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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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More's the pity that she wasn't at the compound that night instead of Stevens.

I wonder....what if she had been?


I wonder if Obama would have mobilized half the Marines we have at all the embassies in Europe, since it hardly takes 7 hours to get to Lybia from them. Or, would he have let her twist in the wind, with the rest of the "little people"?


Hmm. Probably would have come down to a political calculation, wouldn't it?


And, what if by some "miracle" :rolleyes: they were able to relieve the compound? If Hillary actually had to endure a fire fight.....


I'm pretty sure she'd be a completely different person, and would have immediately crushed any plan dishonoring the soldiers and Marines who had just fought to save her ass, by blaming it on a "spontaneous protest incited by a hateful video". :rolleyes:


Perhaps not. I mean, look at what she's doing now. All this crapping herself, then making it worse by smearing it around, then making it worse by telling us it's not crap? :blink: She's the worst candidate the Ds can run right now. And, her being the ONLY candidate the Ds can run right now just exacerbates the situation.


That's why she's saying things like "Their behavior should neither be allowed or enabled". She believes she's already won it all. Exactly like last time.


As of right now, 2016 is the Rs election to lose.

Run, Liz, Run!!!



I wonder: are the Ds truly dumb enough to bless us with this?


Say what you want about Hillary, at least she's a professional. Fauxcohantus will crack immediately when the real national POTUS media attention/scrutiny gets focused on her. Think about it:


she was so inferior, or felt so inferior, as a person, that she felt the need to lie about her heritage? That's damaged goods. No secure/mature person make that call. They have self-respect. They believe in their abilities, and don't seek special attention/indulgence. They take pride in not needing contrived Indian heritage to establish their own credibility.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Clinton Puts Out Of Touch Criticism To Rest By Moving Into Luxury Manhattan Office



As Hillary Clinton faces scrutiny for being out of touch with the average American, it was reported that Clinton has moved into a luxury Manhattan office that overlooks Times Square. Clinton, who claims she is undecided about a presidential campaign, has decided she now needs a second Manhattan office.


Yes, Clinton has another nearby office for her work at the Clinton Foundation, and, like the average American, Hillary Clinton struggles with only one luxury office.


According to Buzzfeed, the building is owned by Stephen Green. Green was a financial bundler for Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential campaign, has donated $15,300 to the Clintons and related PACs. That includes a $5,000 donation in 2013 to Ready For Hillary, a group preparing for Clinton’s next presidential campaign.

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Jon Corzine, the former U.S. senator and Obama campaign bundler who was the head of MF Global during the brokerage firm’s collapse which lost more than a billion dollars, is reportedly co-hosting a “Ready for Hillary” PAC fundraiser:


'Ready For Hillary' dinner party hitting the Hamptons



The Hamptons are Ready for Hillary.


Real estate investor Dan Neidich and his wife, philanthropist and Whitney Museum chairwoman Brooke Neidich, are hosting an A-list dinner party to raise money for a potential Hillary Clinton presidential bid on Friday, Aug. 22 in Wainscott, N.Y.


The soiree will be co-hosted by former Gov. Jon Corzine, Corzine’s wife, Sharon; and Claude Wasserstein, the former wife of the late billionaire Bruce Wasserstein, among others.


Actress and activist Ashley Judd is billed as a special guest, alongside David Brock, founder of the Democratic rapid response team Correct the Record; and Craig Smith, a senior advisor for Ready for Hillary.

The dinner will be a “discussion about the work being done to lay the foundation for a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign,” according to an invite obtained by The News.


The event will raise money for the Ready For Hillary PAC, which is building a grassroots movement of support for a potential Hillary Clinton presidential bid.


The invite does not list ticket prices, but Ready for Hillary voluntarily caps donors at $25,000.





Read more at http://www.nydailyne...m1570eUjOE8y.99

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Jon Corzine, the former U.S. senator and Obama campaign bundler who was the head of MF Global during the brokerage firm’s collapse which lost more than a billion dollars, is reportedly co-hosting a “Ready for Hillary” PAC fundraiser:







Read more at http://www.nydailyne...m1570eUjOE8y.99


Pardon my ignorance but what happens to all that money should she decide not to run?

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I think she can donate it lie about donating it to a charity... say, the Bill & Hill Charity that they run.

Fixed it for you.


Oh and the answer is: it goes into her Swiss bank account.

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It's tough all over..............


Clintons Downsize to $33K-Per-Week Hamptons Summer Home


Bill and Hillary Clinton, just a month removed from the latter’s “dead broke” comments, are cutting back on their annual Hamptons vacation by half. This year, the two will settle for a modest $18 million, seven bedroom place with no ocean view for a few weeks.


The Clintons will pull together $100,000 to stay at the Amagansett house for three weeks starting this month, down from the $200,000 they paid for their summer rental last year, according to a blog post by Blake Fleetwood on the Huffington Post. Their neighbors will include the likes of Hollywood nonentities such as Harvey Weinstein and Steven Spielberg, down-to-earth actress Gwyneth Paltrow, and vendors Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren.


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I feel bad for bill. Nothing can change that he wakes up to her every morning.


the two will settle for a modest $18 million, seven bedroom place with no ocean view for a few weeks.



I'm sure Huma will drop by for a few days..........................

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The Ironic Mrs. Clinton


I’ve been saying this for a while now, but Hillary Clinton’s sudden criticism of Obama’s foreign policy — when she was Secretary of State no less — is a perfect example of how everything she says is assumed to be agenda-driven. Here’s how I put it last June:

Clinton may be president one day, but she’s already presidential in one sense: Her statements are never really taken at face value. Every utterance is examined for its ironic content and parsed like the rough draft of ad copy. What will people take away from this? What message is she sending to her fans? What spin is she offering to the media? What bait is she giving her enemies? How true is it?



Does anyone, on the left or right, think Hillary Clinton chose this moment to break from the old narrative of a collaborative relationship with the president to this new version where she was the brave, albeit unsuccessful, maverick inside a blundering foreign policy shop for any reason other than personal self-interest? Oh, it may be that what she is saying is true, or largely true, or merely true enough to sell the spin. But the point is that veracity is a secondary consideration. Moreover, the timing is laughably suspect.


Nothing Clinton does or says is free from this kind of skepticism. Indeed, cynicism is the first instinct. For instance, here’s the Washington Post headline on Juliet Eilperin’s story: ”Clinton Bluntly Criticizes Obama’s Foreign Policy.” The subhead? “Potential ‘16 hopeful seeks distance from the president she served.”



More at the link:

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EDGARTOWN, Massachusetts (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton made her most aggressive effort yet to distinguish herself from her former boss, President Barack Obama, rebuking his cautious approach to global crises and saying the U.S. doctrine has to go beyond "don't do stupid stuff."

Clinton laid out a foreign policy vision ahead of a possible run for president in a weekend magazine interview.

"Great nations need organizing principles, and 'don't do stupid stuff' is not an organizing principle," Clinton said, referring to a version of the phrase Obama and his advisers have used privately to describe his approach to foreign policy.

Asked for her organizing principle, she replied: "Peace, progress, and prosperity. This worked for a very long time."

Clinton's critiques come as she weighs whether to seek the White House in 2016, and as Obama wrestles with tough choices on how the U.S. should engage in disputes erupting across the world.

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