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Nick Foles might be available for trade

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Booty huh

25gms played

6800yds = 272yds per gm



62% completion, this # is lower because the Kid throws downfield alot his intermediate throws and deep balls are something we haven't seen here since Drew Bledsoe was our QB. Foles is definitely not a captain check down type QB.


the success he has had is a product of chip kelly, put him in a "normal" offense and watch him drown


again, theres a reason the Eagles FO dont want him as their QB

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Agreed. I start from this point: this club is built to compete now. You'll lose a few guys to free agency this offseason (I'm guessing Spiller/Hughes/Spikes), but you've got Kiko back and really, it shouldn't be that hard to replace Spiller's "production" and while you'd miss Hughes, resigning Jarius Wynn for cheaper would still leave you with a really strong front 7. And they already committed to making a run in 2014 (oops)-2016 by trading for Watkins. So a draft-and-develop 2nd/3rd rounder doesn't work well with that timeline. Free agent QBs are not an inspiring lot -- expect Jake Locker, Mark Sanchez, etc. So that leaves a trade. There's always the possibility of Cutler, but other than that, I see Foles as maybe the best choice. Unfortunately, I don't know if we have enough to get him. My thinking is Chip Kelly will try to trade up for Mariota, but want someone else's high draft picks for Foles to replenish his own draft. No, Foles was never as good as his stats looked in 2013, but really, when's the last time a Bills QB did anything remotely similar to what he did last year?

Exactly. When was the last time? 1990 or 1991 Kelly is probably closest.

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I don't know... I am not a huge fan of Foles to be honest. I thought he looked horrid under Andy Reid, but then was a rookie so you cannot hold that against him too much. He looked good last year, but the Kelly system capable of getting receivers in space often and a lot of it. So his window for his throws was bigger than the window any Bills QB running this offense has had in the past 2 seasons.


Having said all of that..... I really don't know where else to go.... Manuel has a lot to do to convince me he is going to be the answer and if our season is over early I'd like to see some more of him. Orton is what he is a .500 bottom third of the league Quarterback and has been his whole career. You need everything else operating well around him if he is going to win you games consistently.


Bradford? Locker? Foles? Sanchez? I mean it is a crapshoot really.... but at least the other 3 aren't going to cost me more draft picks. Then again maybe Foles' upside is bigger? I suppose I wouldn't hate the move but I wouldn't love it either.

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Lol at all the people say "systems QB, don't want him". You realize that this guy had a 27:2 TD:INT ratio last year and went to the Pro Bowl? We haven't had a good QB in 20 years and have no real options in sight, but you're still "nope, don't want him"? It's like a dehydrated person in the desert turning down water because he wants Gatorade.


And what exactly is a "system QB" anyhow? Any OC would doesn't develop an offensive system to fit the strengths of his QB is soon to be unemployed.


And thinking EJ and a 3rd would do it is also laughable. I think our FO and some fans here are the only people who think he's going to amount to anything. His own college coach even said he wouldn't make it. if Kelly really wanted him, he would've drafted him himself. Eagles won't take anything less an a 1st for Foles.

Edited by Saint Doug
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Eagles won't take anything less an a 1st for Foles.

No way is that true. Although Foles had a great season last year, his track record is very limited. Rightly or wrongly, many view him as a system QB. And if the Eagles are willing to part ways with Foles--despite having no notable QB prospects in the pipeline--then it is a clear signal to the rest of the league that they don't think much of him. If they are truly ready to move on from Foles, the Eagles will probably try to get a second rounder for him, but would be happy with a mid-third rounder, or less. Edited by mannc
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No way is that true. Although Foles had a great season last year, his track record is very limited. Rightly or wrongly, many view him as a system QB. And if the Eagles are willing to part ways with Foles--despite having no notable QB prospects in the pipeline--then it is a clear signal to the rest of the league that they don't think much of him. If they are truly ready to move on from Foles, the Eagles will probably try to get a second rounder for him, but would be happy with a mid-third rounder, or less.

That's why you adapt the system to fit the QB, rather than the other way around.

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why dont we find out what we have in our 1st round/9th overall QB pick with all of 14 starts under his belt, before going after other teams cast-offs who've had more time to prove themselves?

I'm pretty sure we know that already but you're unfortunately right that we'll likely be treated to more of that brand of Trent Edwardsian play before they try again to find a real QB. Not that i like Foles terribly either.


His draft spot shouldnt be relevent, but it will be. It was the Bills' error to draft him there in the first place. It's not like he was a lock to be picked that early or some sort of value. It was viewed as a massive reach from day 1. If he were a 5th round pick there'd be no conversation here and we'd be moving on. Sadly we'll cling to that last ray of hope that Whaley didn't !@#$ up, it's what we do. I'm sure there are still people in buffalo that lament how JP Losman never got a fair shake and how if we'd only given Todd Collins more time he'd have been fine. I'm sure you can find some old guys in bars with epic mustaches who will swear up and down that Jim Kelly was a bum and if they'd only let Reich play the Bills would have won eleventy jillion Super Bowls (Dallas is still going down this time, Gary).


I know that frustration and vitriol is welling up within you to defend #3 and shout from the mountaintop as loudly as you can how horribly wrong I am. We gave Aaron Maybin 32 games to prove himself (though he only played in 27), did we really need any more than the first 15 or 16 to know the truth? Wasn't the whole 2nd season of him all about the prayer that we hadn't screwed up rather than any sort of inkling that he wouldn't be terrible?


The Jets pulled the plug on Geno Smith after 24 starts. Were they wrong or do we agree that he stinks? Didn't we agree that he stunk last year? We all saw it last year. We didn't need 8 more disasters to decide. How many more Manuel disasters do you need to see? Sure his meltdowns are less visually dramatic than Geno's but they're just as bad. When Geno melts down he turns the ball over. When EJ melts down he can't turn the ball over because the ball is in the 3rd row.

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Word out of Philly is that the Coach & Gm have fallen out of favor with there starting QB Nick Foles even before he injured his shoulder. Remember Chip Kelly didn't draft Nick Foles, he was inherited from the previous regime. Chip Kelly offense needs a mobile QB to truly run his spread offense.


The question is now what would it take to trade for Foles, who btw I think would fit perfectly in Buffalo. He's a big strong kid with a cannon arm. There was rumors before last yrs draft that Chip Kelly and the Eagles loved Ej Manual. I would offer Ej and a 3rd for Foles. If that's not enough I would strongly consider giving them our 2nd rounder instead of the 3rd but that's all.

I wouldn't be surprised this coming off-season to see this type of trade happen. This is win, win trade for both teams and is very realistic.


it's not a win for the eagles, we have Orton who can be serviceable until we get Connor Cook.

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I am a long time Bills fan but also an Eagles fan since I have now lived in the Philly area now since '99.


I attended 2 games here this year in Philly. A few things to know about the Eagles offense and Foles before he was hurt:


The O Line has been a mess due to injuries and suspensions. I dont have the stat but I think the starting 5 have only played 1 maybe 2 games together


In my view, Shady lost too much weight in the off season. He still has explosion, but its obvious he lost some of his power / strength so to speak


Foles has started a total of 24 games in his career


In the opener vs JAX then again vs STL, there was one issue that was so obvious, it stood out like a sore thumb. No Desean Jackson. Defenses have not been respecting the deep long ball or team speed. With that, defenses have also been keeping defenders closer to the LOS which affects Sahdy (See above)


All this said, i would take Foles in a heart beat. He is a good team mate, very smart, has a good pocket awareness and yes has a canon for an arm. The Bill still need to do something about Hackett as the OC however.

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This would be the biggest no Brainer in the history of trades.

EJ straight up for Foles? Done.

EJ and a 3rd for Foles? Done.

sign me up.


Nick Foles isnt very smart, he's inaccurate, he's a turnover machine, he's not good in crunch time and he has no mobility. I'm surprised so many fans here want Nick Foles. I think they look at those eye popping stats from 2013 and think that that's who Foles is when it was more a product of NFL teams not being familiar with Kelly's system. Now that NFL teams know the deal and they know Foles is a statue, his numbers have plummeted. His turnovers shot way up. His mistakes and misfires come with regularity. Not sure why people don't see that.


As for EJ Manuel, I'd rather keep him over Foles because I know that after seeing Foles' 28 games started, he isn't a true NFL starting QB, while I think that Manuel still has the potential to become one given his high ceiling potential. EJ's body of work is too small for anyone to come to a definitive conclusion on him. Having said that, I think chances are that Manuel will probably not be able to clear that high bar of the Bills needing a top 10 QB either. The Bills need to aim much hire than Foles when they sign or trade for a QB to compete with Manuel.

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It's not that hard to figure out, the Bills are in need of a starting QB, I don't see Brady or Peyton walking threw those doors on one Bills drive anytime soon. So the Foles and Cutlers & Bradfords of the world are the possible candidates or even to a lesser degree the Matt Moores or Sanchez. This is what were dealing with as Bills fans for nearly 14yrs. The Bills should of joined in on the suck for Luck sweepstakes. The Bills should of drafted A Rodgers , etc, etc. We heard it all on this site.


I'm tired of seeing teams build and rebuild right before our eyes as if we were stuck in mudd. Philly, KC, Det, Cleveland hey might as well say the NFL has passed us by multiple times in some instances while we've been on the road to mediocrity. I feel like we're stuck in a movie like ground hoggs day. Every other yr same sht , we need a QB we need a new coaching staff. Cmon man stop trying to act like this is rocket science it's Football. As Bills we've all been scared by these 14yrs to some degree. So all in all let us begin the recycling of we need this and that. Because that is what we have become. Bills fans!


You forgot to mention Russell Wilson.

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I think Foles would be an excellent quarterback for the Bills, but as so many others have mentioned, Hackett would figure ways to mess things up. Besides, no way Kelly gives up Foles and a 3rd rounder for EJ when he's seen exactly what EJ can (or can't) do now. He might have at once been in love with him, but I'm that love has faded.

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when the eagles beat a good team please let me know


What exactly did Foles do against the Colts.....on the road.......from behind......in the 4th quarter? The losses to AF and ARZ were very close games, Foles drove the Eagles down on the last drive with a chance to win each game

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Nick Foles isnt very smart, he's inaccurate, he's a turnover machine, he's not good in crunch time and he has no mobility. I'm surprised so many fans here want Nick Foles. I think they look at those eye popping stats from 2013 and think that that's who Foles is when it was more a product of NFL teams not being familiar with Kelly's system. Now that NFL teams know the deal and they know Foles is a statue, his numbers have plummeted. His turnovers shot way up. His mistakes and misfires come with regularity. Not sure why people don't see that.


As for EJ Manuel, I'd rather keep him over Foles because I know that after seeing Foles' 28 games started, he isn't a true NFL starting QB, while I think that Manuel still has the potential to become one given his high ceiling potential. EJ's body of work is too small for anyone to come to a definitive conclusion on him. Having said that, I think chances are that Manuel will probably not be able to clear that high bar of the Bills needing a top 10 QB either. The Bills need to aim much hire than Foles when they sign or trade for a QB to compete with Manuel.

I agree with some of what you're saying but the question is how and who do we aim higher for? We have no first round pk and free agency is not the answer when it comes to acquiring QB's.


I'm not saying Foles is the answer to our long time problem at QB. I see him as in my eyes as top 15-20 QB in the NFL right now. If we can add him in a trade for Ej & 2nd or 3rd rounder that's a steal.This trade in my opinion is not at all giving up the house. What it is though is a definite upgrade over anyone else that will probably be available this coming off-season. That includes Cutler & Eli because those guys salaries are way too high for there production. Cutler has 6yrs and 100mil left on his deal. Foles has 1yr left on his rookie deal which will allow us to be flexible when it comes to free agency.


Foles having one yr left on his deal is probably a big reason why Chip Kelly would entertain trading him. Given that Chip inherited Foles might mean he doesn't want to commit to him long term. Who really knows how Chip feels bout Ej maybe he feels like he hasn't been coached up correctly maybe he feels like he can fix him. For the pro Foles guys on this board we need Sanchez to keep playing well. If Sanchez wins a playoff gm or 2 this trade can definitely become available to us.


Btw we don't need a top 10 QB right now, we need a guy like Foles that can open the whole field up with his arm. With our top rated Defense and if we add a Te and a couple guards in the off-season. This team will be primed for a playoff run in 2015, Let's go Bills!

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