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The Walking Dead Return

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The Ralph might actually be a good spot to take up residence. They have all the new gating along the outside, you could always block off some of the tunnels or move up to the suites or upper deck, should be plenty of beer and food in storage...there still would be long lines at the bathrooms, but other than that, sounds good to me...GO BILLS!

Edited by ricojes
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Sharpen Axe, sharpen hedge trimmers (scissors type), shine up the aluminum bats (add some spikes)


all after gettin some of course


Don't put spikes on the bat. Too easy to get it stuck in a zombie, and be unable to pull it out.


Really, Michonne's probably the best armed of the bunch, since the curve of a katana is designed to slice with the blow, and stands the least chance of any edged weapon of getting stuck. Next-best is probably a parang or a kukri. A spiked bat would be about the worst possible weapon - a feeble crushing weapon with feeble penetrating power that you're likely to lose rather quickly. Skip the spikes, weight the barrel of the bat with lead (lead shot is excellent, if you can localize it at the end of the barrel, is the best bet) and have yourself a very effective crushing weapon.


Not that I've given this any thought or anything...

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Don't put spikes on the bat. Too easy to get it stuck in a zombie, and be unable to pull it out.


Really, Michonne's probably the best armed of the bunch, since the curve of a katana is designed to slice with the blow, and stands the least chance of any edged weapon of getting stuck. Next-best is probably a parang or a kukri. A spiked bat would be about the worst possible weapon - a feeble crushing weapon with feeble penetrating power that you're likely to lose rather quickly. Skip the spikes, weight the barrel of the bat with lead (lead shot is excellent, if you can localize it at the end of the barrel, is the best bet) and have yourself a very effective crushing weapon.


Not that I've given this any thought or anything...

It works in every episode on Z Nation !!! The humorous side to Zombies.

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Ok question....



Say you wake up tomorrow morning and you are in a zombie apocalypse, what is the first thing you do?


Where do you go, what do you do?



For me, I try and get to the closest Police station and take as many weapons as I could carry along with ammo, then raid a grocery store for as much canned and preserved food I can carry. Anything with a long shelf life then drive someplace that is remote with very little population.



Of course try and find an island someplace but that may be difficult





Guns and Ammo Check


Canned veggie and venison (I can my own) check


So I my first issue would be to board up doors and windows then re do my rain gutters to run into the house and collect the water.

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Man, when does Daryl ever get a break?


Was this an introduction to Negan's crew?


Was that voice on the radio at the end Glenn or a trap by the douche couple that stole Daryl's gear.


Sarge... hitting on Sasha! What will Rosita think?


Just how in the hell do they get back into the compound?

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Was that voice on the radio at the end Glenn or a trap by the douche couple that stole Daryl's gear.


That was my only question from the episode. Was there any sound other than Abe's response? I didn't hear anything.


And they must have something massive up their sleeves for the last two episodes. With the high pace they started the season with, they've backed off a ton since about episode 3. Couple that with how they gave away absolutely zero information in next week's previews, I get the feeling they're about to ramp the energy level right back up.

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That was my only question from the episode. Was there any sound other than Abe's response? I didn't hear anything.


And they must have something massive up their sleeves for the last two episodes. With the high pace they started the season with, they've backed off a ton since about episode 3. Couple that with how they gave away absolutely zero information in next week's previews, I get the feeling they're about to ramp the energy level right back up.

and leave us with a huge cliffhanger.

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That was my only question from the episode. Was there any sound other than Abe's response? I didn't hear anything.


And they must have something massive up their sleeves for the last two episodes. With the high pace they started the season with, they've backed off a ton since about episode 3. Couple that with how they gave away absolutely zero information in next week's previews, I get the feeling they're about to ramp the energy level right back up.


I hope so...I had a hard time staying awake during last night's episode.

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I hope so...I had a hard time staying awake during last night's episode.


I'm right there with you. Maybe it wouldn't be that way if the season hadn't started out the way it did, but right now it's not working so well.

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I'm torn from that last scene last night. I only remember them taking Daryl's crossbow and bike. I don't remember them getting his walkie talkie but I could've missed that. I'd have to rewatch to be sure but if they didn't take his walkie then one would have to assume it's Glenn right?

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random thoughts...


I would think the "help" message was from Glenn's radio, who's in possession of the radio is the big question. the call could have come from Alexandria as well though....that was probably the best part of the episode along with finding the missile launchers. But why was there a jeep on the roof?


I like how some zombies can just sleep and then wake up when someone is close. or the ones that sneak up on someone and start roaring uncontrollably after biting them from behind.


Whoever those people were (the saviors?), they are heavily armed and have vehicles, I wonder if they will track them back to the compound?


I think Daryl may still have his walkie talkie, they didn't ask for it and he had it pretty much the whole episode.


do the walls begin to give in the next episode, I think the Alexandria story line is all but over. time to move on...


2 episodes left until the break....

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I would think the "help" message was from Glenn's radio, who's in possession of the radio is the big question...that was probably the best part of the episode along with finding the missile launchers. But why was there a jeep on the roof?


I thought it was a bridge. :unsure:

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I did too. A bridge or overpass on a highway.

ok, must have been a bridge. that makes more sense, i was just typing away thinking about the episode, but it's just stupid that Abe would take a stroll when he was just ambushed...

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Was that voice on the radio at the end Glenn or a trap by the douche couple that stole Daryl's gear.

But if it was truly just the 2 of them, why would they want to draw anyone near them. My guess, if it was the "douche couple", is that they were captured by Negan and their plea to spare their lives was to draw Daryl and Co. to them. The Forrest guy did say, they have to trade things to stay alive or at least be sheltered in that group.

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But if it was truly just the 2 of them, why would they want to draw anyone near them. My guess, if it was the "douche couple", is that they were captured by Negan and their plea to spare their lives was to draw Daryl and Co. to them. The Forrest guy did say, they have to trade things to stay alive or at least be sheltered in that group.

My theory. And it's just because I hope Glenn is still alive is that they will use the truck and an RPG and do the same thing the couple talked about with starting the fire the zombies just walked in to. They're going to blast the truck to draw the zombies away from the dumpster to save Glenn.

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ok, must have been a bridge. that makes more sense, i was just typing away thinking about the episode, but it's just stupid that Abe would take a stroll when he was just ambushed...


There's a much better question about the humvee and the RPG. How did it last that long without already being claimed? That other group is in that immediately area and should have been all over that stuff already. I'm also kind of curious as to how that soldier got impaled, but we'll never learn that one.

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