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All time dumbest playcall in a Super Bowl with game on line


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For a Bill's fan there couldn't possibly have been a worse ending....ugggg.....maybe just maybe Brady will take his super model wife and retire.....that woudl be the silver lining to this whole thing....but I think not.

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Anyone else find it arrogant that basically the plan wasn't to win the game on that play? Carroll said something about they were planning to score on third or fourth down. Man punch it in, even if Wilson throws incomplete you stop the clock, so the whole "leave no time on the clock thing makes zero sense". Just RUN

I mentioned in the main thread but I think the plan was to win there but with 25 seconds and 1 timeout..... Goal line running can eat up clock with guys piled up and getting untangled.


Everyone on mike and Mike currently agreeing that to get 3 shots you have to pass once

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I mentioned in the main thread but I think the plan was to win there but with 25 seconds and 1 timeout..... Goal line running can eat up clock with guys piled up and getting untangled.


Everyone on mike and Mike currently agreeing that to get 3 shots you have to pass once



I get that, I was more referring to the way it's being portrayed and the reasoning behind it. I don't necessarily have an issue with a passing play, but for me, if you're going to throw a slant, throw it LOW. That way worst case maybe it gets deflected. Have your receiver have to slide to make the catch. Or a fade or jump ball like they did at the end of the first half. Or, since you have Lynch in the backfield, how about a read option fake or playaction? So many better calls that could've been made from a passing point of view.

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I mentioned in the main thread but I think the plan was to win there but with 25 seconds and 1 timeout..... Goal line running can eat up clock with guys piled up and getting untangled.


Everyone on mike and Mike currently agreeing that to get 3 shots you have to pass once

I get what Carroll's saying with that BUT that pass? Why not play action, roll Wilson out right ... throw to WR or TE if open in corner, otherwise throw it away .... problem with slant you can't throw it away, too much traffic. And the guy theyre throwing it to is a rookie with 11 catches and 195 yards on the season!

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I mentioned in the main thread but I think the plan was to win there but with 25 seconds and 1 timeout..... Goal line running can eat up clock with guys piled up and getting untangled.


Everyone on mike and Mike currently agreeing that to get 3 shots you have to pass once


And to pile on, if you are going to pass, you don't line up in a shotgun from the 1 yd line. You don't throw a slant short of the goal line to a smurf receiver who would have been bounced to the two yard line even if he made the catch.

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10 hours later and it still makes no sense. Should have went down like this....


Carroll calls o-line and Lynch and Wilson over. Starts screaming at them....gets in their faces...telling them they have 2 plays to score a rushing touchdown. Tell Lynch he needs to run through a brick wall. Go prove it BEAST mode! Carroll should have grabbed the center by the face mask and asked him if he believes in the guys next to him on the line....ask Lynch if he can get it done.....ask Wilson if he is the QB of the best team in football..... "Do you believe in your teammates?" Challenge all of them!


Finish with this...."Guys....if I told you at the beginning of the season you'd have two plays from the one yard line with a repeat Super Bowl championship on the line...against this team...in this situation....with your teammates......would you take it?" Now...go kill somebody!



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And to pile on, if you are going to pass, you don't line up in a shotgun from the 1 yd line. You don't throw a slant short of the goal line to a smurf receiver who would have been bounced to the two yard line even if he made the catch.


....into a line where 9 defenders are all packed in.


The only time you might try that call is on 4th down if you somehow think it's your best bet. Even then it wouldn't be because on 4th down running Lynch would still be the best call.


If they were going to call a pass on either 2d down or 3d down (presumably after Lynch was stopped on 2d and they called the final TO with :20 left), it would have to be a roll out. Ideally you don't want the ball thrown at all and you'd hope Wilson could run it in. But at the minimum you create a play where Wilson either has clear open WR in the end zone or he throws it away, and now you don't have a clock issue. Either way, you have to create a situation where Lynch gets two more carries.

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I mentioned in the main thread but I think the plan was to win there but with 25 seconds and 1 timeout..... Goal line running can eat up clock with guys piled up and getting untangled.


Everyone on mike and Mike currently agreeing that to get 3 shots you have to pass once

I definitely expected the pass to be a bootleg with an option to pass/throw away so that the defenders had to make a decision, not a shotgun quick slant into an already loaded box, but yeah, one pass was likely necessary.

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Would of hurt them to run the read option for two more plays? I mean you dob't trust Beastmode?

i think the idea was you can get a pass AND 2 read option plays instead of just 2 read option plays.


wouldnt have been my first choice of pass, but i think theres an ounce of logic behind how they got to not running there.

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There are few plays in sports that have ever come even close to Norwood's miss in the SB for me. Wide right was one of the worst feelings of despair that I have ever experienced. That INT last night actually was close and I could care less about Seattle. It also reminded me a little bit of the home run throwback play and my disbelief that followed that.


My question is why in the hell would you throw a slant pass in that particular area when they are stacking the line expecting a run? There was no room whatsoever. If you are going to throw a slant, throw it with the receiver breaking outside towards the sidelines!!


I think this type of stupidity actually trumps Norwood's miss. Must be devastating to be a Hawks fan today!

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wouldnt have been my first choice of pass, but i think theres an ounce of logic behind how they got to not running there.


I don't think there's as much consternation with the decision to pass, as opposed to the formation and pass call itself. Looked like Marshawn was going to be wide open running to corner of EZ too.

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I definitely expected the pass to be a bootleg with an option to pass/throw away so that the defenders had to make a decision, not a shotgun quick slant into an already loaded box, but yeah, one pass was likely necessary.

makes sense. Really, if he throws it low or back shoulder or recognizes browner got the jam on the line right and looks to a second option? i know someone posted that they never run the play but the pats corner says hes seen it on film a lot, the scout team ran it on him during practice this week.... it sounds like it might be a play theyve had good success with in the past. i havent watched the seahawks enough or close enough to make commentary.


some of the downfall was execution, but im far from arguing it would be among my top play calls there. not a good call, but i think worst in the history of the game is piling on from the masses.


even the shotgun call -- they run out of the gun constantly. by being there the defense was reading it to be read option. so its not like it took anything off the table. and it gets their 5'10 qb a little breathing room.

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Well, it's not like they have an RB that's a combination of a bowling ball and a runaway truck. Like that kid we drafted in 2007, what was his name?



Dwayne Wright in the 4th round ?


4) RB Dwayne Wright Fresno St. 5-11½, 228, 4.66 - Wright is a big back who is shifty, he changes directions well for a big man. He is a versatile back who is good catching passes out of the backfield. Has the size and strength to be an excellent blocker. Another player who has durability issues, he missed two years with a bad knee injury but returned well in 2006. He doesn't have breakaway speed. Last year the Bills got safeties in the first and fourth rounds. This year it is running backs in both those rounds. Wright will end up being the "thunder" to Lynch's "lighting". Look for him to be the third running back on gamedays but used as on the goal line and in short yardage situations.



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I don't think there's as much consternation with the decision to pass, as opposed to the formation and pass call itself. Looked like Marshawn was going to be wide open running to corner of EZ too.

maybe im reading it wrong but i was seeing a TON of "HOW DO YOU CALL A PASS PLAY THERE?!?!?!?!"


i dont think 1 pass was crazy. if they did the niners 4 straight passes, then you call them out. but i agree it wouldnt be my #1 pass play to dial up.

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maybe im reading it wrong but i was seeing a TON of "HOW DO YOU CALL A PASS PLAY THERE?!?!?!?!"


i dont think 1 pass was crazy. if they did the niners 4 straight passes, then you call them out. but i agree it wouldnt be my #1 pass play to dial up.


Yes, but that was the first reaction that came to everyone's mind, because it was such a horrific call. Then when you take a step back, you can rationalize a pass, especially on 2nd down.


But, absolutely, positively not that pass, out of that formation, to that WR.

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