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What is the point of playing Palmer?

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Zero downside, probably. But that doesn't jive with playing EJ.


BTW, the site seems to be screwy. If I read one thread, every other thread seems to be marked as read.

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Zero downside, probably. But that doesn't jive with playing EJ.


BTW, the site seems to be screwy. If I read one thread, every other thread seems to be marked as read.


Maybe the site is trying to tell you that if you've read one thread, you've read them all.

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that may be true but he looks more like a QB than ej every will. EJ plain sucks and should be cut. Start Palmer because he can only get better, ej is at his peak.


Just when you think you've seen the stupidest post on TSW, someone else steps up. Congratulations.


BTW, Orlosky sucked too, But Moore looked pretty good.

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You know what you have in Tuel. Garbage.


You think you know what you have in Palmer.


If he lights it up, against all odds, maybe you have something. If he plays like crap, which he did, and which is expected, you gauge the value of him as a player coach. From what Marrone said in the after game press conference, I think we have a new #2 that is not on the roster right now. I hope so.

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Sal just said on the postgame that he thinks the Bills may be looking to shop Tuel in a TRADE... so they were sitting him to make sure he didn't get hurt because that would hurt his... trade... value.

We should trade him for T. Jackson and, what the hell, throw in a 6th round draft pick for old times sake.

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that may be true but he looks more like a QB than ej every will. EJ plain sucks and should be cut. Start Palmer because he can only get better, ej is at his peak.

thank you. I really needed that laugh. Neither looked good but still... That was gold, jerry, gold.


Sal just said on the postgame that he thinks the Bills may be looking to shop Tuel in a TRADE... so they were sitting him to make sure he didn't get hurt because that would hurt his... trade... value.

er... Tuel + TJ for a KO specialist?
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The guy is in town for two days. How is it fair to let him play? How can you possibly assess his play with no preparation? Stupid move. Could this preseason have gone any worse?


This was Matt Leinert V2. Served no purpose other than turn the fanbase on him and add to the already ample misgivings about this team.


Just when you think you've seen the stupidest post on TSW, someone else steps up. Congratulations.


BTW, Orlosky sucked too, But Moore looked pretty good.


That's the thing, isn't it? We aren't supposed to worry because it's all vanilla. But Moore steps in and plays great. So what do you make of that?

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