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Moorman being challenged


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Don't forget that Moorman is in the final year of his contract, and is due $1.675 million this year, the biggest payout of the 6-year deal. if the Bills can find his long term replacement, and cut $1 million in salary, that's just good business.

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Don’t forget Moorman’s value as a holder too. He has great hands. All these years I don’t think I’ve ever seen him mishandle a ball.

Hey Ramius, did Powell hold at FSU?

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Nice article on TBD about the rookie P from FSU, Powell. I think this is legitimate competition for Moorman. Funny thing about Powell; he has been coached/trained by former Bills P Greg Cater and said he has a Cater Bills jersey. Pretty cool.


Anyway, he appears more polished and skilled than you'd expect coming out of college. Moorman is probably the Bills' MVP over the past decade, and a real class act, but I certainly have seen a decline over the past couple of seasons. Love the fact Nix is even working to upgrade arguably one of the Bills' strongest positions.


I tied to get Y'all fired up about this when we signed the Kid, but nobody seemed very interested... :lol:


Powell was the best Punter in College Football last year...He has a big leg and great accuracy...He's a legit threat to Moorman...And Moorman is no where near the Punter he was a few years back...How more Bills Fans are not frustrated with his inconsistency is beyond me...Sure he still booms one every now and again...But he also shanks them WAY too often for my liking...With this new Defense, Punting is going to be HUGE for The Bills this year...Pinning opponents, and making them drive the length of the field is important...I think Mooorman's number is up to be honest...JMO, but I think it's time...


And Powell is a holder btw... B-)

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Odd. If you read the article, Powell specifically mentions how he was coached in directional punting at FSU:

LOL! I know I saw it in one of the scouting reports I read...I'll look for it and post the link.


(although directional kicking in Florida has to bea bit easier than Buffalo in Nov-Dec and hopefully Jan!)

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The very fact that folks here refer to BM as the "MVP of the past decade" is reason enough to cut him free. Thanks for the memories, BM, and you really are a super guy, but your production has declined sharply over the last two years, and keeping you around at this point is like a lady holding on to her ginormous engagement ring from her cheating ex-husband. All things must pass!

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Not to mention the "bounce back" where the ball bounces away from the goal line when it his the ground. Another Moorman specialty.



Always been one of my pet peeves. It's not just that the 'art' of kicking to the corner is gone - but then to add insult by replacing it with the absurd high kick right down the middle of the field - with 99.9999999993% chance it will bound into the end zone or back up the field while some ST 'ace' flails impotently at it while it bounces past. Why the hell WOULDN'T you kick the corner - you can have the same guy running down and flailing at it - with the additional possibility of , hey, it could go out of bounds too! Idiots. And don't tell me it's hard to do. As one of 32 guys in the world with that job, go down to the HS field in the offseason and friggin learn how to do it. It's hard to punt in the NFL...

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If Powell was drafted to be a kickoff guy, then it might be possible for Potter to stick a spot as a punter plus the kickoff specialist. Cater, the former Bills punter who worked with Potter, said in articles that he was booming kickoffs (tried on spec) into shrubberies well past the back of the end zone. That might be an extra incentive in not tying up that extra roster spot that could prompt a shift for Chan and Buddy.


... If Potter can show it.




True that. It's a measure of how do you weigh comfort/loyalty vs. production/upside.


Too many times we've seen Brian snapping his chinstrap and flinging it to the side in frustration. I did a breakdown last off-season and his stats had started to measurably slip in roughly 2008-9, IIRC. Four years into a decline... there's a point where you've gotta put a racehorse to pasture, and we crossed it. Sorry, b/c BM's a great guy and he was a lone bright spot for many years. That should not keep his spot safe, tho.




Potter was reportedly working with former Chargers punter Darren Bennett, of Aussie extraction, on that and the end-over-end punts that are more difficult to field/catch and typically have a more favorable bounce.


Here's how I think about loyalty. Chan needs to loyal to the whole team and all the fans who want to see the Bills win again. So if Powell is the better punter, he gets the job. Loyalty to the team and fans outweighs loyalty to one player, even one who has been good & loyal to us. That's why Bill Walsh dumped Montana in favor of Young.

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I agree: the reason you don't see punters and kickers on practice squads normally is that there are not 32 good punters and 32 good kicker sin the league


If someone is talented enough to catch a coach's eye for the PS, he is likely talented enough to go play for another team right away

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there is no question that Moorman has been one of our best players the past decade, but there is also no denying that his skills are are on the decline...he is not a "untouchable" player anymore and if there is someone out there that is better than Moorman then im sure that Buddy and Chan will sign him.



you are 100% correct. I like the fact that most people have noticed his decline in skills. Time to challenge him. He's not the same as he was 5 years ago, and I do not think he ever had the "pin it in the 5" ability. But watching him kick 60+ yard punts was great.

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Moorman has been an average punter overall the last few years but below average in the very important punting categories (inside the 5, 10, 20).


So yes, Moorman is replaceable.

your nuts Moorman has been terrific inside the 10, and he's good in bad weather. He'll be back again

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I think this is the year where Brian Moorman finally gets overtaken.....


You dont draft a punter unless he is REALLY good.....and from what I hear not only does this kid kick that ball out of the park on kickoffs but has ridiculous hangtime on his punts........


Brian has been one of the most consistant players on our team....and just like other players who deserved better like Lee Evans, Aaron Schrobel, etc he is gonna be let go right as this team becomes good again.

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