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Just drove by Wal-Mart on the way home...


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I worked retail from age 18-24 and always hated black Friday. I'll never understand why, when we get so few national holidays, people want to spend that shopping and not with their family. Not to mention people have to work in these stores, which means set-up and stocking. Which can run late into Wednesday night and arriving at least 2 hours before the store opens on Thursday/Friday.


Another interesting point, when I worked for Best Buy, a lot of the black friday deals would be repeated on the weekends in December leading up to Christmas. They might just change the TV or DVD player that was being offered, but you could get just as good of a deal through the month of December so going in on BF was pointless, I thought.


The worst I ever saw was when a gentleman had his son on his shoulders waiting for the doors to open. Well, the doors opened and there was a made dash to get inside. The guy forgot he had his son on his shoulders and ran through the door. WHAM! Son gets clotheslined by the top of the door frame. It was bad.

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I am in no way a Wal-mart fan (haven't shopped there in well over 15-20 years), and I am not a fan of stores being open on Thanksgiving...but, as someone who managed record stores for years, I understand it. When I worked for Tower records, we were open "366 days a year"...every day...people thought it was "awesome"...for a while, the store was even open to 4am, just like the bars in NY. There was no outrage, people didn't boycott us, and, to be perfectly honest, as someone who worked pretty much every Christmas and Thanksgiving, for pretty substandard wages, it was actually kind of fun...not saying alchohol wasn't consumed behind cash registes, disguised as coffee, or that hommade cigs weren't shared in the parking lot on "lunch break"....


Truth is, small retailers, forever, have been opening up on holidays to find some niche to keep them competitive (and make people aware that they even exist in some cases) with "box stores"...now, bricks and mortar retail stores compete with the internet..they are trying to survive, and in some ways, creating this whoel "black Friday' mania is pretty ingenious...make people feel like they need something they don't really need...I was always (and still) have been at retail outlets that battled stores like Best-Buy, Wal-Mart and Target for their small piece of the pie, so I am not sympathetic to them in some regards, but I don't begrudge them trying to stay alive.


He'll have his job


:thumbsup: I get that!

Edited by Buftex
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make people feel like they need something they don't really need...


And this is where the sickness is. Kill the patient. Consumers are lemmings.


I do understand what you said prior to that. There has always been a place for 24/7/365 industry.


Don't think it's cool that these retailers open on black Friday. Let people have time with their families.


I got no problem w/stores being open... But it should be optional and if some workers don't want to work it, that choice should not be used against them... More power to the workers who opt in.

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Why is shopping and spending time with families mutually exclusive? I'm walking around stores in Philly this morning and there are families shopping TOGETHER.... and they look like they are enjoying the whole holiday experience

Edited by The Poojer
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And this is where the sickness is. Kill the patient. Consumers are lemmings.


I do understand what you said prior to that. There has always been a place for 24/7/365 industry.



It is the American way... people buy **** they don't need every day of the year...retailers are just trying to get their foot in the door on a season that, for many, could make or break them. In some cases, brick and mortar stores depend on Christmas to determine if they will be around for next Christmas.


I go on Facebook, and see people patting themselves on the back for not succumbing to the mania, but then bragging about how they managed to get a great deal for somthing on-line, without having to pay tax, deal with lines or rude employees, etc etc....all on Thanksgiving day!


Personally, I would never set foot in a store one of these holidays, but I just think the sanctimonious attitude that some take toward it is kind of hypocritical...I spent 15 hours yesterday working at a football game...there were lots of people there...so, there were lots of people who had to work, to service them. The handful of resteraunts that were open yesterday were packed...nobody was mad at them for being open...I just think, in this day and age, when nothing is sacred, that this is so sacred... I will agree with you, it should be optional...

Edited by Buftex
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Why is shopping and spending time with families mutually exclusive? I'm walking around stores in Philly this morning and there are families shopping TOGETHER.... and they look like they are enjoying the whole holiday experience


Sure the families shopping and camping out together are spending "family" time together. What about the people working? From my days of working retail it definitely wasn't optional. When I was in college and wanted to go home for Thanksgiving, it was a process and my store would only allow 1 or 2 people off. You had to put that in advance months early. All of this for a part-time job. If you couldn't work, you better find another job.


And yea there are a lot of families out there, but there are also a lot of complete jerks who are absolutely miserable and make working on Black Friday terrible. Not to mention the fighting and temper tantrums from adult men and women.

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Don't think it's cool that these retailers open on black Friday. Let people have time with their families.

Why is shopping and spending time with families mutually exclusive? I'm walking around stores in Philly this morning and there are families shopping TOGETHER.... and they look like they are enjoying the whole holiday experience


Blue, I'm guessing you mean Thanksgiving, right? Who cares who is open on Black Friday, they are supposed to be. And Pooj, I am sure few if any have problems with families enjoying the shared shopping experience. You're right, it can be quality time. The problem I have is how it encroaches on Thanksgiving day. The number of retailers open on Thursday is excessive and ridiculous, not to mention totally unnecessary.

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Blue, I'm guessing you mean Thanksgiving, right? Who cares who is open on Black Friday, they are supposed to be. And Pooj, I am sure few if any have problems with families enjoying the shared shopping experience. You're right, it can be quality time. The problem I have is how it encroaches on Thanksgiving day. The number of retailers open on Thursday is excessive and ridiculous, not to mention totally unnecessary.


And, if enough consumers agree with you, and profits suck, you won't see as many of them doing it in coming years.




And yea there are a lot of families out there, but there are also a lot of complete jerks who are absolutely miserable and make working on Black Friday terrible. Not to mention the fighting and temper tantrums from adult men and women.


There are a lot of ****ty families out there too! :lol:

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