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this has to be the loosest use of the term possible.


You know, I don't think there's many people who'd argue that the boy didn't want it and in that sense, "victim" is off a little.


But to say there won't be life consequences for the kid and others like him is ignorant. It creates unhealthy attitudes about sex. With every story like this, it breaks down a little further the ability / role of authority figures in our society in the boy's esteem and in the esteem of the public at large. However much you may deride the broad term, it creates emotional troubles. And probably the most important note: people who are sexually abused --- including circumstances like this --- are something like 5 times more likely to become sexual abusers themselves later in life. The cycle needs to stop.


Going lenient because it's an older woman with a younger boy because we as men think back and would've liked to have screwed Ms. Templeton in the janitor's closet is a displacement of time/space. It is not your 40-year-old brain that's in that 14-year-old's head. Abuse messes people up, even when that abuse feels good.

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