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The 7 7/8th Annual "Dinner's On Me, Smartass" Contest


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Do you find yourself cheering for a team that never makes the playoffs?


Are you taunted by all-knowing fans of the same team who insist you're too stupid to see what's wrong with a 3-minute 4th-quarter only-a-TD-wins-it drive that includes a ridiculously unlikely 4th-and-20 conversion and a toe-tapping touchdown with only one second left on the clock?


Are you challenged by fans who insist your enthusiasm be blown up because you refuse to lay a five-spot that your team will make the playoffs?


My friends, I have the answer for you. Nay, I have the solution to all that ails you.


For the first time in the storied and cherished history of online contests, please join The 7 7/8th Annual "Dinner's on Me, Smartass" Competition: In-season Homeless Shelter Edition.


For those unfamiliar with this contest, it was previously an annual event held right after the release of the NFL schedule in response to people here convinced they knew the outcome of the team's season based on a schedule released in April. It went for years until my introductory commentary offended someone and one of the mods opted to kill the contest. So let me warn you now, if you're so thin-skinned you require a reservoir tip, this contest isn't for you.


But if you desire to show just how smart of a fan you are and and want to feed some homeless people, here's your chance. What? You want to take food out of the mouths of the homeless? Of course you don't.


All you need to do to win this contest is accurately predict, right now, which games the Bills will win and lose for the remainder of this year. Just copy/paste the remaining Bills 2014 Schedule and post it in a reply to this thread. Next to each game, predict whether the Bills will win or lose. The only way to win is to guess all games precisely. If you choose correctly, I will donate $100, in your name, to a homeless shelter in your town to help those in need, up to $500 (that would be up to five winners...prioritized by the earliest time-stamped entries...so hurry!)


Next, the rules. Read them carefully:

  • All eligible participants must be registered posters of this board as of May 1, 2014 or earlier. Anyone new to the board after that date is not eligible.
  • You must be a legal resident of the United States to accept the prize.
  • Regardless of how many winners there are, there are only five $100 prizes, based on time-stamped entries, with the earliest five winning the contest.
  • Winners must pick all Bills wins/losses correctly. You do not receive anything for getting close. If you can't handle losing, you're welcome to sit in your room and cry while you're surrounded by a wall full of participation medals.
  • If you are a participant of this contest and at any time during this contest you are caught referring to anything related to the Patriots* without using the required asterisk, or if at any time during the season you are caught defending the Patriots* for their cheating ways, you are disqualified from the contest because there is plenty of room for fun, but no room for idiocy or laziness. They cheated. They get an asterisk. Don't like it? Invent your own freakin' contest;
  • This thread will initially remain open until midnight (Buffalo time) this Saturday, October 25th, 2014, at which time it will be closed and remain closed unless I feel like randomly opening it for whatever reason floats my boat.
  • Each eligible participant can only put in one entry. If you feel the need to cheat, fine. You have to live with yourself and outsmarting some dude who's just trying to have fun can be your private little accomplishment.
  • If, during the course of the competition, you are banned...welcome to the club.
  • Should making your picks lasts longer than four hours, see your doctor.
  • Non-bills fans and team-swapping whores ARE eligible to participate, but in order to qualify, you must make one joke -- good or bad -- about Tim Graham, because let's face it; there's no such thing as a bad Tim Graham joke.
  • I can change the rules to accommodate loopholes I may have overlooked, but the core of the contest remains true.

Week 8 - Bills @ Jets

Week 10 - KC @ Buff

Week 11 - Bills @ Fish

Week 12 - Jets @ Bills

Week 13 - Browns @ Bills

Week 14 - Bills @ Denver

Week 15 - Packers @ Bills

Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland

Week 17 - Bills at NE*
Edited by LABillzFan
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  • Replies 77
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Top Posters In This Topic

Week 8 - Bills @ Jets LOSS


Week 10 - KC @ Buff LOSS


Week 11 - Bills @ Fish LOSS


Week 12 - Jets @ Bills WIN


Week 13 - Browns @ Bills WIN


Week 14 - Bills @ Broncos LOSS


Week 15 - Packers @ Bills LOSS


Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland WIN


Week 17 - Bills at NE* LOSS

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Week 8 - Bills @ Jets Bills

Week 10 - KC @ Buff Bills

Week 11 - Bills @ Fish Fish

Week 12 - Jets @ Bills Bills

Week 13 - Browns @ Bills Browns

Week 15 - Packers @ Bills Packers

Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland Bills

Week 17 - Bills at NE* Pats*
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Although I'm offended that you made the cutoff time midnight (Buffalo time) this Saturday, rather than including other time zones like Glens Falls, I'll play.



Week 8 - Bills @ Jets - W

Week 10 - KC @ Buff - W

Week 11 - Bills @ Fish - W

Week 12 - Jets @ Bills - W

Week 13 - Browns @ Bills - W

Week 14 - Bills @ Broncos - L

Week 15 - Packers @ Bills - L

Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland - W

Week 17 - Bills at NE* - L
Edited by Gugny
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Week 8 - Bills @ Jets Bills

Week 10 - KC @ Buff Bills

Week 11 - Bills @ Fish Fish

Week 12 - Jets @ Bills Bills

Week 13 - Browns @ Bills Browns

Week 15 - Packers @ Bills Packers

Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland Bills

Week 17 - Bills at NE* Pats*


Don't forget to add in the Denver game that I omitted in the original post.

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Week 8 - Bills @ Jets WIN


Week 10 - KC @ Buff LOSS


Week 11 - Bills @ Fish WIN


Week 12 - Jets @ Bills WIN


Week 13 - Browns @ Bills LOSS


Week 14 - Bills @ Broncos LOSS


Week 15 - Packers @ Bills WIN


Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland LOSS


Week 17 - Bills at NE* WIN

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I'm not eligible, but I'll take a stab at it, anyway.


Week 8 - Bills @ Jets

Week 10 - KC @ Buff

Week 11 - Bills @ Fish

Week 12 - Jets @ Bills

Week 13 - Browns @ Bills

Week 14 - Bills @ Denver

Week 15 - Packers @ Bills

Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland

Week 17 - Bills at NE*
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Week 8 - Bills @ Jets WIN


Week 10 - KC @ Buff WIN


Week 11 - Bills @ Fish LOSS


Week 12 - Jets @ Bills WIN


Week 13 - Browns @ Bills WIN


Week 14 - Bills @ Broncos LOSS


Week 15 - Packers @ Bills WIN


Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland WIN


Week 17 - Bills at NE* LOSS

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Week 8 - Bills @ Jets - W

Week 10 - KC @ Buff - W

Week 11 - Bills @ Fish - L

Week 12 - Jets @ Bills - W

Week 13 - Browns @ Bills - W

Week 14 - Bills @ Denver - L

Week 15 - Packers @ Bills - L

Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland - W

Week 17 - Bills at NE* - W
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Week 8 - Bills @ Jets WIN

Week 10 - KC @ Buff WIN

Week 11 - Bills @ Fish WIN

Week 12 - Jets @ Bills WIN

Week 13 - Browns @ Bills WIN

Week 14 - Bills @ Denver LOSS

Week 15 - Packers @ Bills LOSS

Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland WIN

Week 17 - Bills at NE* LOSS
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Week 8 - Bills @ Jets LOSS

Week 10 - KC @ Buff WIN

Week 11 - Bills @ Fish LOSS

Week 12 - Jets @ Bills WIN

Week 13 - Browns @ Bills LOSS

Week 14 - Bills @ Denver LOSS

Week 15 - Packers @ Bills WIN

Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland WIN

Week 17 - Bills at NE* LOSS


Some of my choices don't make sense, the same way results look each year.
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Week 8 - Bills @ Jets Win

Week 10 - KC @ Buff Loss

Week 11 - Bills @ Fish Win

Week 12 - Jets @ Bills WIN

Week 13 - Browns @ Bills Win

Week 14 - Bills @ Denver LOSS

Week 15 - Packers @ Bills Loss

Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland WIN

Week 17 - Bills at NE* Win


Instead of the homeless thing can i order the surf and turf for myself ?




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Week 8 - Bills @ Jets WIN


Week 10 - KC @ Buff win


Week 11 - Bills @ Fish WIN


Week 12 - Jets @ Bills WIN


Week 13 - Browns @ Bills LOSS


Week 14 - Bills @ Broncos LOSS


Week 15 - Packers @ Bills loss


Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland win


Week 17 - Bills at NE* WIN

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