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The occupy Wall Street movement spreads

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Wow, higher incidence of the phrase "income inequality"! Who cares what context those phrases appeared in, it must be good?


What that report failed to mention was the spike in usage of other phrases and terms associated with the OWS movement, including:


Dirty hippies, delusional brats, financially and politically ignorant, void of organization, without direction, total cluster f@#$, abortion of a movement, sea of feces, and bum rape, to name a few


Considering the protesters have yet to define any goals or objectives, how can you consider any outcome associated with OWS to be "winning", Dave?

And veterans!

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"The country?" Nexis is at best a metric of the media's interest, not the country's.


Unless you're suggesting that the media is representative of the country...which, stupid as it is, is amazingly not the stupidest thing you've posted in the past 24 hours.

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November 12, 2011 10:32 A.M.

By Jonah Goldberg      



Have you noticed that every time someone around here points out something incredibly embarrassing or damning about Occupy Wall Street, pro-OWS lurkers in the comment section pounce to make the sad argument that any attention from conservatives is proof that OWS is a wonderful and successful movement?


It’s very rare these commenters actually mount anything like an effort to respond to the actual substance of the posts. We point out dead bodies at OWS camps, and their response boils down to “Hah! Made you look!” I think it’s almost charming in its lameness.



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Torch lake... That has a connection to Lake Michigan via Elk Lake and Grand Traverse Bay...

For now they are nice digs with waterfront access... Wait till the Asian carp start popping like corn in/on the water! That will get old Michael Moore to slow down his boat barge(if he has one).


:devil: :devil:





The press says the shootings were on the "fringe" of the protest. They were at the BART entrance 60 ft away from the nearest tent. I's not like it was a block or two away.A reporter setting up for a 5 PM newscast was setting up with the camera rolling. You can hear the shots clear as day and see people ducking and running.

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He has been Connorific


If Conner was still here, Dumb in Norfolk might just beat him out in the number of Conner Awards he wins. I am convinced that Dumb in Norfolk is what I call a Ramoerba---the offspring of an accidental mating of a Ramora with an Amoeba.

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If Conner was still here, Dumb in Norfolk might just beat him out in the number of Conner Awards he wins. I am convinced that Dumb in Norfolk is what I call a Ramoerba---the offspring of an accidental mating of a Ramora with an Amoeba.


Even if you spell "remora" correctly, that still makes no sense.

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Pack up your things protesters....


Anti-Wall Street protesters dig in against police

Tensions were rising at anti-Wall Street protests in three western cities on Friday as demonstrators in Portland, Salt Lake City and Oakland defied orders by police to dismantle their camps. In Portland, police said they had received reports that protesters were digging a reinforced hole and fashioning makeshift weapons out of wood and nails after Mayor Sam Adams gave them until midnight on Saturday to clear out of two downtown parks. Police said they believed Occupy Portland organizers had also put out a call for reinforcements from Oakland, Seattle and San Francisco as they prepared for a confrontation.


Oakland police call for end to protest camp

Police handed out notices on Friday to anti-Wall Street protesters in Oakland warning they could be pushed out of their encampment, but demonstrators said they plan to stay.


Police say Portland protesters arming for fight

Portland police warned on Friday that anti-Wall Street protesters in the city were fashioning makeshift weapons with wood and nails, in advance of a planned move by authorities to clear their two encampments over the weekend. The statement from Portland police came a day after Portland Mayor Sam Adams, citing sanitation and safety concerns, gave demonstrators until 12:01 a.m. on Sunday to clear out their tents.


Tensions build after death at Salt Lake protests

Anti-Wall Street protesters in Salt Lake City vowed on Friday to resist a police order to leave a city park after a member of their camp was found dead. Police say a preliminary investigation indicated that the man, who was not immediately identified and may be homeless, died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a propane heater and possibly a drug overdose.

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I just hope this movement continues getting lots of press right through the elections...

Who really cares. The liberals will continue to demonize the tea party and the neocons will continue to demonize the OWS movement. Both sides have their pros and cons, but neither knows how to legitimately protest things- they are all brats and want what they want, and they want it right now.


Face it, the election won't solve anything. Neither President Obama, nore any of the Republican candidates will be able to ram their agenda through Congress, so the debt problem won't be fixed. There will be no resolving social issues either.


Chances are the only way entitlements or defense spending gets cut, is if their is no extension of the Thanksgiving deadline- which we know will be extended.

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Who really cares. The liberals will continue to demonize the tea party and the neocons will continue to demonize the OWS movement. Both sides have their pros and cons, but neither knows how to legitimately protest things- they are all brats and want what they want, and they want it right now.


Face it, the election won't solve anything. Neither President Obama, nore any of the Republican candidates will be able to ram their agenda through Congress, so the debt problem won't be fixed. There will be no resolving social issues either.


Chances are the only way entitlements or defense spending gets cut, is if their is no extension of the Thanksgiving deadline- which we know will be extended.

I don't believe you know what a neocon means... Stop using the word till you know what it means :lol:


And quit always saying nothing :rolleyes:

Edited by Magox
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I don't believe you know what a neocon means... Stop using the word till you know what it means :lol:


And quit always saying nothing :rolleyes:

It has as little meaning as liberal at this point (which was another point of my using it. I always appreciate Major League or Princess Bride references though :w00t:

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