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but you and your ilk are absolutely certain that you know God's meanings. it's arrogance to the extreme.


We're all making the obvious point that YOU think you know God's meaning more than anyone else, and you come back with the fact that WE'RE arrogant for the same thing?


Will you follow this up with your equally intelligent "I'm rubber, you're glue" argument or jump straight to yelling "Neener neener!"? :lol:


made up West point - whatever that is - didn't even bother reading


Perhaps if you read more you wouldn't be wrong so often.


Start with the classics. I hear that's the pathway to higher intelligence.

TI've simply asked that if someone believes in an all-powerful God, one would have to acknowledge that he would, indeed, have that ability.


He's not all-powerful to birddog. He's only as powerful as birddog thinks he is, which, it turns out, is less powerful than science.

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This particular presidential candidate, however, says he has a plan if our warming climate causes the oceans to rise. He says he's going to build a bunch of arks. As if Waterworld wasn't a big enough flop the first time! Now that's some responsible government spending. You people are idiots.





This is the kind of utter stupidity that is hard to excuse........but posters such as Gator, Frenkle, Baskin, and to a lesser extent Birdog and lybob lap it up solely because it fits their preconceived BS


Doctor Carson tweeted:


“It is important to remember that amateurs built the Ark and it was the professionals that built the Titanic.”



And Salon writes:


Yeupp, arks. Arks are the solution to the coming flood. It’s right there in the Bible. Don’t worry. God will show you how to build them. Just as god has shown us the best tax system, tithing.



Anyone with a three digit IQ understands what Dr. Carson is saying and its not about the literal building of arks.



BUT THE NARRATIVE MUST BE MAINTAINED, there cannot be any successful Conservative Blacks,


The Left has spoken

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mm hmm..so evolution is incompatible with your definition of Christianity. fortunately, the idea is fully compatible with the official doctrine of mine. wise people, much smarter than you or I have developed the theology behind that thinking over a couple thousand years. but you and your ilk are absolutely certain that you know God's meanings. it's arrogance to the extreme.


Actually, this is a better example of "arrogance to the extreme" than what LA posted.



This is the kind of utter stupidity that is hard to excuse........but posters such as Gator, Frenkle, Baskin, and to a lesser extent Birdog and lybob lap it up solely because it fits their preconceived BS


Doctor Carson tweeted:


“It is important to remember that amateurs built the Ark and it was the professionals that built the Titanic.”



And Salon writes:


Yeupp, arks. Arks are the solution to the coming flood. It’s right there in the Bible. Don’t worry. God will show you how to build them. Just as god has shown us the best tax system, tithing.



Anyone with a three digit IQ understands what Dr. Carson is saying and its not about the literal building of arks.



BUT THE NARRATIVE MUST BE MAINTAINED, there cannot be any successful Conservative Blacks,


The Left has spoken


Seriously? Carson's getting criticized for THAT????


That's not a position statement. He's repeating an old cliche.

I've simply asked that if someone believes in an all-powerful God, wouldn't one also have to acknowledge that he would, indeed, have that ability.



Very simple question, really. It makes one question the benefits of reading the classics.

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The question wasn't directed at you, it was directed at birddog.


With that said, I've never stated that I do believe God created an aged Universe only 600 years ago. I've simply asked that if someone believes in an all-powerful God, one would have to acknowledge that he would, indeed, have that ability.


As to your "deceiving God" nonsense, you've made the mistake of ascribing human morality and conventions to I Am. The Christian God is also an infallible being, who does not answer backwards to your charges. He is as He has always been.

This, right here, is why it's always fun to hear leftists talk about God, and especially when they demand that we agree He doesn't exist.


They don't believe in an infallible being....


they believe in themselves...as infallible beings. :lol: /facepalm


I mean, look at Obamacare. Is there a better example of policy spawned entirely by assumed infallibility? :lol: It's a fascinating set of contradictions. All powerful God cannot create the Universe, and to think so is for silly/childish/ignorant "clingers", but, all powerful leftists can create a functioning, national health care...cost "sharing"(forcing cost onto others, not insurance) system. If you tell them they can't(like we did, over and over), largely because, in addition to not being infallible, they don't know schit about health care/insurance...that means you are immoral, idiotic, and hate poor people and kids.


Leftists also do not feel compelled to answer back to anyone's charges. They are free to decieve all they like, because they too are as they have always been.

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Seriously? Carson's getting criticized for THAT????


That's not a position statement. He's repeating an old cliche.



That is correct Tom, but they are desperate.


It also seems that Politico's "scoop" that Baskin couldn't be bothered to read is false also.





No, Ben Carson Didn't Lie About West Point. It's Another Media Hit Job.


Never underestimate the capacity of the media to propagandize against Republicans.


That’s the theme of this morning’s overwrought news coverage on Dr. Ben Carson’s supposed “lie” regarding a “scholarship” to West Point. The story began with Politico, which ran with the audacious headline, “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship.”


Even I was taken in by the headline – after all, that’s a pretty bold claim!


Politico began thusly:

Ben Carson’s campaign on Friday admitted, in a response to an inquiry from POLITICO, that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated: his application and acceptance into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.



The key word here is “fabricated.” Did the Carson campaign admit any such thing? Absolutely not. The facts reported by Politico don’t even support this interpretation of the Carson campaign’s response.



Here’s the relevant passage from Carson’s autobiography:


At the end of my twelfth grade I marched at the head of the Memorial Day parade. I felt so proud, my chest bursting with ribbons and braids of every kind. To make it more wonderful, We had important visitors that day. Two soldiers who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Viet Nam were present. More exciting to me, General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) attended with an impressive entourage. Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going.



That’s the entire relevant portion of Carson’s account. He reiterated that account last month in an interview with Charlie Rose, when he said, “I was offered a full scholarship at West Point, got to meet General Westmoreland and go to Congressional Medal of Honor dinners. But decided really my pathway would be medicine.”


Politico followed up on this story. They reported one additional pieces of information that seem to conflict with Carson’s story: Carson never applied to West Point, and was never extended admission.


But Carson never said he applied. He said he was extended a full scholarship offer. What’s more, West Point doesn’t offer scholarships: all admission is free contingent on serving in the military afterwards. It thus seems probable that Westmoreland or another military figure tried to recruit Carson, telling him that he wouldn’t have to pay for his education – and that Carson read that as a “full scholarship,” and never applied.



But here’s how Politico editorialized: “When presented with this evidence, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false.”


That’s nonsense. They did no such thing. They provided details that corroborated Carson’s story and explained his loose use of the language. If someone told you that you could go to college for free, you might reasonably conclude that you had been offered a full scholarship to attend that university. But Politico would call you a liar if you used such language to describe the exchange.











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Okay, fair enough - I never think to include government spending as part of the GDP. But I can tell you this for sure - you'd better take both Carson and Trump very seriously. Whether you like them or not, they each resonate with a large segment of the republican party and the right in general who are completely fed up with the policies of the establishment republicans. Don't misunderstand me - my personal favorites among the bunch are Cruz, Christie, and Rubio. The 'experienced' republicans lag in the polls because they're being associated with the establishment, while Carson & Trump have tapped into the same frustration the gave rise to the TEA party factions.


I see there are 2 pages of responses coming, no doubt about Carson lying about West Point, but I'll chime in on this.


It's not just the GDP error that he made. He double counted capital gams and business profits. Now I have zero problem if you, me, or Tom make that error while arguing over beers but Carson did it while defending his flat tax plan. He doesn't understand basic parts of how government works or his own platform.


No doubt he's smart and I understand that his faith resonates with many. I also understand why his civility has great appeal--probably more so in a cycle that includes Trump. I get why the electorate likes Carson, Trump, and in her moment in the sun, Fiorina. That said, Trump and Carson at least have not shown the judgment and brainpower necessary to hold the office. Fiornia wasn't in the lead long enough to get much of my attention. The Republican electorate will figure this out. As noted after the last debate, Herman Cain was leading in November 2011.

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I see there are 2 pages of responses coming, no doubt about Carson lying about West Point, but I'll chime in on this.


It's not just the GDP error that he made. He double counted capital gams and business profits. Now I have zero problem if you, me, or Tom make that error while arguing over beers but Carson did it while defending his flat tax plan. He doesn't understand basic parts of how government works or his own platform.


No doubt he's smart and I understand that his faith resonates with many. I also understand why his civility has great appeal--probably more so in a cycle that includes Trump. I get why the electorate likes Carson, Trump, and in her moment in the sun, Fiorina. That said, Trump and Carson at least have not shown the judgment and brainpower necessary to hold the office. Fiornia wasn't in the lead long enough to get much of my attention. The Republican electorate will figure this out. As noted after the last debate, Herman Cain was leading in November 2011.

So let's get this straight: an internationally recognized brain surgeon....


...has shown no brain power. Right. :wacko:


And, Trump, who has been playing the media like a fiddle from day 1...also has shown...no brain power.


Meanwhile, a guy who has no personal accomplishments other than "get elected because 5 times in a row the other guy screwed up" has shown enough...brain power...to be elected POTUS 2x?


What is your standard for "brain power"?


EDIT: There's also no doubt that you know nothing about West Point. Anybody that's been there, has heard Carson's mistake many times before. It's a mistinterpretation. That's all.

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Ben Carson on August 13, "I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point."


You can spin that any way you want but it's not true even if you're Minnesota Fats.

So let's get this straight: an internationally recognized brain surgeon....


...has shown no brain power. Right. :wacko:


And, Trump, who has been playing the media like a fiddle from day 1...also has shown...no brain power.


Meanwhile, a guy who has no personal accomplishments other than "get elected because 5 times in a row the other guy screwed up" has shown enough...brain power...to be elected POTUS 2x?


What is your standard for "brain power"?


I didn't say he was stupid. My best friend is a surgeon. I wouldn't want him to fix my car, run the no huddle offense, manage a Starbucks or a lot of other things. Carson doesn't have a grasp of pretty fundamental parts of government and economics. That's a problem in a president.

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That is correct Tom, but they are desperate.


It also seems that Politico's "scoop" that Baskin couldn't be bothered to read is false also.





No, Ben Carson Didn't Lie About West Point. It's Another Media Hit Job.


Never underestimate the capacity of the media to propagandize against Republicans.


That’s the theme of this morning’s overwrought news coverage on Dr. Ben Carson’s supposed “lie” regarding a “scholarship” to West Point. The story began with Politico, which ran with the audacious headline, “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship.”


Even I was taken in by the headline – after all, that’s a pretty bold claim!


Politico began thusly:

The key word here is “fabricated.” Did the Carson campaign admit any such thing? Absolutely not. The facts reported by Politico don’t even support this interpretation of the Carson campaign’s response.



Here’s the relevant passage from Carson’s autobiography:


That’s the entire relevant portion of Carson’s account. He reiterated that account last month in an interview with Charlie Rose, when he said, “I was offered a full scholarship at West Point, got to meet General Westmoreland and go to Congressional Medal of Honor dinners. But decided really my pathway would be medicine.”


Politico followed up on this story. They reported one additional pieces of information that seem to conflict with Carson’s story: Carson never applied to West Point, and was never extended admission.


But Carson never said he applied. He said he was extended a full scholarship offer. What’s more, West Point doesn’t offer scholarships: all admission is free contingent on serving in the military afterwards. It thus seems probable that Westmoreland or another military figure tried to recruit Carson, telling him that he wouldn’t have to pay for his education – and that Carson read that as a “full scholarship,” and never applied.



But here’s how Politico editorialized: “When presented with this evidence, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false.”


That’s nonsense. They did no such thing. They provided details that corroborated Carson’s story and explained his loose use of the language. If someone told you that you could go to college for free, you might reasonably conclude that you had been offered a full scholarship to attend that university. But Politico would call you a liar if you used such language to describe the exchange.











wow. that's really trying too hard. if he's as smart as he's made out to be, he knows how admission to west point works. if he doesn't then he shouldn't have written about it. the most plausible explanation is that he lied.

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Ben Carson on August 13, "I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point."


You can spin that any way you want but it's not true even if you're Minnesota Fats.




Post #182





Ben Carson Scandal Less than Meets the Eye


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner

You need to Observe all the facts.

if he's as smart as he's made out to be, he knows how admission to west point works. if he doesn't then he shouldn't have written about it. the most plausible explanation is that he lied.



If you had read any of the campaigns response you could not have written the above.


There is no LIE in his statement.


You simply wish it to be........................and you are trying hard to show it.

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I see there are 2 pages of responses coming, no doubt about Carson lying about West Point, but I'll chime in on this.


It's not just the GDP error that he made. He double counted capital gams and business profits. Now I have zero problem if you, me, or Tom make that error while arguing over beers but Carson did it while defending his flat tax plan. He doesn't understand basic parts of how government works or his own platform.


No doubt he's smart and I understand that his faith resonates with many. I also understand why his civility has great appeal--probably more so in a cycle that includes Trump. I get why the electorate likes Carson, Trump, and in her moment in the sun, Fiorina. That said, Trump and Carson at least have not shown the judgment and brainpower necessary to hold the office. Fiornia wasn't in the lead long enough to get much of my attention. The Republican electorate will figure this out. As noted after the last debate, Herman Cain was leading in November 2011.


Nothing you say here is unreasonable, and I agree with you to a large extent. I have my own personal biases, one of which is that I'm sick to death of the same old-same old with regard to Washington insiders and career politicians. Obviously, many others feel the same as I do, and the fact that both Carson and Trump are leading in the polls have all the pundits completely flummoxed. If the office of the Presidency wasn't such an important position to hold, then the current situation would be amusing.

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Ben Carson on August 13, "I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point."


You can spin that any way you want but it's not true even if you're Minnesota Fats.


I didn't say he was stupid. My best friend is a surgeon. I wouldn't want him to fix my car, run the no huddle offense, manage a Starbucks or a lot of other things. Carson doesn't have a grasp of pretty fundamental parts of government and economics. That's a problem in a president.

I don't need to spin it. I went to West Point. Thus, I am an expert.


My "offer" to go to West Point was extended by lots of different people, depending on how you look at it. I was "offered" nomination at ALL of the academies, and was the #1 person on my Congressman's list, as told to me directly by his staffer, after my 15-person interview. I was "offered" nomination by the head lacrosse coach. I could have gotten in to any of the academies, on my own, but, I wanted to play lacrosse, and, I'm colorblind, so, I would have had to go the Navy Prep School for a year(which is how they get athletes up to standard), which was a waste of my time. So, in the end, I was "appointed" by the head lacrosse coach at Army. But, I could have been "appointed" by any number of persons/groups, or the Academy itself.


See? If you don't know schit about how the process works, due to its inherent complication alone, there's a good chance you're going to misinterpret something.


If Westmoreland recruited him, I gurantee that Carson could have gone if he wanted, on Westmoreland's word...alone. That's a 2-minute phone call. (The Army has politics too).




Carson has a great grasp on decency, and please, if a community organizer can "do the job" Carson certainly can. Decency is something that is severly lacking in DC, and you can't teach it.

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In the statement from the campaign, Carson's campaign is talking about the "scholarship" angle, which in a Clintonesque way, is correct.


But I'll repeat what Carson said 3 months ago, "I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point."


He didn't get an offer from West Point. Now next the campaign will say that the encouragement from the General was tantamount to an offer or something. But they are tapdancing.


This is just normal campaign stuff but he was getting mileage out of West Point that he didn't earn.


By Monday, this will be gone from the news.

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wow. that's really trying too hard. if he's as smart as he's made out to be, he knows how admission to west point works. if he doesn't then he shouldn't have written about it. the most plausible explanation is that he lied.


If Hillary's as smart as she's made out to be, she should know government regulations concerning use of personal and private resources for government business.


You lefties are funny. Lying about your college admissions is an earth-shaking scandal. But violating federal records retention requirements and the FOIA...no big deal.

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Along with the violent past thing, I guess the west point thing isn't true either?




Not sure if this is 'attacking' or if this is 'fact checking', I'll let you guys decide. Also, not sure if stories of his childhood are all that relevant to his nomination now, but the masses eat this stuff up.

Sweet Jeepers. What a hit job! By all accounts he could have gone to The Academy if he wanted, but he didn't want to. He was told he was a shoo-in by his ROTC leaders. Attending The Academy is on a full ride basis. Books, room, board, tuition, uniforms are all covered. To him that was a "full scholarship". But he never applied because he wanted to be an MD.


The Left is apoplectic with their desire to trash Conservatives, and a conservative black man is heretical to their beliefs. Blacks must toe the line and be beholding to Massa' Government or they will be beaten down and destroyed. It's despicable that such a brilliant man and talented brain surgeon is being pilloried by such small minded slimy dirtballs.

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Give me a break’: CNN reporter welcomes Ben Carson ‘to the big leagues’ on candidate vetting.



That’s pretty rich coming from a spokesperson for the network that created “the Wright-Free Zone” to give Obama a get out of media jail free card in 2008 — and in November of that year, after his election was secured — admitted “The Americans who are comparing [Obama] to those remarkable predecessors [who once occupied the White House] are putting a lot of faith in a man they barely know.”






It "debunks" something he never said. Neat trick, that.............. :lol:


Politico statement: We stand by our story which is a powerful debunking of a key aspect of Ben Carson's personal narrative."


Except for the key things that make up their entire story. Other than that it's perfect.

-- Carson claimed to have applied to West Point..........FALSE
-- Campaign admitted to have fabricated the story..........FALSE


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In the statement from the campaign, Carson's campaign is talking about the "scholarship" angle, which in a Clintonesque way, is correct.


But I'll repeat what Carson said 3 months ago, "I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point."


He didn't get an offer from West Point. Now next the campaign will say that the encouragement from the General was tantamount to an offer or something. But they are tapdancing.


This is just normal campaign stuff but he was getting mileage out of West Point that he didn't earn. This is like Trumps bankruptcy and Rubio's early retirement withdrawal. Facts that muck up the headlines for a few days. Sort of foolish to defend the facts though. Carson wasn't telling the truth.

Carson says he got an offer FROM West Point. It shouldn't sway the electorate but honestly, don't you think Carson was trying to get more political mileage out of this than he actually deserved? I don't support him one way or the other but this is my judgment based on the quotes starting to come out.


This is just election year muckraking. Fun to have a topic for the day though.

I find myself, once again, just like with Obamacare...knowing literally EVERYTHING about a topic, or at least in the 99th percentile...


...yet arguing with somebody whose very statements prove he knows nothing.


I just said, literally, that appointments can come from many sources. In fact, "West Point"(meaning the admissions people at the academy)only accounts for, depending on the year, 20-30% of the appointments.


Thus, 70-80% of the "offers" DO NOT come from West Point. The literal piece of paper does, but the decision does not. The other sources include: the coaches of all the myriad Division 1 Teams that have rosters to fill, the current Army Colonels/Generals who have their favorite sergeants to send, the politicians(all levels) who have their campaign donor's kids to send, the State Department-->countries/territories who send the single best kid they have, the senior bureacrat who calls in all their markers to get their kid in, the VP's secretary's cousin's kid, etc.


Like I said: it's mostly merit, but, there's a hell of a lot of politics, too.


If the Army Chief of Staff, right now, decided to appoint you to West Point tomorrow, he'd pick up the phone, order it, and the admissions Lt. Colonel on the other end would be lucky if the Chief stayed on the phone long enough to hear his "Yes, sir." That's exactly how trivial it is to the Chief.


Thus, if Carson wanted to go, and Westmoreland wanted him? Forget the process I had. It's literally, as I said, a 2 minute phone call. It becomes an order, and orders get followed, especially when they come from the thinnest air in the Army.


Now, do you understand, or am I going to have to deal with more schit?

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If Hillary's as smart as she's made out to be, she should know government regulations concerning use of personal and private resources for government business.


You lefties are funny. Lying about your college admissions is an earth-shaking scandal. But violating federal records retention requirements and the FOIA...no big deal.

and she is being raked over the coals about it. that's fine. so is grilling carson about this statement.


I agree with gator however. I hope he wins the nomination. extremist such as him often have many skeletons in their closets. they will be unearthed.

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2375_84984116216_633511216_2728356_71328David Burge@iowahawkblog 3h3 hours ago

Blast from the past: Hillary totally tried to enlist in the Marines after law school #toogoodtofactcheck http://www.nytimes.com/1994/06/15/us/hillary-clinton-says-she-once-tried-to-be-marine.html

118 retweets 67 likes


West Point characterizes them as scholarships. See:



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