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donte whitner is an ass


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Donte has got a big mouth but so do a lot of Bills fans. The guy fully embraced this team and never was given a chance by most of the fanbase. He never dogged the area like Willis. He didn't stop returning phone calls like Peters. He didn't run over people with guns and weed in his car like Lynch.


Good for Whitner for having a really good year in SF. That said, Wilson was a great replacement (though he is much weaker in run support).


yes 98% of players when they are on a team embrace them. I'm sure they want to get signed and get that money. Fans are fans, we aren't the players. We can talk all the crap we want. Who cares what a guy who live in Los angeles thinks? (me) I am just pointing out that donte whitner is an ass. To put it in a perspective that you might get, pretend you had a player on your team leave. Let us say that after he left he talked bad about the team you love. Now flash forward a year when he thinks he is awesome because he was in the probowl. Now he is doing a little show and he says you should never talk bad about your team or ex-team. it is kinda like that.


And we all wanted wilson over him anyways. well a good chunk of us did. Also i think Searcy will be a good add at ss and he will do well.

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1329918843[/url]' post='2386955']

The Pro Bowl called and said you should really watch next year since you missed it this year.


Playing on a great defense got him to the pro bowl. I watched all but 2 niner games this year and dontes play was above average- good range. 2 of the niners losses in the regular season were due to his blunders (Dallas and Baltimore). He's a good player, not as good as wilson IMO. I was always a "pro-donte" guy, but after watching Wilson this year, I'm glad donte's gone.

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There is a difference between ripping someone in public and defending others who have been ripped. Chan did the former, Donte did the ladder.


This sour grapes about Donte has got to stop. Yes we lost an all pro player but he is gone now. Yes we would all love to have him back whether we admit it or try to deny it .


We just all need to get over it. We can write all the anti-Donte threads in the world but he is still on another team and still an all pro.


We can write anti-gravity threads too but what goes up will still come down.

Let it go crayonz.


I still can not believe that you still credit Donte Whitner as the one player for the 49'ers turnaround, when you know fully well that the real player who turned them around this year was Blake Costanzo.

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Ok, I may be falling into one of Crayonz traps here. You just seem so serious about this, I'm not sure if your trying to get people wound up or not. If you are, job well done sir. If not, I have no idea how you have been able to see you watch the games and believe he's actually an "All-Pro" football player.

First off I won't defend Kyle Williams, or George Wilson or Jarius Byrd. Personally if rather have Wilson and Byrd any day of the week and twice in Sundays (which is good since that's when they play) over Donte. Williams I dont believe is a Pro Bowl caliber player and don't believe he will ever get better. IMO it was a huge mistake resigning him when we should have traded him for a slew of draft picks when everyone thought he was doing well.

That's besides the point. This topic is about Lil Donte so I'll continue. Donte was born under a lucky star considering he was drafted extremely high compared to where he should have been but he hasn't played "Horribly". But that about the nicest thing I can say about him actually. He's an average to slightly above average player/safety. He plays like he should have been a 3rd round draft pick, not a 1st.


If you extensively watch all the games fhen you will notice, just like Poz, Donte is always putting himself in bad positions to make the play where a good player should. That doesn't mean he won't male the play, but it might be 5-10 yards more downfield than it should have been.


If you truly believe that an "alternate" should actually be considered when calling someone a Pro Bowler I can't change you thoughts but it's not. The Pro Bowl is a joke in the first place and it only makes it worse when 2-3 players in front of you make it and they decide not to go or can't because they are in the SuperBowl. I feel that way about Williams, and Lynch as well and have never backed them up when they made it as alternates.


I have a friend that is from SF and is a die hard 49ers fan like we are Bills fans and he feels nothing about the Donte pickup. Said similar things when I talked to him for the first time since they picked him up. "OK", "not bad", "he's playing on one of the best Ds in the league" are all things he said about Lil Donte. He then made comments about how Donte basically allowed the Giants WRs to make lunch meat out of him all game. Overall he's ok with Donte but that's about it.


And lastly, if anyone ever even thinks that Donte and Ed Reed and Troy Paluamalu should ever be talked about together in the same sentance should have thier head checked for tumors on a daily basis. They are not even and will never be close in comparable abilities. Ed Reed is going into the HOF and Troy P will probably be talked about for years why he's not in, just like we talk about Reed and Tasker in the same way.


My personal opinion on Donte is that he was drafted too high and isn't as good as his paycheck suggests but that's a whole different thread. He is a problem child in the locker room dispite self proclaiming himself as a leader of his team. He talks about players, coaches, and teams FOs. He tweets on a regular basis all the things he shouldn't. He has been and continues to be very immature even though he thinks he's becoming a big boy.


Overall, I'm ok he's gone. He's not worth his money, if we could have had jon for cheap, I would have kept him but that doesn't mean I like him. He's just an average player. But someone said this correctly, letting go of Donte means we are letting our draft picks go and not keeping to our plan. However, he was a Dick J guy and it's obvious since he was the wrong choice at the time.


I think I've said all I can about this, I'm not going to reply to anything on this subject. The fact is, he's gone now and who we have is better anyway.

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Agreed that it was definitely "a do as I say not as I do statement". But the hating on the board for his skills as a player are just hating and the comments of a jilted lover variety. He is a pro bowler and I believe he was the top rated free agent at his position when he left the Bills. The Bills decided he was good, but not worth what he wanted to play for. Other teams felt differently. He is a consensus top tier player by any measure among those that don't have their vision clouded by their past biases.

Edited by simpleman
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All I know is that there's a die-hard 49ers fan in my office and he was thanking the Bills for letting SF sign Whitner. He's as die-hard about the team as we are about the Bills and he loved the pickup at the time, and still loves it today.


Most people in this town do because they're mostly not a bunch of whiney, self-esteem challenged, can't let go of the past, weeines.

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Agreed that it was definitely "a do as I say not as I do statement". But the hating on the board for his skills as a player are just hating and the comments of a jilted lover variety. He is a pro bowler and I believe he was the top rated free agent at his position when he left the Bills. The Bills decided he was good, but not worth what he wanted to play for. Other teams felt differently. He is a consensus top tier player by any measure among those that don't have their vision clouded by their past biases.

Consensus top tier player? Really? He was not even the best safety on the Bills. Third best, actually, to anyone with eyes. I was never a big Whitner basher. I always thought he got a bad rap from Bills fans becasue of his draft position, but I am not unhappy he is gone. If they could have kept him for a reasonable price fine, but he had stars in his eyes and would not sign, even though in the end he probably did no better than the Bills offered. It took a long time for him to get any offers as you may recall. Good riddance. They were better at that position last year than when he was starting for the Bills. That's a fact.

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You say you aren't a fan, but your die-hard posts prove otherwise. Even the post above.


You are welcome to your opinion, irrational is it may be. I'm not sure of the "all objective measures" (completely made up) you are using to say that Whitner is a better safety than "anyone we have". That's laughable to me.


If you'd actually watch football, you would realize just how well George Wilson played at safety this year, despite injury. Even Donte himself said Wilson should have been in the pro-bowl.


It's one thing not to agree, but saying we are all "jealous fans" because we don't agree with you is a little ridiculous. My opinions regarding Donte's play where formed when he was still here, so that argument doesn't hold water

Actually, he is much better, now that he is on an NFL caliber franchise

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I'm not getting this post.


Sure, Donte became a Grade A Douche when he was here, what with his tweets and playoff "guarantees".


But watching him in the playoffs with San Fran this past year....was no joke. He laid some WR's o-u-t! If he would have played like that for us and kept the silly tweets to a minimum he'd probably still be here.


Watching the video, I think that he's 100% right. Of all positions, the QB is the one where leadership is expected. The QB should be the absolute last one to make any negative comments to the media.


I'm glad that we don't have Donte anymore, and think he is playing really well now for San Fran.

Edited by Bruce
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I'm not getting this post.


Sure, Donte became a Grade A Douche when he was here, what with his tweets and playoff "guarantees".


But watching him in the playoffs with San Fran this past year....was no joke. He laid some WR's o-u-t! If he would have played like that for us and kept the silly tweets to a minimum he'd probably still be here.


Watching the video, I think that he's 100% right. Of all positions, the QB is the one where leadership is expected. The QB should be the absolute last one to make any negative comments to the media.


I'm glad that we don't have Donte anymore, and think he is playing really well now for San Fran.


the post is about how he is still a douche. yes he is 100% right, you shouldn't talk bad about your team or ex team... but he did when he left buffalo. Hope you understand now....

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