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Ben Carson

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If Carson suggests a healthy GOP to you, what does Trump's ascendence mean?

that people are mad at career politicians who don't give a **** about their constituents only furthering their careers and screwing the country in the process.


That is a huge draw to the popularity of trump and Carson. They are not career politicians, they have accomplishments in the private sector and they genuinely seem to want to try and fix things that career politicians have royally cluster!@#$ed.

If only Ben Carson had gone to West Point.



He might have saved Hillary from that sniper fire in Bosnia.






Bwawahaha. Awesome. A good clinton lie always cheers me up

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Carson's and Trump's popularity are due to the fact that people are sick of "politics as usual." Barry was the first step, barely being a politician and having no real life accomplishments to his name, yet he became president because he was (half) black and fancied himself an outsider. Well why not continue with the "first ever..." and go full outside?

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You'll have to excuse birddog. Barry wasn't an extremist and didn't have skeletons in his closet because the media didn't go after him.

except theta the media did: http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read-welcome-big-leagues-ben-carson-n459761


Carson told NBC's Chris Jansing. "Or if you can show me where that's happened with someone else, I will take that statement back." Well, here's our try: We found a combined 165 New York Times and Washington Post articles that were all (or partially) about Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright between the time Obama first launched his presidential bid (Feb. 2007) and his 2008 victory (Nov. 2008). During that same time period, we found an additional 41 New York Times and Washington Post pieces on Obama and Bill Ayers. And from the start of her campaign (April 2015) until now, we discovered a combined 44 NYT/WaPo articles about Hillary Clinton and her email server. Our friend Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post even wrote a post entitled:"Why I've written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton's emails." Bottom line: When you're atop of the presidential polls, you're going to get scrutiny -- lots of it.

Edited by birdog1960
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except theta the media did: http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read-welcome-big-leagues-ben-carson-n459761


Carson told NBC's Chris Jansing. "Or if you can show me where that's happened with someone else, I will take that statement back." Well, here's our try: We found a combined 165 New York Times and Washington Post articles that were all (or partially) about Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright between the time Obama first launched his presidential bid (Feb. 2007) and his 2008 victory (Nov. 2008). During that same time period, we found an additional 41 New York Times and Washington Post pieces on Obama and Bill Ayers. And from the start of her campaign (April 2015) until now, we discovered a combined 44 NYT/WaPo articles about Hillary Clinton and her email server. Our friend Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post even wrote a post entitled:"Why I've written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton's emails." Bottom line: When you're atop of the presidential polls, you're going to get scrutiny -- lots of it.

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except theta the media did: http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read-welcome-big-leagues-ben-carson-n459761


Carson told NBC's Chris Jansing. "Or if you can show me where that's happened with someone else, I will take that statement back." Well, here's our try: We found a combined 165 New York Times and Washington Post articles that were all (or partially) about Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright between the time Obama first launched his presidential bid (Feb. 2007) and his 2008 victory (Nov. 2008). During that same time period, we found an additional 41 New York Times and Washington Post pieces on Obama and Bill Ayers. And from the start of her campaign (April 2015) until now, we discovered a combined 44 NYT/WaPo articles about Hillary Clinton and her email server. Our friend Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post even wrote a post entitled:"Why I've written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton's emails." Bottom line: When you're atop of the presidential polls, you're going to get scrutiny -- lots of it.

Yeah and how many of those articles defended Obama from attacks from the right regarding Ayers an Wright? Agree the Carson should expect this and deal with it but while he's getting criticized over nitpicks, Hillary walks nearly free when there is a mountain of dirt and evidence on her ****ty character and judgement.

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Yeah and how many of those articles defended Obama from attacks from the right regarding Ayers an Wright? Agree the Carson should expect this and deal with it but while he's getting criticized over nitpicks, Hillary walks nearly free when there is a mountain of dirt and evidence on her ****ty character and judgement.

and you based this conclusion on actually reading the 165 articles or your preconceived notion of what "main stream media" would do? who is biased now?

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So typical. The MSM and liberals including those here at PPP find a way to attack and denigrate a humble, good and decent man purely because he's conservative. You guys would rip on Mother Theresa and Jesus if they had an "R" behind their names. You are truly pathetic.

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So typical. The MSM and liberals including those here at PPP find a way to attack and denigrate a humble, good and decent man purely because he's conservative. You guys would rip on Mother Theresa and Jesus if they had an "R" behind their names. You are truly pathetic.

stop with the persecution complex. oh those poor, rich, influential, domineering conservative candidates! as I just pointed out, any front runner is going to be thoroughly investigated and mud will be raked. it's not like the conservative press has left Obama and Hillary alone. they've searched for every morsel of rancid, moldy bread crumb. and to a point they should. just don't cross the line into dishonesty. it's time for carson to put on the big boy panties

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Ben Carson learns about his ‘place’

by Wesley Pruden


Original Article


A black candidate for president learns the hard way that the media culture expects him to know a black man’s place, and stay there. That place has to be in the Democratic Party. The moving finger writes, and having stuck that finger sharply in the eye of the black candidate, moves on, and neither the ample piety nor the stunted wit on the other end of that finger can retrieve a single line.







The Media Hurts Its Own Credibility While Trying to Damage Ben Carson’s
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Ben Carson learns about his ‘place’

by Wesley Pruden


Original Article


A black candidate for president learns the hard way that the media culture expects him to know a black man’s place, and stay there. That place has to be in the Democratic Party. The moving finger writes, and having stuck that finger sharply in the eye of the black candidate, moves on, and neither the ample piety nor the stunted wit on the other end of that finger can retrieve a single line.







The Media Hurts Its Own Credibility While Trying to Damage Ben Carson’s


complaining about being mistreated isn't very presidential, now is it?

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complaining about being mistreated isn't very presidential, now is it?



One wonders why President Obama does it then .........correct?



You might as well save it bd. Pointing out the lies in attack stories is NOT "complaining, or "playing victim".


You're in Gator land with that kind of rubbish response..........................No one buys it, but I guess it's the best defense that you (and others) can come up with to the democrat's with bylines who are again trying to unduly influence the GOP race.






by Jay Nordlinger


The mainstream media are very interested in Dr. Ben Carson’s past, and his portrayal of his past. Good for them. That’s their job, or part of it.
But isn’t there a difference between “vetting” and character assassination?
Say what you will about Carson, he rose from “the hard-core ghetto” (to borrow a phrase from Al Sharpton) to become one of the most famous neurosurgeons in the world. He is a black man — not from Hawaii, not raised by his white grandparents — who has deeply conservative views.
And that, of course, is intolerable to some.
People have rightly raised the question, Why weren’t the media so interested in Barack Obama’s past, and his portrayal of it? Take Obama’s involvement with the New party. I learned about it from Stanley Kurtz, an anthropologist from Harvard. Good. Stanley is indefatigable, brainy, and brave.
But shouldn’t I have learned about it from, say, CBS News?


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner

Related: WSJ, CNN, Politico Debunked: Anti-Carson Bio Attacks Crumble Under Scrutiny.


Edited by B-Man
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he did this to himself: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ben-carson-created-mess-web-lies-article-1.2427808


On “Face the Nation” Sunday, John Dickerson shows a clip of Carson saying this to Charlie Rose: “I was offered a full scholarship to West Point, got to meet (Gen. William) Westmoreland, go to Congressional Medal of Honor dinners ...”

When Dickerson then asks Carson to straighten out that version of things, Carson says, “Well, you notice I said, ‘was offered.’ I didn’t say I received it.”


this isn't ancient history (unlike the pyramids). he's on record in multiple places. he clearly thinks it an important event to voters. and it is improtasnt. just not in the way he thought.

Edited by birdog1960
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he did this to himself: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ben-carson-created-mess-web-lies-article-1.2427808


On “Face the Nation” Sunday, John Dickerson shows a clip of Carson saying this to Charlie Rose: “I was offered a full scholarship to West Point, got to meet (Gen. William) Westmoreland, go to Congressional Medal of Honor dinners ...”

When Dickerson then asks Carson to straighten out that version of things, Carson says, “Well, you notice I said, ‘was offered.’ I didn’t say I received it.”


this isn't ancient history (unlike the pyramids). he's on record in multiple places. he clearly thinks it an important event to voters. and it is improtasnt. just not in the way he thought.


[/manufactured scandal]

wait! I thought Obama wasn't exposed to similar media scrutiny. yet he complained about it? why would he complain if it didn't happen? which is it?


No, he wasn't exposed to media scrutiny so he had nothing to complain about there, but he complained a lot about the way he was treated after becoming president.

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and you based this conclusion on actually reading the 165 articles or your preconceived notion of what "main stream media" would do? who is biased now?

I don't need to look at them because you and I both know that the Times and WP did not publish 165 + 41 (or even a large portion of that number) critical articles about Obama's associations with Ayers and Wright. Had the writer that referenced these articles gone back and read them, they could have then stated the number of "critical" articles on the subject which would have given the piece a lot more credibility. That was either too much work or wouldn't have yielded the results the writer was looking for or both.

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wait! I thought Obama wasn't exposed to similar media scrutiny. yet he complained about it? why would he complain if it didn't happen? which is it?

He complained constantly of unfair scrutiny by fox. Not very presidential I agree.

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He complained constantly of unfair scrutiny by fox. Not very presidential I agree.

but wait! I thought the media left him alone! this scrutiny is unique to carson per the cons here. do you disagree?


[/manufactured scandal]


No, he wasn't exposed to media scrutiny so he had nothing to complain about there, but he complained a lot about the way he was treated after becoming president.

so why mention the story in his autobiography and then in an interview with Charlie rose if he didn't think it an important event in his life? an important event to readers and voters? if it's that important, isn't it equally important that he be accurate about the circumstances? if anyone manufactured something here, it was carson.

I don't need to look at them because you and I both know that the Times and WP did not publish 165 + 41 (or even a large portion of that number) critical articles about Obama's associations with Ayers and Wright. Had the writer that referenced these articles gone back and read them, they could have then stated the number of "critical" articles on the subject which would have given the piece a lot more credibility. That was either too much work or wouldn't have yielded the results the writer was looking for or both.

he likely knew that people out for red meat on the issue would never be satisfied.

Edited by birdog1960
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