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Sherman Can't Cover Reed...Says Reed


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one of my favorite retorts tries to make a case that Sherman earns twice as much as the combined salaries of two CBs from the old days offered up as better CBs.


Yeah right.


The higher pay of Sherman (and any other modern player) says a lot more about the skill and intelligence of NFLPA ED and the smart lawyers he an the other player leaders hired than it says about the quality of play by Sherman.

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Sherman's constant self hyping is all he has. CBs are flashes. Today it is RS, tomorrow it will be Peterson and then Stephan Gilmore or Haden. Will he even make the hall of fame? Reed played in an unprotected over the middle era and he was still one of the best. RS is the best on fade paterns, but without two fantastic safeties he would be much less effective.

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God I love Andre. He was the man back in the day. Given he was "over the middle" Sherman wouldn't have been on him as much. The guys today that could hang with my favorite Bills receiver would be P. Peterson, or D. Revis. They are better cover corners playing anywhere on the field.


It's a lot harder to be placed on the best WR inside outside each game than to just play one side on the outside. I do thnk Sherman is in the top 5, but I would put Hayden the other two above him.

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Also, isn't Sherman more of a zone coverage guy than a man-to-man guy like Deion and Woodson (in his prime) was? Man to man is infinitely more difficult than zone coverage and if you got someone that can shut 'em down like those guys and Revis a few years back, it really allows your D to run some nasty schemes and blitz packages.

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Well, we know he can't cover Stevie...which is likely why the 49ers wanted him...


You don't get to the hall of fame as a WR by beliving you can be covered... By anyone.


This is only getting press because they are baiting Sherman for a reaction.


Ask Jerry Rice if he thinks Revis could cover him... Ask him if Deon could. If he said anything besides no way, he's lying.


Pretty much...likely they would have both won some individual battles during the course of a game but whoever made the big play with the game on the line would ultimately be the winner of the "war"

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Some of the replies in the comments section are filled with idiots that don't know jack about football. Seriously, they are backing up Sherman over a HOF WR. Damn... Young people suck.


Yeah its the stupidity of youth. Someone said compare rings, Right whatever kid. When the hawks go to 4 straight we talk. As for as 'Sherman gets paid more than Sanders or Woodson' Sorry but if either of those guys played today in their prime, sherman wouldnt hardly get a sniff of the money or notoriety he has

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Considering Sherman can pretty much cover any receiver in today's game, I'm sure he'd do a pretty good job against AR if he were still playing today.


20 picks, 3 returned for TDs in 3 years...If he keeps up with those numbers he'll be in the HOF too someday.

Edited by cantankerous
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did you guys watch video?..Reed still looks pretty fit and strong...might still be able to play some ball...like others have said tho, Reed in a slant across the middle receiver and Sherman is a one side only pony show....Sherman most likely wouldn't cover Reed that much thru-out the game...If Sherman says something about this it would be shameful, what would he expect Reed to say to a kid asking one of his heroes if he would fail against one of today's top CB's??

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