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Anderson Cooper outs himself

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1341520825[/url]' post='2498423']

You're missing the point. Gay Pride is one day of the year. The majority of people who participate in the event aren't dressed as inappropriately nor doing anything more lewd than you'd find at Dyngus Day. It's one day a year where they celebrate standing out.


Your original post wondered how they could operate with such hypocrisy (wanting to be treated the same while simultaneously wanting to stand out for being different). It's a valid question -- but one that applies to every group within the world, not just homosexuals. You think poles want to be treated differently? Of course not -- but that doesn't mean they don't see themselves as special because they were lucky enough to come from polish decent.


It's the same thing. There is no difference in principle between a Gay Pride parade and a Polish Day parade.

I agree, as I've said.


1341521797[/url]' post='2498448']

And yet, she never needs to work a day in her life.




And more shocking!

Exactly, beause she's a hot chick starring in action movies. Why don't you think she's in the serious drama's? Because she's not taken seriously as an actress because she's a hot chick starring in action movies, I'm sure is part of that.


Really, is this that hard of a concept or are we arguing just to waste time? It may be prejudicial or illegal to discriminate, but the reality is people of every race, nationality, religion, sexual preference, etc. are judged by the majority every day. If you don't want to be judged don't call attention to your differences. If you're proud to be whatever and show everyone, just expect someone to have an issue with it and move on.



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I agree, as I've said.



Exactly, beause she's a hot chick starring in action movies. Why don't you think she's in the serious drama's? Because she's not taken seriously as an actress because she's a hot chick starring in action movies, I'm sure is part of that.


Really, is this that hard of a concept or are we arguing just to waste time? It may be prejudicial or illegal to discriminate, but the reality is people of every race, nationality, religion, sexual preference, etc. are judged by the majority every day. If you don't want to be judged don't call attention to your differences. If you're proud to be whatever and show everyone, just expect someone to have an issue with it and move on.


the conversation has evolved a lot. human nature to discriminate, and the struggle to look past boundaries is far different than the original "im tired of all these gay people in my face with their coming out, and having parades - why cant straight people have parades?!?!?!"


im personally not a huge fan of ideas like hate crime laws. im also not a fan of denying people rights. both those things are going on right now, and i dont think it does anything good. in the end i suppose you could say i advocate treating people equally under the law regardless of race, creed, sexuality, gender etc... .

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when did you get pestered for being into women? I have a double standard because I would pester you for being into women?


You're still not following. I'll give one more shot at explanation. By "acknowledging" I'm not referring to straights coming out they're straight, I'm referring to them making note of, commenting on, showing interest in, "caring" as someone said earlier, about a gays making public their gayness. The double standard is somehow that gays are to be admired and celebrated for coming out, but straights have some deep seated issues for paying attention to the publication

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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1341527082[/url]' post='2498496']

the conversation has evolved a lot. human nature to discriminate, and the struggle to look past boundaries is far different than the original "im tired of all these gay people in my face with their coming out, and having parades - why cant straight people have parades?!?!?!"


im personally not a huge fan of ideas like hate crime laws. im also not a fan of denying people rights. both those things are going on right now, and i dont think it does anything good. in the end i suppose you could say i advocate treating people equally under the law regardless of race, creed, sexuality, gender etc... .

I very much agree. I try to never discriminate in my daily life, but I also acknowledge that it is something that happens. To ignore it or approach it from a high horse perspective does little to address the real issue though. And that is, in reference to this thread, if you "come out of the closet", just expect some people to say "im tired of all these gay people in my face with their coming out, and having parades". If you don't want to be judged in that way, then don't publicly announce or celebrate your sexual preferences to the world.


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Oh man you are deep into this queer/fag/gay/homosexual/lesbian thing. But cannot you admit in the NATURAL scheme of nature, sex is for reproduction and same sex "love" is a dead end in evolution? In other words, pushed out of the gene pool?

they need to promote the gay thing in india--keep the population down.


What college was that Tom?


It was Mills College in Oakland

Grads incl Dave Brubeck and 97,000 lesbians

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