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game thread is a disgrace

KikO M G

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you missed my point... we didn't dominate Miami.

The Bills did manage to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. We all know we've lost too many times like the Dolphins did yesterday so I suggest we enjoy the win especially since the Bills face N.O. this week. This could be a real long day..

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I am one of those not happy with yesterdays win. Look we have seen this team win games with smoke and mirrors in the past under Chan and Jauron. The reason I am upset is because I feel like the OCord is killing this team. Hackett is bad, there is no other way to put it. IF Hackett had any semblance on creativity this team could be 7-0. That is what I am angry about. The play calling stinks, and the more teams get to see Hackett's tendencies the less effective it will be. I can already see another 6-10 year starring at us. That is why I am angry. The talent is on this team. If Hackett was as good as Pettine this team would be 5-2 at least. Hackett needs to go by the end of the year if he keeps p this same putrid lake of innovative play calling. Sorry this is the NFL, no time for you to learn on the job. Give me a Marty Morningwhig and this team is a lot easier to watch.

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I am one of those not happy with yesterdays win. Look we have seen this team win games with smoke and mirrors in the past under Chan and Jauron. The reason I am upset is because I feel like the OCord is killing this team. Hackett is bad, there is no other way to put it. IF Hackett had any semblance on creativity this team could be 7-0. That is what I am angry about. The play calling stinks, and the more teams get to see Hackett's tendencies the less effective it will be. I can already see another 6-10 year starring at us. That is why I am angry. The talent is on this team. If Hackett was as good as Pettine this team would be 5-2 at least. Hackett needs to go by the end of the year if he keeps p this same putrid lake of innovative play calling. Sorry this is the NFL, no time for you to learn on the job. Give me a Marty Morningwhig and this team is a lot easier to watch.


oh, you're one of those?

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Is this a weekday?


This reminds me of the "turnover ratio is unsustainable" argument from a few years back. The glass is half full and half empty.


> This reminds me of the "turnover ratio is unsustainable" argument from a few years back.


I was the one who started that thread! :angry: The Bills had a winning record at the time; and many thought that they could sustain that record for the rest of the season and maybe into the playoffs.


The problem with all that was that the Bills were getting dominated by the decent-to-good teams they faced; but were sometimes able to use turnovers to mask that dominance. Something like that can last for only so long before the defense stops generating turnovers at such a ridiculous rate. Once that happens, the team gets exposed.


The Bills did not look like the more dominant team yesterday. Yes, they won anyway. I'm sure they'll steal a few more wins over the next few years. Nothing wrong with that as far as it goes. But the Bills are a re-Bill-ding team. I'm more interested in signs of the rebuilding effort's progress (or lack thereof) than I am in whether the Bills can steal a couple extra wins in a non-playoff season.

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Some people are optimists and some people are pessimists. Take your choice. For example:


Over the next two weeks we play opponents that have a combined record of 12- 1 or:


Over the next two weeks we play opponents that were a combined 9 - 26 last year when the strength of schedules were calculated.

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Can't believe how many naysayers fill the game thread with negative comments about how the Bills have no chance, the coaching is terrible, time to start looking at next year, etc.


Really? The Bills never trailed by more than 4 points the entire game, and you guys were that negative? Have a little faith! I know the history of this team gives us plenty of reasons to be pessimistic, but you might find you enjoy the games a bit more if you actually believe in your team!


It's not like it took a miraculous comeback to win this one. They were in it the whole game. Yet reading the game thread it looks like they were down by 20 or something. Very sad.

Ridiculous isn't it?

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Baby steps . . . . while Hackett concerns me, I'm willing to let him grow into the job during season and make evaluation at end of year --- I like the coaching staff, they seem to be getting more out of a lot of the same guys we had last year ---


If you want to take GIANT steps forward, you need two things --- (1) Manuel to be "the guy" we won't know that until December --- and (2) get rid of Brandon-Overdorf and Littman, so this team can continue to grow and not be hamstrung in 2014 and 2015 by spending limitations


Great win !! (all wins are great, I don't care how they get them)

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> This reminds me of the "turnover ratio is unsustainable" argument from a few years back.


I was the one who started that thread! :angry: The Bills had a winning record at the time; and many thought that they could sustain that record for the rest of the season and maybe into the playoffs.


The problem with all that was that the Bills were getting dominated by the decent-to-good teams they faced; but were sometimes able to use turnovers to mask that dominance. Something like that can last for only so long before the defense stops generating turnovers at such a ridiculous rate. Once that happens, the team gets exposed.


The Bills did not look like the more dominant team yesterday. Yes, they won anyway. I'm sure they'll steal a few more wins over the next few years. Nothing wrong with that as far as it goes. But the Bills are a re-Bill-ding team. I'm more interested in signs of the rebuilding effort's progress (or lack thereof) than I am in whether the Bills can steal a couple extra wins in a non-playoff season.

Really, not when they were winning 14-0?

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What a GREAT word...erudite! I'm a scrabble junkie & I still had to look it up! I intend to use it frequently in a sarcastic manner while talking to the many morons that I do each week (I'm in retail). It will work exceptionally well with the word "hermaphrodite". "Thank you for that question sir...you're quite the erudite for a hermaphrodite."

I hope they don't let you wear Bills-themed clothing at work:



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Despite the fact that we need him....I would rest CJ Spiller to give that ankle a week or two off. He isn't the back we need him to be right now, and we don't need 6 carries for 1.3 yards/ from him. (despite the home run against the Browns) I don't know how Jackson keeps going, but he is effective. Last year he also kept going ,but was not effective. (like Spiller this year) I have had the ankle injuries during my athletic years, and time off and treatment is the answer. Give up the 6 useless carries and get him back to the real CJ who can cut/bob/weave and be the nemisis we want him to be to the opposition. I will sit down and shut up now.

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I am one of those not happy with yesterdays win. Look we have seen this team win games with smoke and mirrors in the past under Chan and Jauron. The reason I am upset is because I feel like the OCord is killing this team. Hackett is bad, there is no other way to put it. IF Hackett had any semblance on creativity this team could be 7-0. That is what I am angry about. The play calling stinks, and the more teams get to see Hackett's tendencies the less effective it will be. I can already see another 6-10 year starring at us. That is why I am angry. The talent is on this team. If Hackett was as good as Pettine this team would be 5-2 at least. Hackett needs to go by the end of the year if he keeps p this same putrid lake of innovative play calling. Sorry this is the NFL, no time for you to learn on the job. Give me a Marty Morningwhig and this team is a lot easier to watch.


Have you at least considered the possibility that maybe....just maybe....if we had a good QB rather than a backup's backup or a rookie.....and we had healthy and experienced play makers on the O rather than the hobbled and inexperienced WRs/RBs that we have.......that the plays that have been called would be executed in a totally different manner to that which we have been witnessing?

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