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Terrell Owens...broke...

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Now I liked Terrell as a Buffalo Bill, but I can certainly understand the little piece of crap Drew Brees not wanting to help guys like T.O. make up for all his bad judgement...


Terrell Owens is catching passes again. And plenty of karma. Owens, the former braggadocios wide receiver who was let go by the Cincinnati Bengals, finally did get back on the football field. He scored three touchdowns last week for the Allen (Texas) Wranglers of the Indoor Football League.


If people ask Owens these days about his well-being, he tells them, “I’m in hell.” He told GQ magazine in a recent interview: “I don’t have no friends. I don’t want no friends.”


Owens is apparently broke and unpopular, not to mention grammatically challenged. He’s made $80 million in the NFL, but says he has almost no money left because of bad investments, including an Alabama entertainment complex that turned out to be illegal. He pays child support to four different women. He bought a home in New Jersey for $4 million and had to sell it for $2 million. He blames bad advice. Now he plays football for $225 per game, an extra 25 bucks if the Wranglers win.


Feel sorry for him yet? He does sit-ups in his driveway, but nobody watches.







Link - Terrell Owens facing foreclosure on his two Dallas condos after nearly going broke

Link - Friendless and Nearly Broke, Terrell Owens Says ‘I’m in Hell’

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If he indeed is broke, he's a fool. What idiot after so many years of great NFL income would invest such a percentage of his earnings that which if such investments failed, that person would go broke? Someone who doesn't deserve making millions. If he had put his earnings under a matress (after first 5 years of frivolous spending) he would be better off. Saying he had bad investments was prolly an excuse for bad spending tho. TO is old enough to know better. He's still young enough tho, he has time to remedy his financial faults. I hope he learns. Never to old to learn.


Oh yes, if he thinks he's in hell he put himself there. boohoo. TO wake up. He's old enough to realize what real friends are.

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Have you seen his show? His friends run his finances and he's always chasing tail. I almost feel bad for him.


I saw a few episodes. He put himself in that situation, so I'm glad you don't actually feel bad for him. Damnit I really hoped TO was smarter than he showed. Sigh...

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Hey, you reap what you sow. -Caring only about yourself, and being a d__k to everybody has it's rewards. Did he think it would never end? This jerk had a life that most people would kill for and he simply squandered it.


Hang on to your diamond earrings T.O., it's gonna be a looooooong way down.

Edited by #34fan
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Now I liked Terrell as a Buffalo Bill, but I can certainly understand the little piece of crap Drew Brees not wanting to help guys like T.O. make up for all his bad judgement...



TO won't be able to go to this guy for finacial help..



Edited by Mr. WEO
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Why do people with so much money feel the need to make risky investments? Like some said, put it under the mattress. Savings accounts, safety deposit box.... These guys feel the need to purchase $10M homes to live in part time. No, I don't feel bad for him or any other athlete that's broke because they spend too much.

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I k ow we had some talks about this before the article was released - 40k in child support (his own fault but daaaamn) and a handful of bad choices ala the casino and advisors saying don't rent just buy - and suddenly a huge percentage of money is gone.


Past year his income was zero- the kids were a half million expense, I'm sure insurance taxes etc on the houses was huge, and that all comes out of that savings account before you even start talking crazy medical treatments in Korea, and just life... (note I know with whatever cash came in from sponsorships, tv it was not actually zero but Closer to that than the 10m he was used to having).


As much as it's his own damn fault rosenhaus should be ashamed. You'd think he would do more for his guys as you see them go down this road over and over.

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Have you seen his show? His friends run his finances and he's always chasing tail. I almost feel bad for him.


How do u feel bad for someone who is always chasing tail?? Sounds like a pretty good time if u ask me.

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TO did a good job being a team player for the Bills, though I think it was a bit of an act (and he did threw Trent under the bus but I digress). And I don't wish misfortunate on others but karma is very real. He treated a lot of people like crap and it's really hard to feel sorry for the guy. The ones I feel sorry for are his kids.

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We all know managing money is difficult. The difficulty grows exponentially with kids and stuff like mortgage payments.


Now imagine trying to manage millions of dollars with little in the way of advanced education, with four kids, four different mothers. Couple that with an uncontrollable impulse and a wanderlust of spending money because you spent your formative youth in poverty and that's the perfect recipe of how you go broke.


Impulse is the sword of Damocles over every person's head in life. Can't control it and this happens.

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