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Doug Whaley said WHAT?!


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It's not the words that I take issue with, but the thought process they expose. Whaley oversees the college scouting department, and organizes the formation of the draft board.


After everything we've been through at the quarterback position, why would this decision come down to "a matter of what value you put on the quarterback you want to lead your team."?


How could the value of the Buffalo Bills future franchise QB be something open to interpretation? What other value could it have besides the max?


We don't need a kid with a bazooka arm who can't hit the broad side of a barn with it. We don't a statue in the pocket who stares down recievers, then airs it out to a waiting DB.


I guess i don't see any confidence that we KNOW what we're looking for when it comes down to this critical piece. There's also no recent history of us turning project kids who do "some things" "good" into playoff calibre QB's.


You are reading into this WAY too much and over analzying what he said. Where does he ever say they don't know what they are looking for and are clueless? And where does he say that with the overall pick, they are going to select a QB with which this "value" your talking about? Maybe he's talking about later in the draft. The point is, we don't know.


News flash, the draft is a crap shoot, you have to basically risk assess players based on what your teams core values are. You get pieces that fit what you believe to build a prennial winner. Thats why it's his opinion and what he see's as value.

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#34fan -- put the bong down, take a deep breath, and move away from the computer for a few days. I'd say the vast majority of us have no earthly idea what is giving you such agita over one comment plucked out of a discussion with Whaley about the draft.

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From BBMB:


Bills Assistant GM Doug Whaley, who oversees the team’s College Scouting Department and organizes the formation of the team’s draft board, said this year’s quarterback class is going to come down to skill set preference.


“In my opinion it’s basically going to come down to what you value over other things,” Whaley told Buffalobills.com. “All of these guys have a value and some things they do good and some things they don’t do as well. So it’s a matter of what value you put on the quarterback you want to lead your team.”


:blink: Huh?


Didn't know Whaley was in charge of this, but it sounds to me like he's ready to comprimise, which is, of course, what got us into this QB quagmire to begin with.


Here's an idea... How about we NOT do that. -At least not with a high pick.


I dunno about Whaley, but I value progress... Sure hope he's not willing to sacrifice the future just to fill a "need"

Where does it say Whaley is in charge of this? Where does it say he will draft a QB? Where does it say that he is ready to compromise? Are you seeing what isn't there as an excuse to put Whaley down to build up yourself? If your going to make assumptions, why stop here?
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It sounds to me like he was trying to temper those rabid fans that want to take a QB at 8 more matter what. They know there isn't a QB worthy and he is doing preventive damage control.


Orrr.... he was just answering a question with his honest opinion. Either way... this is such a non issue. He said what any other guy getting ready for the draft would say, and did so as minimally as he could without making it look like a pre-written speech.


He's doing his job.

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I wish things were that cut and dried...


In this draft, I don't see the traditional runners, big arms, etc... Every QB prospect has serious holes in their game.... This years contingent of pocket passers (Nassib, Glennon) are some of the worst I've ever seen. It's not like these kids do some things good, and others not-so-good. For the most part, they're mediocre at everything.


-Everything, except for the things they absolutely suck at.


Whaley is calling the draft a mix and match, but what I'm seeing is feast or famine. Let's not waste a high pick on a another career backup QB.


I think what he is saying is that Barkley may have limited athletic ability, but he throws a good deep ball. Landry Jones may not be a vocal, fiery type leader, but he has won 50 college games.


Now, the question is, and what Whaley is trying to hint at i think; Are one of those skillsets better than a OLB who can rush but cant cover? The Bills must decide what the team needs, then pick which skill sets best fits team needs since there is no Andrew Luck Available this year.

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There is no QB that runs like Vick, reads the D like Peyton Manning, is as accurate as Rogers, as powerful as Tebow, and pretty as Brady. That guy doesn't exist. Therefore, every pick presents this kind of trade off. His statement was about as obvious as saying water's wet & the sky is blue.

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There is no QB that runs like Vick, reads the D like Peyton Manning, is as accurate as Rogers, as powerful as Tebow, and pretty as Brady. That guy doesn't exist. Therefore, every pick presents this kind of trade off. His statement was about as obvious as saying water's wet & the sky is blue.

The sky is black and blue most days.

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I second the "need" part. Would rather draft a Defensive player earlier and then reach for a QB that's limited regardless of round.

The more I look at the players who are available in the draft the more I think we go and draft according to the strength of the drafty--defense in the first two or three rounds followed by a TE/WR and then draft a QB. Reaching for a QB will set us back. We have enough holes to fill and can do so with quality players. If we are going to develop a QB let it be one we draft later after we acquire quality defenders who can start and play. I don't see a QB who can do that. BPA!!!!!!

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I think you're assuming that Whaley was talking about taking a quarterback with the first round pick. He did not say that anywhere. He said that there is no complete quarterback in the draft and who you select will depend on what you value in a quarterback.


Frankly what I think is more interesting is that it appears that Whaley is the guy who is going to be calling the shots now.

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I second the "need" part. Would rather draft a Defensive player earlier and then reach for a QB that's limited regardless of round.


Define 'Reach'. I have heard this word used for a couple decades now and its only used with Media and fans. A player is not a 'Reach' if you feel his skill set fits what you want to do and you feel he will be the player you need at X position for the next 12 years or so.

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