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Deion says his wife beat him up

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Apparently Deion could have stopped the attack, but he was afraid to tackle her.



sick, but made me LOL. Also, why is he still living in the same house as her. Kick her out! Isn't she an estranged EX wife. ?

Edited by RyanC883
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No matter what one thinks of Sanders, spousal abuse is not something to joke about. In this particular case, pending more information ofcoruse, it is telling that Sanders did not hit the two women back. An ex-NFL player like him, IMHO, could have handled and injured them if he wanted to.

Edited by Fan in Chicago
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No matter what one thinks of Sanders, spousal abuse is not something to joke about. In this particular case, pending more information ofcoruse, it is telling that Sanders did not hit the two women back. An ex-NFL player like him, IMHO, could have handled and injured them if he wanted to.


This is my thought as well. A guy doesn't hit two women who are attacking him and he gets made fun of but if he defends himself and hits them back he'd be called an abuser.


I can't stand Sanders but I admire his restraint in this situation though I agree with a poster above - why the F is he living with his ex-wife?

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As someone who is divorced i would never have considered living with my ex. I know he travels a lot, but there is way too many emotions to live with an ex.


having said that i applaud him for walking away.


and yes i did laugh at some of the jokes. Why could he not run away? Where the hell did that sub 4.3 speed go?

Edited by atlbillsfan1975
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