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I hate Jeff Tuel; Not really hate, but you know what I mean

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This is the entire problem in a nutshell: The problem is not with Tuel in practice. He will shine in practice. He throws a decent ball and makes decent quick decisions. He will look good in practice just like Trent Edwards in practice. In practice, your size doesn't hurt you, you don't really face the rush, it is all at 50-75% speed and pressure.


The problem is that Tuel is not overly big or strong or fast or mobile. He's decent at all of those things. What does that mean? He will get hit a lot and hurt a lot like he did in college. In practice, there is no pressure on you to really perform. It's something that cannot be taught. Tuel doesn't seem to be able to handle that pressure. He didn't do it in college, he didn't come through and win games even though his team sucked, he didn't elevate those around him or inspire his teammates.


And that is the way he looked last preseason and last regular season, and even if he has improved a little, which is very good to see, there is no reason for me to believe that he will be able to play at a high quality in the NFL regular season. He doesn't do anything very well. He's not huge, he doesn't have a cannon, he cannot scramble or run all that great, he's not brilliant, he's not an amazing field general, he isn't a play a lousy game but hit the big play just when we need it guy, he isn't an "all he does in win" guy (in fact, the polar opposite).


He's not anything except a JAG.


He's a prototypical 3rd string QB, just like Thad (who disappoints even in that regard)

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"You herd it here last" Thank You for the encouraging words. I think I might of mis-led you & some other posters, so I'll try to clarify.

I'm not comparing the legacy or the career of Joe Montana to Jeff Tuel. I was "only" comparing (their arm strength) and

(their composure) I thought I portrayed the topic and the message clearly, but if I didn't then I do apologize for the mis-reads I might of caused.


Their arm strength and their composure, in my opinion, is a mirror image of each other. We already know what Joe did with his opportunities. What Jeff does with his own opportunities is entirely up to him and It has nothing to do with me or any other fan for that matter. Comparing any of their other achievements or goals was never my intention at all.


I like Tuel and his humble approach of trying to earn a role with this team instead of the instant entitlement that is heaped upon other players without earning it. Favoritism is not a reward nor is it an entitlement. Once again, just my opinion.


This exact topic is why I love MX so much, because nobody sits the bench. There is no favoritism and there is no entitlement regardless of your age or talent level. Everybody gets to compete every weekend. You have to earn the win.

And when I race, and believe it or not I still do, I'm the one wearing the old Bills Jersey and I'm so damm proud of it.


Thanks for listening; Lou

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This is the entire problem in a nutshell: The problem is not with Tuel in practice. He will shine in practice. He throws a decent ball and makes decent quick decisions. He will look good in practice just like Trent Edwards in practice. In practice, your size doesn't hurt you, you don't really face the rush, it is all at 50-75% speed and pressure.


The problem is that Tuel is not overly big or strong or fast or mobile. He's decent at all of those things. What does that mean? He will get hit a lot and hurt a lot like he did in college. In practice, there is no pressure on you to really perform. It's something that cannot be taught. Tuel doesn't seem to be able to handle that pressure. He didn't do it in college, he didn't come through and win games even though his team sucked, he didn't elevate those around him or inspire his teammates.


And that is the way he looked last preseason and last regular season, and even if he has improved a little, which is very good to see, there is no reason for me to believe that he will be able to play at a high quality in the NFL regular season. He doesn't do anything very well. He's not huge, he doesn't have a cannon, he cannot scramble or run all that great, he's not brilliant, he's not an amazing field general, he isn't a play a lousy game but hit the big play just when we need it guy, he isn't an "all he does in win" guy (in fact, the polar opposite).


He's not anything except a JAG.


I hear ya and agree with some of your points. But, for the same reason you can't definitively say EJ will be great (or suck) YET...you also can't make these definitive statements about Tuel (i.e. doesn't inspire his teammates, can't handle pressure). I mean c'mon, these QB's are still newbies. We don't really know what they're gonna be yet. Heck, I've compared EJ to a poor mans Jason Campbell. Probably totally unfair to Jason Campbell, ha ha.

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I hear ya and agree with some of your points. But, for the same reason you can't definitively say EJ will be great (or suck) YET...you also can't make these definitive statements about Tuel (i.e. doesn't inspire his teammates, can't handle pressure). I mean c'mon, these QB's are still newbies. We don't really know what they're gonna be yet. Heck, I've compared EJ to a poor mans Jason Campbell. Probably totally unfair to Jason Campbell, ha ha.

You don't know with EJ either but he was a highly recruited HS star, won four bowl games and was a #1 draft choice. Tuel was benched as a senior, won 4 games in his life, and wasn't drafted for a reason.


We don't know about either of them. EJ, to me, has a 50-50 chance. Tuel has a 1.5% chance.

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You're not saying anything that many of us haven't quietly been thinking. I think the best analysis thus far is wishing we could combine EJ's physical tools with Tuel's feel for the game and confidence/demeanor. I'm pinning my hopes on EJ but seriously concerned with his progress. This is supposed to be the year that we go from "hoping" EJ is a franchise QB to he "IS" a franchise QB. If Tuel's progression this summer surpasses EJ then we have ourselves a problem.


I disagree.


If it happens, then EJ has himself a problem. "We" should only care that the best qb plays. Even if, on a scale of 1-10, Tuel is a 6 and EJ is 5, we still want the 6 to play.


So, if Tuel ends up as the best QB, so be it. Whaley isnt getting fired by new ownership no matter what; he's too good. So other than EJ, who else would have a problem? Maybe Marrone, for being put on the spot when its time to admit Tuel is better (IF it happens. IF).

Edited by maddenboy
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So why is it that EJ is Practicing against the

Same players Tuel is and I never once heard

This entire camp that EJ had a out standing

Practice and that he was far and away the best QB that day. How is it that are first round Draft

Pick is regressing and not showing progress

And Tuel is accelerating his progress to the point

Of reporters and fans and saying pretty much

Each day that Tuel is out performing EJ.

On GR-55 today Bullgog made that exact point

I just made. Look I like EJ but he is not

Getting it done. He better step up his game

Or he will be replaced by Tuel or the bills will trade for a QB or sign Orton


Yes Houston we have a problem


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The problem is that Tuel is not overly big or strong or fast or mobile. He's decent at all of those things. What does that mean? He will get hit a lot and hurt a lot like he did in college.


There are plenty of NFL QBs who aren't physical freaks and also not injury prone. In fact some of the fastest ones have had the most trouble with injury


In practice, there is no pressure on you to really perform. It's something that cannot be taught. Tuel doesn't seem to be able to handle that pressure. He didn't do it in college, he didn't come through and win games even though his team sucked


Tuels last college game, upsetting Washington, is an example of exactly that. You are right he didn't do that consistently, but the degree that they sucked is important to look at. Also, most agree he is improving and confidence can come from that

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"You herd it here last" Thank You for the encouraging words. I think I might of mis-led you & some other posters, so I'll try to clarify.

I'm not comparing the legacy or the career of Joe Montana to Jeff Tuel. I was "only" comparing (their arm strength) and

(their composure) I thought I portrayed the topic and the message clearly, but if I didn't then I do apologize for the mis-reads I might of caused.


Their arm strength and their composure, in my opinion, is a mirror image of each other. We already know what Joe did with his opportunities. What Jeff does with his own opportunities is entirely up to him and It has nothing to do with me or any other fan for that matter. Comparing any of their other achievements or goals was never my intention at all.


I like Tuel and his humble approach of trying to earn a role with this team instead of the instant entitlement that is heaped upon other players without earning it. Favoritism is not a reward nor is it an entitlement. Once again, just my opinion.


This exact topic is why I love MX so much, because nobody sits the bench. There is no favoritism and there is no entitlement regardless of your age or talent level. Everybody gets to compete every weekend. You have to earn the win.

And when I race, and believe it or not I still do, I'm the one wearing the old Bills Jersey and I'm so damm proud of it.


Thanks for listening; Lou

hes had opportunities. He looked bad in Cleveland and lost in kc.

What has he done to deserve so much praise. The td he threw Sunday eas a 2 yard slant that the db defended horribly. Im not trying to deny the td credit. Im trying to figure out if that pass is the reason for all the extra extra happening. How come none of the tuel supporters mention the 2 bad throws at the end or the sacks. Its like he had a perfect game? He didn't.


If the guy throws 3 tds and ej throws 3 ints, then we have a conversation. Up till now ej needs to stay healthy. Thats about it.

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I disagree.


If it happens, then EJ has himself a problem. "We" should only care that the best qb plays. Even if, on a scale of 1-10, Tuel is a 6 and EJ is 5, we still want the 6 to play.


So, if Tuel ends up as the best QB, so be it. Whaley isnt getting fired by new ownership no matter what; he's too good. So other than EJ, who else would have a problem? Maybe Marrone, for being put on the spot when its time to admit Tuel is better (IF it happens. IF).

Who wiffed om his first round pick of his first draft, according to the Tuel supporters. Even though EJ only played 10 games as a rookie, and missed valuable training. They are probably the ones who thought Kelly should have been benched for Frank R back in the day. If Tuel outperforms EJ they should start him. I just dont see him as a better player. I am not even sure he has surpassed Thadius. We have played 1 of 5 practice games. People need to chill for another 3 weeks! Edited by snamsnoops
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hes had opportunities. He looked bad in Cleveland and lost in kc.

What has he done to deserve so much praise. The td he threw Sunday eas a 2 yard slant that the db defended horribly. Im not trying to deny the td credit. Im trying to figure out if that pass is the reason for all the extra extra happening. How come none of the tuel supporters mention the 2 bad throws at the end or the sacks. Its like he had a perfect game? He didn't.


If the guy throws 3 tds and ej throws 3 ints, then we have a conversation. Up till now ej needs to stay healthy. Thats about it.


Not sure who this is directed to, but I am pretty high on tuel. I understand that he has his pros and cons. I also understand that we will be better off if EJ develops into the man and tuel into a competent backup. Not sure what's so controversial about that?

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You EJ supporters just don't get it.

And you can count me as a supporter of EJ

EJ does not look like he knows how to

Play QB. He waits for people to get open

Before he throws the ball. To survive in the NFL

As a QB you have to throw the ball into

Tight spaces and throw the ball when your receiver is not quite open and he is about

To go into his move or cut.

You see as a NFL QB you not only have to

Do what I just said but you need to check down

To 3 other options in rapid succession . It's a lot to know and do in a very short amount of time.

The good QB's knows how to do this.

So with that being said it appears Tuel knows how

To this and shows he can do it on the field.

You just can't talk about it, you have to show us.

It appears to me that EJ has a problem

He has the tools and the arm and knows all

The plays. But he just can't process it quick enough and he does not like to take chances.

So what you get is a disjointed effort.

EJ won't throw the ball unless the receiver has made his cut and is now open. So if the first read is not open he dumps it to a back.


This is no way to play QB in the NFL

It may be because of this slow eyes

Process. I'm not sure what else to say


When you look at EJ he is the prototype

QB almost 6 foot 5 he's. 245 pounds

Has a great arm. He a outstanding human

Community guy. Does extra work in the off

Season. He knows the playbook inside

And out. He's great with the media.

He got it all. But it appears you can have

All that but it won't get you to be a good or great

QB unless you can process the info quickly

Like under 2 seconds and then pull the trigger

So I'm not sure what the Bills or EJ can do about

That. Can you get him to start processing

4 receivers doing 4 different patterns at the same time and have EJ recognize who is the right guy

To throw to and then have him throw the ball

Before the receiver makes his cut.


It really comes down to this process that separates mediocre QB play vs a QB

That can do what I just described.


It appears Tuel can do what I described

Above and EJ can't at this point.

I really wish EJ could because I love the guy.


But I love the Bills more.


Is it any wonder for the first time at

Camp yesterday that

EJ and Tuel split first team reps


Tuel does not play QB like EJ.

Tuel makes the proper check downs.

Dumps it to a back as a last resort.


He throws the ball into tighter spaces

And throws the ball before his receivers

Make there cut.


I know it's hard to believe that a Undrafted

Free agent QB like Tuel could be a better QB

But it's happening because Tuel is able to process what is happening In front of him in

A quick manner and then pull the trigger

To me he has the QB Mind of a Marino

Warner, Kelly, Moon.


The good ones have this trait

I'm not saying Tuel will be those QB's

But he does seem to know what you

Have to do as a pro QB.


This is a guy that had no o-line in college

And a very poor team in front of him.

yet he was able to overcome not having

Time to throw the ball. He still managed

To break most of Drew Bledsoe's records.


I would love EJ to get going.


Please EJ show us something any thing

To give us bills fans hope.



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Man i hope so.


As I said the Bills need to play the best QB on the team that can help them will games and at this point I don't care if it is EJ or Tuel.


^^^THIS!!!!! By an overwhelming quadrillion!! If EJ is the QB of the future, awesome, the BILLS have found a bonafide QB to lead them into the Playoffs...if not, and Tuel is the guy based on performance and not name or Draft status, then awesome the BILLS have unearthed a bonafide QB to lead them into the Playoffs...at this point, given the state of the Franchise and how this team has talent and some depth at nearly every position, the QB issue IS the issue that will determine how this team does in 2014. So, let the actual best Man/QB win!

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The Bills need to take this year to see if EJ is the QB, if not go draft another next year. Keep drafting the most important position until one falls into your lap.


And people, stop talking bad about Tuel. The kid seems to be doing just fine as a player who came out of nowhere, is learning the game, is showing improvement from last year to this year. He Seems pretty confident in training camp and in Preseason games. He just needs some playing time which he hasnt gotten much of.


He has 1.5 NFL games and most of you want to crucify him. He made Thad look like a CFL QB on Sunday. He made EJ look like a backup.


I hope EJ has an outstanding year, but I wouldnt have a problem putting in Tuel in and seeing what he can do with 5-6 consecutive games under his belt.




Still cant believe after 14 years of losing, we never got a first overall pick. We should be with LUCK, but oh no,, we always pick in the bottom 10!

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but I wouldnt have a problem putting in Tuel in and seeing what he can do with 5-6 consecutive games under his belt.



i think this is the part that most of us hate more than Tuel. the kid might develop into an ok backup - why would we start him for a month and a half to figure that out though? you have better odds at the lotto than him developing into a top 15 starter. Thats not to say its impossible but.....

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i think this is the part that most of us hate more than Tuel. the kid might develop into an ok backup - why would we start him for a month and a half to figure that out though? you have better odds at the lotto than him developing into a top 15 starter. Thats not to say its impossible but.....


I wrote that you give time to EJ this year.


My point is that Tuel is outplaying EJ in Preseason, he seems to be developing nicely. How can one rate him a backup after 1.5 games?


WHAT DO THE BILLS HAVE IN TUEL??? Either let him play, or let him go. Screw backup....Backups can be found everywhere.

Edited by PO'14
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i think this is the part that most of us hate more than Tuel. the kid might develop into an ok backup - why would we start him for a month and a half to figure that out though? you have better odds at the lotto than him developing into a top 15 starter. Thats not to say its impossible but.....


It falls back to that saying again, the backup QB is the best player on the team. And fans will always come back and say but, but, but, but he looked good in these plays. I'd like to know how many times in the NFL, the backup QB has actually been better than the starter. I'm not talking Rogers backing up Favre because Rogers was drafted to replace Favre, I'm talking actually backup.

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