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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Everyone to be Organ Donor in Euthanasia Netherlands
The Netherlands, along with Belgians, permit organ harvesting to be conjoined to voluntary euthanasia.
But now, Netherlands is moving to a system in which everyone is an organ donor unless they specifically opt out. From the Dutch News story:
MPs on Tuesday gave a surprise thumbs up to a motion to establish a ‘yes unless’ system for donor organs in the Netherlands.
If the draft bill goes on to become law, everyone in the Netherlands will be considered a donor unless they specifically request to be taken off the list.
Non voluntary euthanasia is not unheard of in the Netherlands. It even has a name: “Termination without request or consent.” Technically against the law, it is almost never punished.


Now, consider a doctor–who has completely swallowed the euthanasia hemlock point-of-view–looking upon a “suffering” patient, believing his life to be not worth living, and thinking that he has some perfectly good and usable kidneys, liver, and heart available for other patients who could make better use of them.
What could possibly go wrong?
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ObamaCare Individual Mandate Fine Hit 8 Million People This Year

Despite the controversy and high-stakes legal battle that has surrounded the individual mandate, the scope of the penalties paid this year has gone unreported by major news outlets as attention has focused on ObamaCare’s latest and most glaring problems: weak enrollment, surging premiums, and insurer losses that have provoked the exit of UnitedHealth (UNH), Aetna (AET) and Humana (HUM) from most state exchanges.

Yet ObamaCare’s mounting problems should only serve to intensify questions about the wisdom and fairness of the individual mandate. The root of all of those ObamaCare problems is that far too many people — even those eligible for big subsidies — see the plans as either unaffordable or such a bad deal that they’re willing to risk paying a fine.




I had been assured that the individual mandate’s fine tax would encourage enough Young Invincibles to buy insurance and keep the exchanges solvent.

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Hey, Nashville, if you like your plan...suck it.



What does it say? What does it say? I don't have my glasses on, so I can't read it.

Is it a letter telling them how much in HC premiums they'll be saving?

Is it a letter thanking them for sticking with Blue Cross for the next year?

Does it say anything about how much more insurance coverage they'll have once the new year commences?

Does it include the really kewel joke that these guys are laughing about?


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Y'know, if you click on the image...


Why it's none of the things that I thought it would be at all!

How could they? Our President B. O. said it more than once, "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. P.e.r.i.o.d." He should step in and do something about this. He does have a phone and a pen after all.


If only someone could have foreseen this. Those damn insurers. What's a measly $500 million to them anyway? They could just raise the rates on the healthy people to make up for it.

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NEW YORK TIMES: Ailing Obama Health Care Act May Have to Change to Survive.




And what are they pitching to save ObamaCare from its inherent contradictions?


“More government, not less,” in the form of single payer, naturally.



You see, this is what drives me up the wall with these dumbass progressive/socialists. They get 80% of what they wanted, it begins to unravel right before our very eyes and then they say "you see, we needed the public option" to make this work.


That is complete and utter bull ****. A Public option would have done absolutely ZERO. NADA. ZILCH.


The reason why premiums are going as high as they are has very little to do with lack of competition but rather the medical claims that are being filed are coming from a sicker risk pool than what they originally thought they'd see.


Here is one simple solution, anyone who wants to enroll in a health plan outside of Open enrollment should have to go through Medical underwriting.


Of course what they should have done which I proposed years ago was create a separate subsidized risk pool for sicker individuals. Taking out a lot of the sicker people from the risk pools would have dramatically dropped rates for all the healthier people.

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You see, this is what drives me up the wall with these dumbass progressive/socialists. They get 80% of what they wanted, it begins to unravel right before our very eyes and then they say "you see, we needed the public option" to make this work.


That is complete and utter bull ****. A Public option would have done absolutely ZERO. NADA. ZILCH.


The reason why premiums are going as high as they are has very little to do with lack of competition but rather the medical claims that are being filed are coming from a sicker risk pool than what they originally thought they'd see.


Here is one simple solution, anyone who wants to enroll in a health plan outside of Open enrollment should have to go through Medical underwriting.


Of course what they should have done which I proposed years ago was create a separate subsidized risk pool for sicker individuals. Taking out a lot of the sicker people from the risk pools would have dramatically dropped rates for all the healthier people.

I believe the Repubs in Congress proffered just such an option - among others. They were steam rolled, hog-tied, and stuffed in a closet while Stretch Pelosi and Black Eye Reid were passing the bill that no one read ahead of time so they could finally find out what's in it. I hope ever single person that voted for that abortion gets cancer and suffers horribly with it.

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Everyone to be Organ Donor in Euthanasia Netherlands
The Netherlands, along with Belgians, permit organ harvesting to be conjoined to voluntary euthanasia.
But now, Netherlands is moving to a system in which everyone is an organ donor unless they specifically opt out. From the Dutch News story:
Now, consider a doctor–who has completely swallowed the euthanasia hemlock point-of-view–looking upon a “suffering” patient, believing his life to be not worth living, and thinking that he has some perfectly good and usable kidneys, liver, and heart available for other patients who could make better use of them.
What could possibly go wrong?



I'm not sure about harvesting the organs of the terminal. Now the chronic homeless? Hell yeah!!!

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