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Life's Small Pleasures

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I thought I'd try to brighten up the off-season a little. What are some aspects of life that give your day a lift? I'll start...


- A strong cup of coffee

- The music of Warren Zevon

- Hitting all the green lights on a short trip

- A nice game of frisbee

- A perfectly struck 4-iron

- Watching my niece and nephew play

- Waking up 5 minutes before the alarm, perfectly rested

- That happy/pensive feeling after the 3rd beer

- The even happier/somewhat less pensive feeling after the 5th beer :pirate:


Your turn!

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- Doing manual labor of any kind then taking a few minutes after you're done to admire your hard work.

- Getting home after a long trip

- Having my year old son parrot my opinion no matter what I say then having my wife roll her eyes at me after it happens. Actually, I'm not sure this a small pleasure, it's pretty significant.

- Having my wife run her nails through my hair.

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Watching my dog do circles on his long leash in the field/boat launch next to our house, tennis ball in his mouth, going full-bore and loving it. Have to appreciate these moments, b/c they're not here for long enough.


Tuesday night spaghetti when my brother and 4-year-old niece come over after he picks her up from his ex's. Also.... every Tuesday night ~8:30 p.m. when she goes home and I say/think to myself, "Oh my dear Lord, I'm NEVER having kids!" That's the good thing about nieces and nephews --- you get the good moments and mostly don't have to be there for the bad.


Mowing the grass on a nice non-humid morning. I know a lot of people hate this chore, but I'm liking it so much more now that we picked up an old Cub Cadet to do the aforementioned field next to the house.


Watching old Bob Ross painting shows on PBS and drifting into a non-medicinal dream state. I don't do drugs and rarely drink, so this is as close as I'll ever get to being high. Also, Saturday naps during MLB on FOX baseball games (Red Sox, most often).


A cold Vanilla Coke on a warm day.


Pre-roadtrip (over 100 miles) excitement, when we start out at ~ midnight. It's weird --- I just get a little giddy.

Edited by UConn James
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Watching my dog do circles on his long leash in the field/boat launch next to our house, tennis ball in his mouth, going full-bore and loving it. Have to appreciate these moments, b/c they're not here for long enough.


Tuesday night spaghetti when my brother and 4-year-old niece come over after he picks her up from his ex's. Also.... every Tuesday night ~8:30 p.m. when she goes home and I say/think to myself, "Oh my dear Lord, I'm NEVER having kids!" That's the good thing about nieces and nephews --- you get the good moments and mostly don't have to be there for the bad.


Mowing the grass on a nice non-humid morning. I know a lot of people hate this chore, but I'm liking it so much more now that we picked up an old Cub Cadet to do the aforementioned field next to the house.


Watching old Bob Ross painting shows on PBS and drifting into a non-medicinal dream state. I don't do drugs and rarely drink, so this is as close as I'll ever get to being high. Also, Saturday naps during MLB on FOX baseball games (Red Sox, most often).


A cold Vanilla Coke on a warm day.


This is a good one. Mowing can be very zen. I like to go in a square pattern and pretend I'm mowing the infield at Yankee Stadium.

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Finding something that one of your family members; grandpa, great grandpa, etc - was the last to touch. A tool, a note, etc.


A good breeze on a hot day.


The Carolina sunset against a green carpet of grass, strewn in windrows of hay.


A very cold beer, not that kitty **** either. A real beer.


The first bite in to a really good burger.


When you wake up and find your arm is still around your loved one.

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Watching old Bob Ross painting shows on PBS and drifting into a non-medicinal dream state. I don't do drugs and rarely drink, so this is as close as I'll ever get to being high.


Well said.

I used to love doing the same thing on snowy Sunday afternoons as Bob was painting his happy trees.

I used to have an old barber that could hypnotize me the same way.

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The hug fom my son when he gets up every morning

Piece of DiCamillos toast in the morning

Weekend breakfast on the porch with a fire in the fireplace

PTI with a beer on the porch on a 70 degree evening

Watching my daughter slog to swim practice when she so not wants to go..awesome work ethic

Hearing "in the morningtime" from the kids as I ask them every night when I will see them again. They humor me as they are 13 and 11.

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I really enjoy watching stupid people do dumb things. Nothing that's going to get anyone hurt, just those minor stupid things that are always good for a laugh, like watching a woman this morning hit a stationary car. No one was hurt and the only damage was to her car. Perfect.

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The chipmunks that live in my backyard. I see those cute little !@#$ers scooting around every morning and it puts a :) on my face.


- Also, it's interesting that most people include something to do with kids. Further illustrates my philosophy that we should aim to be more child-like and less childish!

Edited by SageAgainstTheMachine
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The absolute quiet after a good snowfall.


The first peach / ear of sweet corn / tomato of the season.


Second the nomination on the burger.


Watching a minor league baseball game on a summer evening and seeing a good hustle play.

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Being able to relax outside with nice weather in a very green area. I got a lot of that this weekend while visiting the family and it reminds me just how much I miss that stuff living in an area where I see 3 trees a day.

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-A baseball that I hit right on the sweet spot of the bat


-Doing a good amount of yard work throughout the entire day and having it look nice at when you're done


-Doing anything with my parents


-Seeing my dog do something human like a head nod when I walk in the door, playing football with me, throwing her favorite toy to me to let me know she wants to play fetch


-When I go to something that I planned on doing but I find out it was already done so I have a whole two hours to do whatever I want


-Waking up and realizing its summer and I don't have to go to school!! B-)

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