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The GOP Nomination--The Donald and So Much More!

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Though he wouldn't necessarily be my choice, my guess is Kasich ends up the nominee.

Wouldn't surprise me. If would be consistent with the trend across the last 2 cycles. And again, all the liberals who claim to be moderates who would vote for a Republican if Republicans weren't so extreme will once again pass up the moderate for a far left idealogue.

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There's way too much political correctness in politics & media, and The Donald is the one who will fix it.


Unless the Un-PC talk is directed at him. Behold, Mr. Thin Skin.


Lowry knew precisely what he was doing last night, and Trump bit hook, line and sinker.


I've said it before but it bears repeating...Trump could walk away with the presidency if he would do the one thing regular Republicans want him to do: take all the effort he uses as a cry-baby who whines about the other GOP candidates, and apply it toward Hillary and Bernie.


But no.


Kinda makes you wonder why, no?

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Lowry knew precisely what he was doing last night, and Trump bit hook, line and sinker.


I've said it before but it bears repeating...Trump could walk away with the presidency if he would do the one thing regular Republicans want him to do: take all the effort he uses as a cry-baby who whines about the other GOP candidates, and apply it toward Hillary and Bernie.


But no.


Kinda makes you wonder why, no?


Easier for me to just copy this picture from another thread than look for the picture myself. But in my mind it explains it all.



Edited by Chef Jim
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Lowry knew precisely what he was doing last night, and Trump bit hook, line and sinker.


I've said it before but it bears repeating...Trump could walk away with the presidency if he would do the one thing regular Republicans want him to do: take all the effort he uses as a cry-baby who whines about the other GOP candidates, and apply it toward Hillary and Bernie.


But no.


Kinda makes you wonder why, no?


lol, you guys still believe he's a Dem plant to help Hillary?


as for the GOP embracing him, that could never happen because (1) he offends Latinos, and (2) they don't know whether he'll play ball with the Chamber of Commerce and other big business interests.

The South Park ep was hilarious, btw

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Frank Rich hates Republicans, hates conservatives and is just about as reliable a liberal as they come.


He’s also generally wrong about everything, from the worth of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals to contemporary politics.


But, man, does he nail the appeal of The Donald and the seething hot mess that is the GOP establishment and the entire political establishment in general,”

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I don't necessarily believe this data, but interesting nonetheless: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2015/09/25/if-republicans-nominate-a-strong-conservative-it-could-hurt-them-on-election-day-a-lot/


If we assume that there is zero percent chance of a successful third party Trump run, he has a 54 percent chance of being elected president if he is the GOP nominee. Under the plausible assumption that Trump’s true electability falls in between these two estimates, he is as electable as Bush and Kasich and more electable than Fiorina and Rubio.



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I've said this before... Trump doesn't know how close he is to becoming President, and likely won't get there because he's incapable of self assessing and refining his message and he's apparently incapable of articulating solutions with facts, numbers and important details. If he had some of these skills and put them to use he'd be running away with it.

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Hey, y’all! There’s a new poll out from NBC/WSJ/Telemundo on how Latinos view the GOP presidential candidates. Not looking good, right?



Poll: Latinos Give Poor Marks to Trump, GOP - NBC News


Nearly three in four Latinos say they have a negative view of Trump, with 67 percent saying their view is "very negative."






But there’s something a little odd about who’s not included in the poll.


That’s right: the two Latino GOP presidential candidates are missing:


Let’s keep in mind that the poll is a national sample of just 250 Latino adults with a high margin of error, which makes its usefulness even more suspect:

The NBC/WSJ/Telemundo oversample of Latinos included interviews with 250 Latino adults between September 20 and September 24. The margin of error is +/- 6.20 percent.


But this still doesn’t explain why Rubio, who was polled in the last NBC/WSJ/Telemundo oversample of Latino voters in July, was left out



Also note that only 73 percent of the respondents were registered to vote.






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You could take Trump's ideas regarding immigration and pose the idea to Hillary supporters and you'd get a decent percentage that would agree.


You could do the same with Trump supporters posing Hillary's ideas to them at Trump's and they'd love it. People are !@#$ing idiots.

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