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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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ObamaCare Is Failing Exactly The Way Critics Said It Would.


The only part of ObamaCare which has “worked” (fiscal responsibility be damned!) is the massive Medicaid expansion — and that could have been accomplished without ruining millions of private plans and all the other resulting messes.


And Hillary, with her senate and house, will carry it to its intended goal: single payer.

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Not without a super majority in the Senate. And even then, probably not. Just like last time.


Please. Did you see what Barry did with a pen and a phone? Changed the law in mid-speech. Hillary will have the same phone and pen, she just won't be as shy to use it.

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And Hillary, with her senate and house, will carry it to its intended goal: single payer.


Hope so...it would be cheaper and take the burden of HC off business...and you would not like it because.....?

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Hope so...it would be cheaper and take the burden of HC off business...and you would not like it because.....?


This single sentence blows up any possibility that you have ever been anything other than a far-left progressive your entire freaking life.


And further to GG's point above, please break down the numbers for us on what single payer would cost that would make it cheaper. Cheaper for who? How much cheaper?


Wait. Let me guess. It would be cheaper because it would be 'free,' right?

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Hope so...it would be cheaper and take the burden of HC off business...and you would not like it because.....?

Nothing run by the federal government runs well. Nothing.


Who do you complain to if you have a service problem?


It would be cheaper for who?


Today, even with the restrictions of the ACA I can fire my broker, fire my carrier, fire of choose different doctors, select from a variety of plans what I feel is best for me and my family. With postal service style coverage, I'm gonna get crap for service, choice and cost.

Edited by keepthefaith
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Hope so...it would be cheaper and take the burden of HC off business...and you would not like it because.....?


I'm on a project in the government health care sector right now. Developing a piece of software, about 48 developer-months of work, a total development cost of about $1.2M. Getting it deployed has taken three months, involving eight different contract vehicles and six internal departments (fourteen different organizations, total.) The total project cost so far is beyond $10M. I have two status meetings a week...the smaller one has 54 different managers calling in. I have six developers. Do the math - this project has nine managers per developer. (The larger status meeting has somewhere around 130 managers calling in.)


That's the sort of environment that you think is going to make health care "cheaper."

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Certainly not good news for Obamacare:


Aetna mostly calling it quits on the marketplaces. http://investor.aetna.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=110617&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=2195571 …

Just took a drive by NYT's editorial page for a lesson in economics, and lo and behold, they admit that Aetna pulling back from Obamacare is not a good thing. So the logical solution is to provide more taxpayer subsidies.

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Just took a drive by NYT's editorial page for a lesson in economics, and lo and behold, they admit that Aetna pulling back from Obamacare is not a good thing. So the logical solution is to provide more taxpayer subsidies.


Lack of subsidies aren't the problem. Is that what they said?

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