an NFL offense is. We pay our guys huge money to be elite and they have proven in the past that they are. Are you telling me that all of a sudden the NFL offenses became so great and so fast that no NFL defense can stop an NFL offense? Are other teams having problems getting to the quarterback?

I'm sorry but our scheme is the problem.. There is NO WAY that we have fallen off the mark so drastically with the SAME personnel for all intensive purposes as we've had the past two year's.

For the guys at WGR to consistently say well hey, Rex probably feels that they aren't fast enough to get into the backfield and that's why his linemen are dropping back into coverage is ABSURD. So what are we supposed to do? Throw our pro bowl D Linesmen's hand's in the air and say yeah your right let's just not even rush the passer at all let's just drop into coverage?

That's what the guy's at WGR would have you think. Give me a break....Our guys are pro bowler's and elite. The reason their not getting into the backfield is because there not being allowed to!!!


The player's are upset about it and even Rex commented he should have came with more than three on Sunday more often than he did. They need to play a base 4-3 D/Wide nine, PERIOD. Kyle said himself he is used to having three finger's in the dirt and moving forward. Instead he is moving laterally (his own word's) ... Mario is used to playing Wide off the edge and rushing the passer from an angle. He need's to be lined up OUTSIDE of the tackle's, same with Hughes.

These guys are not linebacker's. Speaking of linebacker's, Rex has his linebacker's so confused they can't even figure out each other's hand signal's with his EXOTIC defensive package's. This is ridiculous, Rex know's how to run a 4-3... he runs a hybrid now. it's time to get back to basic's and let his line ATTACK and let his linebacker's, safeties, and corner's cover the backfield. BTW, same special teams unit and it's like it became our job to do a complete 180 from last year. Can't stop the run on punt's and PENALTIES up the wazoo. Rex needs to run a 4-3/wide 9 base D and get his offense healthy so we can convert on 3rd down to keep our Defense off the field and I don't know maybe make the guys who commit penalties do pushups on the sidelines in front of 70,000 people... lmao. And oh yeah the guys from WGR are clueless...

They didn't really say that did they

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Listening to WGR the last couple of days has led me to believe that had been told than any criticism of the Bills will lead to them losing their broadcast contract at the next renewal.


Here are just a few of the comments/excuses they keep going with:


  1. Our losses are all to elite QBs, meaning Eli and Dalton have been elevated to elite.
  2. non-stop whining about the referees
  3. non-stop whing about injuries.
  4. discussion about how good the defense looked against the titans.
  5. Shutting down callers that pointed out the Eagles trashed the Eli led Giants
  6. Shutting down callers comparing the dolphins performance against the titans to the Bills
  7. Shutting down callers who suggest that the Falcons and Jets don't seem to be suffering "growing pains" from regime change.
  8. Claiming any disappointmentss in the performance so far are just a result of overly ambitious expectations.


    Three and three isn't a disaster and I am not in the camp calling for firing anyone. But the team has been underwhelming and two games out of second place in the loss column in the division in week 6 is pretty disappointing.


If I might offer a suggestion. Change the dial and find a national broadcast as an alternate.

Can stations gauge their audience on radio?

I cannot stand WGR its horrible and what is worse? The simple , easy, let him lff the hook questions the other reporters ask rex! Damn ask him some tough questions like why does your return guy keep catching it inside the ten? Or why didnt you cut Goodwin early on? Or why on kickoffs are we downing it 2 yards in the end zone?

the downside to the guy "not catching" it inside the ten is that a defender can touch the ball much closer to the goal line if the ball bounces that way.


Start at the 10 or the 2. I think the choice is an easy one.

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WGR, particularly the morning show, broadcasts to the lowest common denominator. You're not going to hear much on game strategy or whether a certain player fits the scheme. They read this board and know what some (low information) fans continue to cite why Buffalo lost: missed calls, penalties against the Bills, etc. They're not going to talk about EJ throwing for 3 yards on 3rd and 13. Or that the defense was poor. They'll cite how good the other team was (see NE and CIN) and how you can't win them all or that other teams have really good QBs and Buffalo won't be playing as many the rest of the way.


It's relativism driven by the audience.

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Do you also point fingers and blame the various aspects of the wreck?


Well, if the driver was drunk and speeding and it was a dry sunny day, and the newscaster reporting the accident said it was all bad luck and bad weather and the police were picking on the driver by arresting him, I would say he was doing a poor job of reporting.

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Regular listeners of Schopp and Bulldog will know that they are generally extremely critical of the Bills organization in general and EJ in particular.


They maintained that stance even at the height of the optimistic days early in pre-season, at a time when it came across as crazy and a bit manufactured.


They then shifted their position after this last loss starting in the post-game show, and the theme this week has been "The Bills are OK and this team is not a train wreck."


I personally believe they simply try to gauge the general fan mood of the moment, and then take the opposite stance.


It creates narrative tension and that creates an audience.

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Regular listeners of Schopp and Bulldog will know that they are generally extremely critical of the Bills organization in general and EJ in particular.


They maintained that stance even at the height of the optimistic days early in pre-season, at a time when it came across as crazy and a bit manufactured.


They then shifted their position after this last loss starting in the post-game show, and the theme this week has been "The Bills are OK and this team is not a train wreck."


I personally believe they simply try to gauge the general fan mood of the moment, and then take the opposite stance.


It creates narrative tension and that creates an audience.

i thought that too
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