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Anderson Cooper outs himself

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Oh good Lord I pull a random example out of the air and now I am Heinrich Himmler. I am also Polish, which would put me in a death camp. OK? Even?


Which one of our sarcasm meters is broken? For the record, I was just trying to make a joke on the "pride in blue eyes" thing.

Edited by SageAgainstTheMachine
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I was simply trying to say how can you be "proud" of something you where born with?









I guess I don't personally identify with being proud of any inherent quality. But I know plenty of people who are proud of their heritage, for example. Irish American guys running around in their leprechaun costumes on St. Patty's Day don't (typically) hurt anybody.


Of course, they didn't do anything to make their grandparents Irish. They were born with it. It doesn't have to be logical.

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I would have confused the hell out of the Nazis. 1/4 Norwegian, 1/4 Danish, 1/2 Polish. What do we do with him? General or lampshade?


No, you're a drone in an anti-partisan security division. Substitute Ukranian for Polish, and you'd be a concentration camp guard.


I'm half German, half French. That as much as anything explains why I'm bipolar.

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I would have confused the hell out of the Nazis. 1/4 Norwegian, 1/4 Danish, 1/2 Polish. What do we do with him? General or lampshade?

Plenty of jews were made Ehrenarier for things service to the German Empire during WWI. That's another option for you.

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I was simply trying to say how can you be "proud" of something you where born with?









If you have to ask, then you are choosing to ignore the struggle that gays, blacks, women, etc have faced for the past century or two in America.


The better question is: How can people shame others for something they were born with?

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If you have to ask, then you are choosing to ignore the struggle that gays, blacks, women, etc have faced for the past century or two in America.

I think you and JiA are talking about different things. JiA is saying that you should have to work to achieve/receive something in order to be proud of that something. If you didn't work for it, how can you be proud of it? Thus his blue eyes question.


And as an aside: if the "struggle" is what they're proud of, then very few blacks, gays, women, etc. have any right to be "proud," by your logic.

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I think you and JiA are talking about different things. JiA is saying that you should have to work to achieve/receive something in order to be proud of that something. If you didn't work for it, how can you be proud of it? Thus his blue eyes question.


And as an aside: if the "struggle" is what they're proud of, then very few blacks, gays, women, etc. have any right to be "proud," by your logic.

Spot on.

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“The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud,” he wrote to fellow gay journalist Andrew Sullivan, who published the letter with Cooper’s permission in his column on The Daily Beast website.




Fellow gay journalist? Who was it, Doug Dannger?

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Straight people arent PHYSICALLY assaulted and killed on a regular basis. Im not talking about some verbal abuse or stupid protesters. Im talking about being chained to the back of a pickup for a good ol fashioned Fag Drag. The comparison is not even close. Gay people are subject to physical assaults on a REGUGALR basis.


And it happens from Wyoming to Buffalo, NY and everywhere in between.



Ill remember this post when my white ass walks through Brownsville, Brooklyn on a hot Summer night.

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It's our animal human nature that causes hate towards different things. It is our Civilized society that tells us doing so is wrong. Working towards acceptance of different people should be the goal. Not chalking it up to "Welp, people are evil, nothing we can do about it". As much as I agree with that sentiment, it's still on us to try.



While I get the sincerity of this, its the application of it thats the problem. Becuase when you strive for your noble principle to be achieved, we often DONT move forward and instead get political correctness. You get people like "Fat Nick" spending major time in jail becuase he threw around a few derogatory words during a common fistfight. Or you get comedienes blacklisted and held hostage and often their careers ruined for telling an ethnic joke. You get a hyper hyper hyper sensitivity to discussions of matters of race with people livingg in fear of speech police and power hungry special interests. Not good.

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