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Tony Stewart hits, kills Kevin Ward,Jr. at Canandaigua Motorsports Par


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"The father of the driver run over and killed by Tony Stewart told The Syracuse Post-Standard that “there’s no reason for the crash that led to his son’s death“


Wards father can't be this dumb, can he?


People ask me, "Do you believe everything happens for a reason?"


I usually answer, "Are you asking if I believe in cause and effect?"


Cut the man a break. His son just died and I'm sure it seems so senseless. At least he didn't say "Tony Stewart killed my son!"

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But saying ts was possibly out of line is baseless and making things up and unfairly asserting what was in his head

Father makes a good corrective point in that wards suit was part orange and had reflective stripes that every other driver seems to have seen; I.e. its not the pure black suit that's been reported.


Getting personal too with the family:


Kevin's aunt, Wendi Ward, lashed out at Stewart on Facebook.


"I feel numb, I look into the eyes of family and see a deep hurt that should not be there, my heart has pounded out of my chest for hours," Ward wrote. "thanks for thinking of our family tony Stewart when you decided to be a dxxK!"

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Holy Moly... What's this world coming to when we can't find the nerve to blame the crazy guy road raging on foot playing chicken with a racecar? Ward didn't belong anywhere near that car or on that track. If anybody ever does that again, and lives, they should be banned from racing forever.


See what you put your family and Tony through Kevin!


I know Kevin Ward Jr. was a "good guy" and deserves to be honored and eulogized... But he made a critical split second mistake that took his life. I am truly sorry and feel for the family. The burden is on Ward, not Stewart to steer somehow amazing away from a crazed guy seeking out a moving racecar on foot, in the middle of a the race track! It is no different as with the parents falling off the cliff in Portugal. They all wanted their story to be heard so desparately that they failed @ self-preservation.


Tony Stewart wasn't the one being d*ck... I know we aren't supposed to be disrepsectful of the dead and speak badly. I truly apologize if this comes off wrong. I am not sure I could man up to the facts if I had a child or family member go this way. I pray to my God that he would help accept the truth.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Holy Moly... What's this world coming to when we can't find the nerve to blame the crazy guy road raging on foot playing chicken with a racecar? Ward didn't belong anywhere near that car or on that track. If anybody ever does that again, and lives, they should be banned from racing forever.


See what you put your family and Tony through Kevin!


I know Kevin Ward Jr. was a "good guy" and deserves to be honored and eulogized... But he made a critical split second mistake that took his life. I am truly sorry and feel for the family. The burden is on Ward, not Stewart to steer somehow amazing away from a crazed guy seeking out a moving racecar on foot, in the middle of a the race track! It is no different as with the parents falling off the cliff in Portugal. They all wanted their story to be heard so desparately that they failed @ self-preservation.


Tony Stewart wasn't the one being d*ck... I know we aren't supposed to be disrepsectful of the dead and speak badly. I truly apologize if this comes off wrong. I am not sure I could man up to the facts if I had a child or family member go this way. I pray to my God that he would help accept the truth.

you keep implying that ward's presence on the track is the decisive factor working against the plaintiff. it's unlikely to matter as again it all comes down to Stewart's intent: for example, if someone is crossing a street against a red light, that does not give drivers a carte blanche to intently run them over, or purposely drive toward them in a reckless manner

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Holy Moly... What's this world coming to when we can't find the nerve to blame the crazy guy road raging on foot playing chicken with a racecar? Ward didn't belong anywhere near that car or on that track. If anybody ever does that again, and lives, they should be banned from racing forever.


See what you put your family and Tony through Kevin!


I know Kevin Ward Jr. was a "good guy" and deserves to be honored and eulogized... But he made a critical split second mistake that took his life. I am truly sorry and feel for the family. The burden is on Ward, not Stewart to steer somehow amazing away from a crazed guy seeking out a moving racecar on foot, in the middle of a the race track! It is no different as with the parents falling off the cliff in Portugal. They all wanted their story to be heard so desparately that they failed @ self-preservation.


Tony Stewart wasn't the one being d*ck... I know we aren't supposed to be disrepsectful of the dead and speak badly. I truly apologize if this comes off wrong. I am not sure I could man up to the facts if I had a child or family member go this way. I pray to my God that he would help accept the truth.



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"The father of the driver run over and killed by Tony Stewart told The Syracuse Post-Standard that “there’s no reason for the crash that led to his son’s death“


Wards father can't be this dumb, can he?


Most of the article was about Kevin's life and it sounds like he was a great kid. This was obviously a tragic loss for the family. It is impossible for the dad to remove emotion. How could anyone? He clearly blames Stewart......"10 years in jail", but he did not even see the incident. He does blame TS for the initial incident. To imply he is using this article to set up a lawsuit is folly. He was mostly just talking about his kid.

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But, where exactly did I say anything is "true" regarding a statement I heard?


Right here:


. Since Stewart never even knew he (ward) hit the wall or why the flag was out previous to hitting him.


As for those who say Ward was poorly visible in his "black suit, in poor lighting", here is what another driver on the same track at the same time said:


“I drove right by him,” Kinney told NBC News in a phone interview Monday. “He looked a little bit angry. I didn’t think much of it. A lot of drivers do that.”


“I seen Kevin clear as day. Nobody else ran into him, either.”


“That’s obviously not a racing incident,” he said. “It’s not a good idea to get out of your car and run towards other cars. But nobody can speak for Tony. Only Tony knows exactly what happened.”





I like very fast street cars, or hyper cars as they are sometimes referred to now. that's my interest here.



Is that why the guys in your car club call you The Cruiser?



At least he didn't say "Tony Stewart killed my son!"


Why would he need to?

Edited by Mr. WEO
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if someone is crossing a street against a red light, that does not give drivers a carte blanche to intently run them over, or purposely drive toward them in a reckless manner


****. I've been doing it wrong all this time?

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Right here:




As for those who say Ward was poorly visible in his "black suit, in poor lighting", here is what another driver on the same track at the same time said:









Is that why the guys in your car club call you The Cruiser?





Why would he need to?

With your ego, just how do you fit your head through a door boss? i will probably get in trouble with copyright infringement here but you are an idiot. Please keep us enlightened,and up to date on your "revving" investigation, it is simply spellbinding.
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for example, if someone is crossing a street against a red light, that does not give drivers a carte blanche to intently run them over, or purposely drive toward them in a reckless manner


In NY, yes. If there is no crosswalk, traffic does not have to stop for a pedestrian trying to get across the road.

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In NY, yes. If there is no crosswalk, traffic does not have to stop for a pedestrian trying to get across the road.

similar to NC and OH


And its amazing how many people do not get it. They think they have the right of way and that's foolish when talking about a moving multi-ton vehicle.


In the country several times a year people are struck and killed without the driver being called because they were negilgent in their own death

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With your ego, just how do you fit your head through a door boss? i will probably get in trouble with copyright infringement here but you are an idiot. Please keep us enlightened,and up to date on your "revving" investigation, it is simply spellbinding.


Come on! I provided an actual quote from a real person. That makes me an idiot?


My investigation? That's the best part of your post! Yes, I am running the ongoing investigation into this accident. I am particularly interested in what other drivers saw (see the above quote from my interview with another driver present), also, I'm looking into the speed at which Stewart was driving relative to others under caution (http://online.wsj.com/articles/whats-next-for-tony-stewart-1407778766), and why he revved his engine (universally reported).


Great stuff! Keep us entertained!

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you keep implying that ward's presence on the track is the decisive factor working against the plaintiff. it's unlikely to matter as again it all comes down to Stewart's intent: for example, if someone is crossing a street against a red light, that does not give drivers a carte blanche to intently run them over, or purposely drive toward them in a reckless manner


The racetrack IS Stewart's and the other drivers THAT ARE IN THEIR VEHICLES as they signed in their racing agreements. You can't apply the street to this matter under any circumstances. Those racers are out there to race, not deal w/road raged, crazed people. NOW, like Dean said, if Ward bumped his head and was out of it, I truly apologize for slamming his actions, but do NOT apoligize for the position I take on this matter. Drivers do have Carte Blanche to see that their safety comes first. Would you be happier if Tony Stewart cashed and t-boned into another car killing him or another driver? Would you be happier if TS swerved to avoid Ward, crashing, and his car burst into flames? You are making a lot of assumptions here about what was in Tony's head... Why can't I? You have no right to imply that Stewart was doing anything wrong BUT RACING (even under caution). It is totally unfair and unjust to try and get into Tony's head because of his past behavior. It is wrong and disrespectful has ZERO bearing on this horrible situation. The burden lies on Kevin Ward Jr. plain and simple just like the parents in Portugal that went past a fence and fell off a cliff. Ward broke the agreement he signed NOT to leave his vehicle in a non-fiery crash. How the hell do you eulogize that? The best way you can by not calling other people a d*ck. I understand the family needs to vent and grieve their loss... But do it classier, they are resorting to what Ward did on the track. They want everybody else to stay classy? The apple didn't seem to fall too far from the tree with the aunt. IMO, the aunt went far in breaking the detante about both acting classy! Yeah, take it to Facebook auntie... That's real smart.


Ward was venting, let road rage overcome him, and acting like a total fool.... I am sorry to the family. Honor him the best way you can and stop trying to blame Stewart, drag him through the mud, for their family member's lack of self-preservation. Not everything has an answer to why things in life happen the way they do. It really is THAT simple. I am sorry for the living and what their family member is putting them through. I do feel bad seeing he was a 20 year old, he only had one crack @ stupidity and he bought the farm. BUT, that's where somebody else should have intervened in the past. This couldn't have been the first time he ignored rules and made egregious saftey choices? Life seemed really unfair for Ward to go @ 20 after ONLY one majorly stupid mistake. Some people get nine lives or more in these situations, but usually it is because some sort of self-preservation kicks in @ the very last second. I can count on my hand (I am being modest) how many times I did something that wasn't too smart. I know that is hard to believe about me... But DCTom & others wouldn't be shocked about me making this statement. ;-) ;-) Somehow, the good Lord guided me through those momentary lapses in reason/judgement. I am very thankful and try to learn from those situations. Age, unlike what was afforded to Ward, makes people wiser. I am truly sorry that Ward didn't have more years to learn certain lessons. That's what I am most sorry about and blaming/questioning Tony Stewart has no part in that equation. Life is simply unfair @ times. Don't make it more unfair. Especially the aunt, please don't emabarass the family and stoop to what Kevin was attempting to do. Learn from the mistakes made.


Sorry to vent/rant here. But, just be tahnkful I am doing it from the safety of my own house!







In NY, yes. If there is no crosswalk, traffic does not have to stop for a pedestrian trying to get across the road.


That's why jaywalking is a ticket. Just imagine if everybody played a game of chicken like Ward was doing?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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The racetrack IS Stewart's and the other drivers THAT ARE IN THEIR VEHICLES as they signed in their racing agreements. You can't apply the street to this matter under any circumstances. Those racers are out there to race, not deal w/road raged, crazed people. NOW, like Dean said, if Ward bumped his head and was out of it, I truly apologize for slamming his actions, but do NOT apoligize for the position I take on this matter. Drivers do have Carte Blanche to see that their safety comes first. Would you be happier if Tony Stewart cashed and t-boned into another car killing him or another driver? Would you be happier if TS swerved to avoid Ward, crashing, and his car burst into flames? You are making a lot of assumptions here about what was in Tony's head... Why can't I? You have no right to imply that Stewart was doing anything wrong BUT RACING (even under caution). It is totally unfair and unjust to try and get into Tony's head because of his past behavior. It is wrong and disrespectful has ZERO bearing on this horrible situation. The burden lies on Kevin Ward Jr. plain and simple just like the parents in Portugal that went past a fence and fell off a cliff. Ward broke the agreement he signed NOT to leave his vehicle in a non-fiery crash. How the hell do you eulogize that? The best way you can by not calling other people a d*ck. I understand the family needs to vent and grieve their loss... But do it classier, they are resorting to what Ward did on the track. They want everybody else to stay classy? The apple didn't seem to fall too far from the tree with the aunt. IMO, the aunt went far in breaking the detante about both acting classy! Yeah, take it to Facebook auntie... That's real smart.


Ward was venting, let road rage overcome him, and acting like a total fool.... I am sorry to the family. Honor him the best way you can and stop trying to blame Stewart, drag him through the mud, for their family member's lack of self-preservation. Not everything has an answer to why things in life happen the way they do. It really is THAT simple. I am sorry for the living and what their family member is putting them through. I do feel bad seeing he was a 20 year old, he only had one crack @ stupidity and he bought the farm. BUT, that's where somebody else should have intervened in the past. This couldn't have been the first time he ignored rules and made egregious saftey choices? Life seemed really unfair for Ward to go @ 20 after ONLY one majorly stupid mistake. Some people get nine lives or more in these situations, but usually it is because some sort of self-preservation kicks in @ the very last second. I can count on my hand (I am being modest) how many times I did something that wasn't too smart. I know that is hard to believe about me... But DCTom & others wouldn't be shocked about me making this statement. ;-) ;-) Somehow, the good Lord guided me through those momentary lapses in reason/judgement. I am very thankful and try to learn from those situations. Age, unlike what was afforded to Ward, makes people wiser. I am truly sorry that Ward didn't have more years to learn certain lessons. That's what I am most sorry about and blaming/questioning Tony Stewart has no part in that equation. Life is simply unfair @ times. Don't make it more unfair. Especially the aunt, please don't emabarass the family and stoop to what Kevin was attempting to do. Learn from the mistakes made.


Sorry to vent/rant here. But, just be tahnkful I am doing it from the safety of my own house!







That's why jaywalking is a ticket. Just imagine if everybody played a game of chicken like Ward was doing?


Reading some of the posts in this thread I begin to wonder about the human race, your post(s) give me some comfort that we are not completely doomed.

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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The racetrack IS Stewart's and the other drivers THAT ARE IN THEIR VEHICLES as they signed in their racing agreements. You can't apply the street to this matter under any circumstances. Those racers are out there to race, not deal w/road raged, crazed people. NOW, like Dean said, if Ward bumped his head and was out of it, I truly apologize for slamming his actions, but do NOT apoligize for the position I take on this matter. Drivers do have Carte Blanche to see that their safety comes first. Would you be happier if Tony Stewart cashed and t-boned into another car killing him or another driver? Would you be happier if TS swerved to avoid Ward, crashing, and his car burst into flames? You are making a lot of assumptions here about what was in Tony's head... Why can't I? You have no right to imply that Stewart was doing anything wrong BUT RACING (even under caution). It is totally unfair and unjust to try and get into Tony's head because of his past behavior. It is wrong and disrespectful has ZERO bearing on this horrible situation. The burden lies on Kevin Ward Jr. plain and simple just like the parents in Portugal that went past a fence and fell off a cliff. Ward broke the agreement he signed NOT to leave his vehicle in a non-fiery crash. How the hell do you eulogize that? The best way you can by not calling other people a d*ck. I understand the family needs to vent and grieve their loss... But do it classier, they are resorting to what Ward did on the track. They want everybody else to stay classy? The apple didn't seem to fall too far from the tree with the aunt. IMO, the aunt went far in breaking the detante about both acting classy! Yeah, take it to Facebook auntie... That's real smart.


Ward was venting, let road rage overcome him, and acting like a total fool.... I am sorry to the family. Honor him the best way you can and stop trying to blame Stewart, drag him through the mud, for their family member's lack of self-preservation. Not everything has an answer to why things in life happen the way they do. It really is THAT simple. I am sorry for the living and what their family member is putting them through. I do feel bad seeing he was a 20 year old, he only had one crack @ stupidity and he bought the farm. BUT, that's where somebody else should have intervened in the past. This couldn't have been the first time he ignored rules and made egregious saftey choices? Life seemed really unfair for Ward to go @ 20 after ONLY one majorly stupid mistake. Some people get nine lives or more in these situations, but usually it is because some sort of self-preservation kicks in @ the very last second. I can count on my hand (I am being modest) how many times I did something that wasn't too smart. I know that is hard to believe about me... But DCTom & others wouldn't be shocked about me making this statement. ;-) ;-) Somehow, the good Lord guided me through those momentary lapses in reason/judgement. I am very thankful and try to learn from those situations. Age, unlike what was afforded to Ward, makes people wiser. I am truly sorry that Ward didn't have more years to learn certain lessons. That's what I am most sorry about and blaming/questioning Tony Stewart has no part in that equation. Life is simply unfair @ times. Don't make it more unfair. Especially the aunt, please don't emabarass the family and stoop to what Kevin was attempting to do. Learn from the mistakes made.


EII laying the hammer! Spot on here.


Hopefully the next kid watching this will learn that lesson.

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EII laying the hammer! Spot on here.


Hopefully the next kid watching this will learn that lesson.


Hopefully every race car driver or driver of a motor vehicle will watch and learn. It's truly a heartbreaking and avoidable scenario, and arguing for the sake of arguing is beyond disgusting.


Nobody knows what happened other than a man, in an unsafe manner, exited his race car to confront another driver and was struck and killed. Intent or not on all parties involved MANY lives have been ruined, and one life lost.


Mods, please lock this thread.

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Reading some of the posts in this thread I begin to wonder about the human race, your post(s) give me some comfort that we are not completely doomed.


You must have been quite comforted by this:



I do feel bad seeing he was a 20 year old, he only had one crack @ stupidity and he bought the farm. BUT, that's where somebody else should have intervened in the past. This couldn't have been the first time he ignored rules and made egregious saftey choices?


See what you put your family and Tony through Kevin!


Tony Stewart wasn't the one being d*ck...


The kid is dead, cry for him, eulogize him (the best they can), bury him and move on.


How many times in your life that you made stupid judgement calls like Ward did and almost bite it? For me that's what this argument boils down to.


Its like a manager in baseball going out to argue a call. Okay, not just A MANAGER arguing a call, but Earl Weaver! The probabilty that he is going to touch the ump is almost one! Even if the ump tries to lean away and they graze each other. @ least Weaver learned to turn his cap backwards being that it wasn't a life and death situation.


Doesn't matter what Tony Stweart does... He's there to race and gun it!



IMO, the best defense is the best offense... That's what TS was doing... That's what makes him great driver. You don't get wins driving defensively.


Step into a 103 mph fastball with your head. You may change your opinion.


That's basically what Ward did.


This is like jumping in the water and then blaming the water for getting you wet or even worse: Drowning


Is this a Darwin Award finalist?


Bury the kid and be done with it, learn from it. Simple.




The rest of humanity weeps....

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