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The Affordable Care Act is Coming Home to Roost

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According to Politico reporter Reid Epstein, covering Obama's speech today: Obama adds a clause to "you can keep it" - "What we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed."


I'm starting to believe there is not even a little bit of intelligence in this man...not even by mistake.

Edited by LABillzFan
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According to Politico reporter Reid Epstein, covering Obama's speech today: Obama adds a clause to "you can keep it" - "What we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed."


I'm starting to believe there is not even a little bit of intelligence honesty in this man...not even by mistake.

Fixed it for you. And it goes to show you how idiotic his supporters are, considering he'll give shove that **** in their faces and they'll eat it up.

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According to Politico reporter Reid Epstein, covering Obama's speech today: Obama adds a clause to "you can keep it" - "What we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed."


I'm starting to believe there is not even a little bit of intelligence in this man...not even by mistake.


Someone needs to explain to Obama what a period is.


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LOL...........Candy Crowley continues to beclown herself


CNN: Aren’t Republicans vulnerable on ObamaCare for, er, opposing the debacle all along?





What exactly is the argument here — that Republicans have been proven correct about what a clusterfark ObamaCare would be, and so their opposition was therefore nothing but politics? Er, doesn’t the multi-layered failures of the scheme demonstrate that opposition was substantive all along?


The website and the skyrocketing premiums show that the ACA should have been derailed years ago, and that the White House has been repeatedly dishonest for years about its impact and their ability to manage it.


Why would that make Republicans vulnerable? Why should they attempt to rescue a system that doesn’t work when they had no investment in it at all?


The idea that Republicans will be vulnerable in 2014 for refusing to ride to Obama’s rescue, rather than Democrats be vulnerable for their own failures and years of dishonesty, sounds like wish-casting from the White House or concern-trolling from the DSCC.

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CBS: White House Granted Itself Waiver to Launch ObamaCare Website With High Security Risk

As NewsBusters has been reporting, CBS News has been one of the press outlets totally willing to expose the disaster that is the ObamaCare rollout.


On Monday, Sharyl Attkisson did a fabulous report on the CBS Evening News revealing that “four days before the launch the government took an unusual step: it granted itself a waiver to launch the website with a level of uncertainty deemed as a high security risk”

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Probably one of the better articles putting everything in a nutshell is found here.


A couple of my favorite parts:


What a difference a week has made. Now, the administration is apparently unable to decide what constitutes a Big Number and what is merely loose change.


Pushing back against the increasingly common realization that Obamacare’s achievements have thus far been to expose the president as an incorrigible liar and to corrupt the individual health-insurance market in precisely the way that critics were lambasted for suggesting it would, Jay Carney complained last Tuesday that reporters were blowing out of proportion the number of people whose health insurance is being canceled. “In some of the coverage of this issue in the last several days,” Carney griped, “you would think that you were talking about 75 percent or 80 percent or 60 percent of the American population!” Instead, he noted bitterly, “the universe we’re talking about” is only “5 percent of the population.”


Out of context, “5 percent of the population” does not sound especially impressive. But 5 percent of the population is 15 million people — or the collective population of Alaska, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Hawaii, Idaho, West Virginia, Nebraska, New Mexico, and both the Dakotas. Fifteen million people is 300 Yankee Stadiums or two New York Cities. It is twice the number of Germans who died during the Second World War. It is, in another words, a lot of people.


With this in mind, one almost feels sympathetic toward the administration’s crack team of liars. By now, they must be realizing that they have been given an impossible mission: to argue simultaneously that 20 million people’s visiting a website is worthy of our awe and admiration and that 15 million living, breathing rebuttals to the president’s incessant “if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan” promise are but an insignificant rounding error.


And this...


The president claims that, on its first day, the site had 4.7 million unique visits; a leaked memo, meanwhile, shows that only six people signed up. Providing that the White House is telling the truth, Obama’s “really good product” thus achieved a visit-to-sign-up ratio of just 1:783,333. By way of contrast, direct mail — almost universally loathed — has a conversion rate of around one in 25, which means that the Smartest President Ever’s signature law is running around 31,000 times behind unsolicited copies of the Sears catalogue.



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MEGAN MCARDLE: ObamaCare Shouldn’t Have Been Managed Like A Campaign.







AMES TARANTO: Who Sabotaged ObamaCare? Not Republicans, who opposed it openly and honorably.


One of the excuses for the technical incompetence of ObamaCare is that the president and his team were the victims of “sabotage” by congressional Republicans. Todd Purdum, a leftist longtime New York Times reporter, put forward this claim in a Politico op-ed last week, and yesterday the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart, perhaps Obama’s most effusive male admirer, echoed it, citing a deeply reported story by his Post colleagues Amy Goldstein and Juliet Eilperin.


The idea that Republicans have “sabotaged” ObamaCare is ludicrous on its face. Sabotage entails destroying or damaging something by subverting it–by stealthily undermining it from within. Republican opposition to ObamaCare has been neither stealthy nor “within.” Every Republican member of Congress has opposed ObamaCare consistently, openly and honorably.

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Look for the union label!!!


The labor movement appears likely to dodge a key tax under ObamaCare less than two months after the White House refused to make union plans eligible for subsidies.


The Obama administration indicated last week it will propose exempting certain self-insured, self-administered insurance plans from two of the healthcare law's three-year reinsurance fees.


The policies that would escape the fees include the multi-employer or "Taft Hartley" plans that are commonly held by union members.


The disclosure, buried in rules released by the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department, would give unions some of the relief they have sought from ObamaCare.


"We also intend to propose in future rulemaking to exempt self-insured, self-administered plans from the requirement to make reinsurance contributions in 2015 and 2016," HHS said.


AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told reporters on Wednesday that the labor federation is reviewing the proposal.

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Now that true horror stories of Obamacare's wrecking ball are finally reaching the public, the White House doesn't like "anecdotes." Live by tale-telling; die by tale-telling.

On Tuesday, White House press secretary Jay Carney huffed that stage-four gallbladder cancer survivor Edie Littlefield Sundby's personal account in The Wall Street Journal of seeing her health insurance plan canceled and her access to doctors cut off was "sensational." Not a shred of compassion for her predicament. No sorrow for her loss. Must. Attack. Messenger.

There are millions out there like Sundby who are using Facebook, Twitter, Twitchy.com and a new website called MyCancellation.com to share their plights. White House flacks and hacks are working overtime to "debunk" their experiences, bash insurance companies and deride individual market consumers losing their plans as stupid dupes whose stories don't add up.

Here's the thing. This Alinsky-steeped administration has relied on an endless stream of sensationalized, phony personal dramas to sell Obamacare. Last month, Organizing for Action (previously Obama for America) promoted the "success story" of Chad Henderson, a supposedly random young person who miraculously enrolled in Obamacare while everyone else in America experienced major tech meltdowns and sticker shock.

Turned out Lying Chad was actually an OFA volunteer who hadn't really enrolled in Obamacare yet because he was "joking." No matter. Yesterday, Obama appeared before OFA to solicit even more stories from the group to help propagandize Obamacare. A refresher course on the White House Fable Factory's greatest hits:

--Stanley Ann Dunham. Obama cited his mom's deathbed fight with her insurer several times over the years to support the Obamacare ban on pre-existing condition exclusions by insurers. During a 2008 debate, he shared her plight: "For my mother to die of cancer at the age of 53 and have to spend the last months of her life in the hospital room arguing with insurance companies because they're saying that this may be a pre-existing condition and they don't have to pay her treatment, there's something fundamentally wrong about that." But New York Times reporter Janny Scott discovered that Dunham's health insurer had in fact reimbursed her medical expenses with nary an objection. The actual coverage dispute centered on a separate disability insurance policy.

Read more at the link.

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Now that true horror stories of Obamacare's wrecking ball are finally reaching the public, the White House doesn't like "anecdotes." Live by tale-telling; die by tale-telling.

On Tuesday, White House press secretary Jay Carney huffed that stage-four gallbladder cancer survivor Edie Littlefield Sundby's personal account in The Wall Street Journal of seeing her health insurance plan canceled and her access to doctors cut off was "sensational." Not a shred of compassion for her predicament. No sorrow for her loss. Must. Attack. Messenger.

There are millions out there like Sundby who are using Facebook, Twitter, Twitchy.com and a new website called MyCancellation.com to share their plights. White House flacks and hacks are working overtime to "debunk" their experiences, bash insurance companies and deride individual market consumers losing their plans as stupid dupes whose stories don't add up.

Here's the thing. This Alinsky-steeped administration has relied on an endless stream of sensationalized, phony personal dramas to sell Obamacare. Last month, Organizing for Action (previously Obama for America) promoted the "success story" of Chad Henderson, a supposedly random young person who miraculously enrolled in Obamacare while everyone else in America experienced major tech meltdowns and sticker shock.

Turned out Lying Chad was actually an OFA volunteer who hadn't really enrolled in Obamacare yet because he was "joking." No matter. Yesterday, Obama appeared before OFA to solicit even more stories from the group to help propagandize Obamacare. A refresher course on the White House Fable Factory's greatest hits:

--Stanley Ann Dunham. Obama cited his mom's deathbed fight with her insurer several times over the years to support the Obamacare ban on pre-existing condition exclusions by insurers. During a 2008 debate, he shared her plight: "For my mother to die of cancer at the age of 53 and have to spend the last months of her life in the hospital room arguing with insurance companies because they're saying that this may be a pre-existing condition and they don't have to pay her treatment, there's something fundamentally wrong about that." But New York Times reporter Janny Scott discovered that Dunham's health insurer had in fact reimbursed her medical expenses with nary an objection. The actual coverage dispute centered on a separate disability insurance policy.


Read more at the link.


Anecdotes? No, not us.


It's not even the lying that gets to me. It's the completely transparent belief that Americans are far too stupid to catch them at such obvious ones.

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Anecdotes? No, not us.


It's not even the lying that gets to me. It's the completely transparent belief that Americans are far too stupid to catch them at such obvious ones.


LA's post #501 in this thread says it all. He looks straight at a person and outright lies to them, knowing he can be refuted but will somehow be given cover by the MSM.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the Barack Obama administration in a nutshell: person in charge of signing off on Obamacare website security refused to do so before the launch. His boss signed it off for him. Guess who's resigning from their position?


Yep. The guy who tried to do the right thing.


This law is going to choke progressives for years to come. Years.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the Barack Obama administration in a nutshell: person in charge of signing off on Obamacare website security refused to do so before the launch. His boss signed it off for him. Guess who's resigning from their position?


Yep. The guy who tried to do the right thing.


This law is going to choke progressives for years to come. Years.



Nah. I am far too skeptical to believe that anymore. Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity...

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Nah. I am far too skeptical to believe that anymore. Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity...


Yes, but stupid happens when bad policies don't directly affect people. Millions of people are waking up to realize they've been lied to. We're getting to the point where everyone knows someone who lost their health insurance and finding out their options are ridiculously higher with greater deductibles. I have three friends/family members who found out just this week.


This isn't Fast and Furious or Benghazi. Those events make people like gatorman laugh because leaving Americans to die is funny to him.


No...Obamacare is different. It's affecting millions of people...and pissing them off. It is going to get very, very ugly, and it will forever be known as the Democrat's biggest error short of thinking a community organizer could run the country.

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