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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Talk about broken records...if you don't know that the template of the ACA was the brainchild of the Heritage Foundation and championed by Newt Gingrich in the 90's - I don't know what to say to you...


From what I understand regarding the "GOP plan" in its current progress....they are quickly understanding that health care does not behave by simple "free market" rules...you have to take into account actuarial risk pool theory, preventative coverage and its long term cost curve, buying behavior in high deductible formats....


The health care savings account plan Ryan talked championed doesn't work....


I will give the GOP credit - they are admitting the realities of the daunting task and the parameters that govern health care coverage....


HSA are just a pretax account to cover health related expenses, coupled with a high deductible insurance plan. They are trying to figure out how to cut taxes, give all Americans a pre-tax healthcare account, cut taxes, build a wall, cut taxes, fund a infrastructure plan, cut taxes, fund whatever war is started here soon, cut taxes.

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Talk about broken records...if you don't know that the template of the ACA was the brainchild of the Heritage Foundation and championed by Newt Gingrich in the 90's - I don't know what to say to you...


From what I understand regarding the "GOP plan" in its current progress....they are quickly understanding that health care does not behave by simple "free market" rules...you have to take into account actuarial risk pool theory, preventative coverage and its long term cost curve, buying behavior in high deductible formats....


The health care savings account plan Ryan talked championed doesn't work....


I will give the GOP credit - they are admitting the realities of the daunting task and the parameters that govern health care coverage....


Oh golly, and here I thought we're talking about health insurance and not healthcare. I know a minor distinction like that doesn't seem to phase somebody of your intellect. Because it's easier to spout out of context statistics that US spends twice the amount on healthcare, but ignore that the nature of USA's health spend is broken. Tell me, how many of those advanced economies approve open heart surgeries for 90-yr olds?

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Oh golly, and here I thought we're talking about health insurance and not healthcare. I know a minor distinction like that doesn't seem to phase somebody of your intellect. Because it's easier to spout out of context statistics that US spends twice the amount on healthcare, but ignore that the nature of USA's health spend is broken. Tell me, how many of those advanced economies approve open heart surgeries for 90-yr olds?


You threw baskin a question. That's funny. It's like throwing garlic at a vampire.

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This just in: large majority of people who have used Obamacare believe it sucks donkey balls.


Damn you, Gallup! Damn you to hell!!!


Quality of care, access, and soaring costs usually top the list of issues and concerns Americans have with Obamacare.

According to another study by Gallup, those rating their health care coverage as excellent decreased 5 points in 2015 from 30 percent to 25 percent, while those who rated their coverage “only fair” climbed. Those rating the quality of health care they receive as excellent dropped 8 points over the same time period, from 39 percent to 31 percent.

Those paying some or all of their health premiums increasingly say their premiums have gone up (74 percent in 2015, up from 67 percent in 2014).

Despite promises that Obamacare would help make health care more affordable, 67 percent of Americans in a Kaiser Health Tracking Poll conducted in December 2016 still say lowering the cost of health care should be a top priority for President Donald Trump and Congress.

In short, as more Americans personally experienced Obamacare, more of them expressed dissatisfaction with its results. That strengthens the Republicans’ case for repealing and replacing the law.


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Oh golly, and here I thought we're talking about health insurance and not healthcare. I know a minor distinction like that doesn't seem to phase somebody of your intellect. Because it's easier to spout out of context statistics that US spends twice the amount on healthcare, but ignore that the nature of USA's health spend is broken. Tell me, how many of those advanced economies approve open heart surgeries for 90-yr olds?


I agree...the USA HC system is broken...the ACA is a duct tape and spit solution to use the existing structure to cover everyone and delete the inequities such as women paying more and pre-existing conditions.


My point is - take a clean sheet of paper - throw out the VA, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA, employer requirements...


Design a system that takes into account risk pools, buying behavior and leverage it with capitalism....


I think it would be the biggest improvement to our economy we could make....


I can't believe we as citizens and elected officials (well I can guess why they go along with the status quo) put up with what we have....if cars cost twice as much for us as the rest of the world due to an antiquated purchasing and dealership system....would we put up with it?

Edited by baskin
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