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The occupy Wall Street movement spreads

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This is why I hate activisim. trying to bring awareness is such a load of crap and it gets you no where!


Those interviews made me ashamed of my generation like seriously? WTF?

Dude: We are talking about 50 people...out of what? X million in your generation? If you added up all these people in every city, you wouldn't break 5k. Hardly something to fret over.


These people are being paid, behind the scenes, by moveon.org and the rest of the George Soros cabal. You can't take them seriously, because, and this is key: moveon and Soros don't take them seriously. They couldn't care less about what these OWS people think, and you will see ZERO organization come out of this. This is merely a, poorly thought out, attempt at distraction/forcing a media pivot.


For the last 6 months, the credible media people have been saying how bad Obama is at his job, and how bad the people he hired suck at theirs. The far-left had to do something.


However, the something they are choosing here, just like with every approach since 2006 will backfire. Remember: we are talking about the far left here. Idiocy abounds, and they have no ability for introspection: this means they do stupid things, but, unlike the rest of us, DO NOT learn from their mistakes. They don't understand why they were stupid, because they refuse to look at things objectively. Couple that with the eternal, unearned, "being on the left makes me smart" self-delusion device, and they fail because they not only don't they understand their FAILS, they think failing is impossible for them. :lol:


Sound familiar? Who else gives you the impression that he couldn't conceive of shovel ready/green jobs failing/Obamacare killing jobs? Who is trying to fix the economy by doing the same thing that already failed?


That's right: Barry the Wonderflop. His campaign and far-left groups are under the mistaken impression that Americans will identify with the OWS people...because they do. They think that this will give them something to campaign on. They think that the worst thing that can happen is they get a break from the beating they were taking in the media.


However, this is a woefully inaccurate analysis. As I stated above, there are much worse things that can happen, and they are playing with fire.


But, again, they aren't seeing the FAIL here, because they don't want to, and, because they are under the false impression that their way of thinking is "normal". It is not. And, they think this is a good idea because they thought of it. :lol:.

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These people are being paid, behind the scenes, by moveon.org and the rest of the George Soros cabal.


Most of them are protesting for free. But there is a small core of professional protesters that do work under organizations like ANSWER or the ironically well-organized Anarchists that organize these things.

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Can't see how this choice helps him although once the initial heat wanes, no one will really care.

What heat?


Not only that, but the Norfolk folks admitting they have no idea what they're protesting for got top billing over the Occupy Boston story where the couple is selling heroin and the Occupy Dallas story where they're apparently taking turns having sex with a 14-year-old homeless runaway girl.


Way to represent, Norfolk!

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What heat?



I didn't read all the articles but I read that one. HEre is a short list of the early outcry.




Tomorrow it will be more. By Monday, this will be on the wane.


Again, there will be a little bubble of people caring and then no one will give a crap.

Edited by John Adams
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I didn't read all the articles but I read that one. HEre is a short list of the early outcry.




Tomorrow it will be more. By Monday, this will be on the wane.


Again, there will be a little bubble of people caring and then no one will give a crap.

Interesting. I look forward to the OWS folks giving Obama a piece of their anger.


Or not.

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Most of them are protesting for free. But there is a small core of professional protesters that do work under organizations like ANSWER or the ironically well-organized Anarchists that organize these things.

International A.N.S.W.E.R. is another Soros front. They are the people that believe in communism...but won't call it that. They will give you every line, word for word from the manifesto, but the minute it's time to say the word communist, they replace it with:

more democratic




They don't understand the contradiction: if they can take away whatever I have, whenever they want, and the only justification is "because they have decided", and, I can't do the same to them, then, there's no way we have equal rights. They are more equal :D And, like the pigs they are are, they will be stuck and squealing at the ballot box in 2012, along with anyone that is tied to them.


After that happens, IF they turn to violence, it's like conner after the 2010 elections: "go right ahead, because the thought of you doing that is hysterical". The right have most, if not all of the guns, vehicles, military personnel, intelligence, and cunning on their side, and they outnumber the left at least 2 to 1. What do they have? Some gangbangers who shoot from the hip, and assclown union thugs, neither of whom can get within 100 yards of the the right's lines without taking 2 rounds to their center mass, and a few fast cars? In the immortal words of ACDC: if you want blood, you got it.

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International A.N.S.W.E.R. is another Soros front. They are the people that believe in communism...but won't call it that. They will give you every line, word for word from the manifesto, but the minute it's time to say the word communist, they replace it with:

more democratic




They don't understand the contradiction: if they can take away whatever I have, whenever they want, and the only justification is "because they have decided", and, I can't do the same to them, then, there's no way we have equal rights. They are more equal :D And, like the pigs they are are, they will be stuck and squealing at the ballot box in 2012, along with anyone that is tied to them.


After that happens, IF they turn to violence, it's like conner after the 2010 elections: "go right ahead, because the thought of you doing that is hysterical". The right have most, if not all of the guns, vehicles, military personnel, intelligence, and cunning on their side, and they outnumber the left at least 2 to 1. What do they have? Some gangbangers who shoot from the hip, and assclown union thugs, neither of whom can get within 100 yards of the the right's lines without taking 2 rounds to their center mass, and a few fast cars? In the immortal words of ACDC: if you want blood, you got it.


Really? Everything I've ever seen from ANSWER has openly admitted they're socialists.


I'm also pretty sure that their founding predates Soros' involvement. I have no doubt Soros provides them money...but I don't think it's a "front" for him.

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If getting a loan was the only way to pay for college I might give them a minute and a half of my time. But it's not, so they need to just shut up and deal with their personal situation.

Aside from the obvious fact that no one FORCED them to borrow money to go to college, the reality is they already have an option for their crushing student loan debt: default. I borrowed about $10K nearly 30 years ago, and when I was out of college, I couldn't afford the payments because my career choice paid peanuts. So after a half dozen deferments, I defaulted. About two years later I was contacted by the bank to redo the loan and expunge the default from my credit. Signed some papers, they forgave the back interest, got it expunged, I paid it back, and that was the end of of it.


While this is obviously personal, what is particularly frustrating about this whole, new "forgive our student loan' crap is that it never in my wildest dreams ever dawned on me that one way out of my student loan debt was to stand wasted in a public park screaming that the banks should eat the loss and let me go free.


What kind of person even thinks that way, let alone speaks it out loud?

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Aside from the obvious fact that no one FORCED them to borrow money to go to college, the reality is they already have an option for their crushing student loan debt: default. I borrowed about $10K nearly 30 years ago, and when I was out of college, I couldn't afford the payments because my career choice paid peanuts. So after a half dozen deferments, I defaulted. About two years later I was contacted by the bank to redo the loan and expunge the default from my credit. Signed some papers, they forgave the back interest, got it expunged, I paid it back, and that was the end of of it.


While this is obviously personal, what is particularly frustrating about this whole, new "forgive our student loan' crap is that it never in my wildest dreams ever dawned on me that one way out of my student loan debt was to stand wasted in a public park screaming that the banks should eat the loss and let me go free.


What kind of person even thinks that way, let alone speaks it out loud?


When I was listening to a story about Oakland clearing out the OWS people on public health grounds, because the park was overrun with litter and human waste and such, my first thought was "Y'know, this illustrates perfectly the difference between the Tea Partiers and OWS morons. Tea Partiers believe they're responsible for their own ****. OWS'ers belive their **** is somebody else's problem.


So there's you answer. The kind of person who thinks that way is someone who believes their **** is somebody else's problem.

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If getting a loan was the only way to pay for college I might give them a minute and a half of my time. But it's not, so they need to just shut up and deal with their personal situation.

What an oppressive system we have that allows young individuals with no collateral or credit history to borrow money at a relatively cheap cost of funds, so that they may better themselves. If they didn't have access to credit to obtain loans and go to college and thereby higher education was limited to the very wealthy, I might feel for them, but that certainly isn't the case, so I don't.


I was and perhaps still am in the situation of many of these protesters who cry about student loans and I still haven't the slightest bit of pity. Graduated into a less than favorable economy with massive debt and had to take a job which I felt was beneath my degree (collecting on defaulted and student loans, ironically) to the pay the bills. Welcome to being an adult.


The biggest problem or what lead to the problem (if there indeed was a problem) was that my expectations and understanding of what lies after college were not in line with reality. I like many 18 year olds thought that if my diploma read "Big Swinging Dick Pay Out the Ass Private University" that I would come out 4 years later making more than my parents. Wrong. I took economics but had not a clue about personal finance. So telling me that I would be faced with a $500 per month loan payment seemed like no big deal when I was convinced I'd be clearing between $65-$100k per year. Wrong. I thought it wasn't fair and tried to complain until dad reminded me that I could have gone to state school for practically nothing. Guess I should have listened, but I was convinced by the commercials and guidance counselors and all the great success stories that as a graduate from a good private school the private sector would fight over the right to secure my talents. Wrong.


The problem isn't lending, its ignorance of personal finance and unrealistic expectations which is at the root of the OWS discontent.

Edited by Jauronimo
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When I was listening to a story about Oakland clearing out the OWS people on public health grounds, because the park was overrun with litter and human waste and such, my first thought was "Y'know, this illustrates perfectly the difference between the Tea Partiers and OWS morons. Tea Partiers believe they're responsible for their own ****. OWS'ers belive their **** is somebody else's problem.


So there's you answer. The kind of person who thinks that way is someone who believes their **** is somebody else's problem.

I thought it was a waste of teargas in Oakland to use it on a handful of people who were doing nothing but sitting around crying anyway.

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I thought it was a waste of teargas in Oakland to use it on a handful of people who were doing nothing but sitting around crying anyway.


It's not that they were sitting around crying. It's that they were sitting around trying to start a !@#$ing cholera or typhus epidemic.


Basic sanitation must be a capitalist conspiracy.

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