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Jerry Sullivan on WGR this morning

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He's a hack because he writes negative things about a front office that hasn't managed to make the playoffs in 11 years? In your opinion he should be writing positive things about a franchise that consistently fails? Why should Ralph Wilson be given the benefit of the doubt about anything at this point? This team doesn't have an NFL quality tackle on the roster and is how many millions below the salary cap? Wilson should be ashamed of himself for not throwing the kitchen sink at Calbo...


I love the Bills and I agree with just about everything Sully said (except the Brad Smith signing). What does he have to be bitter about? His cushy job? His handsome salary? His oft-stated love for the Buffalo region? He's not even a Bills fan...


He's a hack because he is inaccurate and plays off morons who will agree with him solely on the basis that he is negative. If he is negative *all* of the time then he has to be 'right' some of the time.



"OMG, He said the Bills suck...he must be a genuis!"

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I agree with this. We have tons of cap room so we dont have to worry about singing our guys, because we could overpay them all and still be OK. We can go out and resign elsay for 6 mil a year, and give Brad Smith 4 mil a year, and offered Clabo 5 mil a year.


I can honestly say I would prefer paying Clabo the 5 we offered him, AND Kelsays money AND B Smiths money than just those other two.


Give Clabo 15 mil a year for all I care - we would be better off.


Exactly, the bills should of asked Clabo what Atlanta offered & when he said 5/25 million they should of doubled it. Noone in their right mind could turn that down. When you really break it down like the gentleman a few posts did it is eyepopping how cheap this organization is. I mean their 2 starting receivers, their 2 starting ofensive tackles are making league minimum salaries. They are saving about $8 million a year on a QB with the contract that Fitz is playing under. So you offer Clabo more then what he is worth. Big deal. At least then we would have a decent olineman in here.

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-Lee Evans being traded after our offense finally gets going again is ridiculous, and to not trade for another player is worse.

-Not signing Clabo for 5 years because you can't win now is a joke.

-Why are you drafting these gadget guys when you have true needs?

-Bell is the best tackle we have, and the best means he's being compared to bad offensive linemen, which is a joke.

-Depth at WR is not the same as numbers- New England has depth and we have numbers.

-Paying Brad Smith for only a handful of plays for a wildcat offense that is exposed is ridiculous.

-The Eagles' depth is so good at CB that they are cutting a $2 million CB because he's slotted as a dime back.

-The Buffalo Sabres want to win and the Buffalo Bills are existing.


It was a bomb fest...

What exactly did he say that wasn't true? Nothing that I can see. This team is pathetic and the front office is even worse. This team has so many holes and they really haven't addressed any of them, they add a player like Brad Smith, who should be a luxury player on a good team, not a part time player on a bad, bad team.

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His second draft as GM, but let's not forget the 2009 draft when he was the top national scout. You can't say that he didn't have much input in that draft and only 8 months later elevate that man to the top football operations job.


You can give him the benefit of doubt that he's on the right track in building a new foundation. But you also can't ignore that he's still employed by Ralph Wilson, and that other people within OBD will always manage to screw up the rebuilding process because a player's salary is expendable. So while saving a million here and a million there is great for the bottom line, it is totally bush league in trying to build a roster. Whether it was cutting Langston Walker on the eve of the season or trading Lee last week, it's moves like that that give the coaching staff nightmares. Don't for a second believe that Gailey was pushing to have a key offensive weapon shipped out of town. You realize he now has to rework the entire passing game, with only two weeks left in the season and Stevie Johnson as the only "veteran" of the bunch.


Saturday's game could very well have been Gailey's experiment to see which player will stand out of the muck, or it could have been a not so subtle signal from Gailey to the front office to get some more bodies on that roster.



I am finding myself partially agreeing with people today when otherwise I would just be in disagreement.....


- Buddy makes recommendations on players as a scout...he has no pull whatsoever on the selection in that capacity...he should not be judge on anything other then when he took over as GM


- I really dont know what to say on the Lee Evans sit that has not already been said....he had 2 sub par season because he doesnt fit Gaileys offense of having a offensive weapon on the field that only goes deep.....Gailey's recivers are big kids who run underneath routes but have good speed....not only was Lee quietly requesting a trade but Gailey was already talking about how Lee needed to be a better route runner and take passes shorter and over the middle. We are so far under the salary cap and Lee was making so little I really dont see how this is even an issue. If you cant catch a slant in this offense then you are taking up a spot needlessly BUT I can easily see how a fan might think that Ralph is taking a chance to line his pockets with no salary cap floor.


- I didnt agree with the Langston Walker cut....he should have been kept at RT where he was doing fine and we should not have been trying to run the no huddle without the horses to run it.


- Stevie is not the only veteran on the team.....we also have Roscoe Parrish and Nelson got a lot of time under his belt last year.....its not like everyone is a rookie on this team.



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OMG! Jerry Sullivan was negative? Really? This is breaking news, we better tell someone.




-Lee Evans being traded after our offense finally gets going again is ridiculous, and to not trade for another player is worse.

-Not signing Clabo for 5 years because you can't win now is a joke.

-Why are you drafting these gadget guys when you have true needs?

-Bell is the best tackle we have, and the best means he's being compared to bad offensive linemen, which is a joke.

-Depth at WR is not the same as numbers- New England has depth and we have numbers.

-Paying Brad Smith for only a handful of plays for a wildcat offense that is exposed is ridiculous.

-The Eagles' depth is so good at CB that they are cutting a $2 million CB because he's slotted as a dime back.

-The Buffalo Sabres want to win and the Buffalo Bills are existing.


It was a bomb fest...

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The Sabres have really turned it around since going bankrupt, and when the Bills get a new owner the very same process may take shape. Until then, all we have in the words of Alexandre Dumas is to "wait and hope".

And to do that, the team had to go through a long stretch of "Building through the draft", not signing any big name FA's (even there own, some guys that they had drafted and developped too) because they had an owner who operated the team to ensure that they would survive in Buffalo. It wasn't until this offseason when they had a very wealthy fan come in and buy the team and throw money around that they were actually active after july first (and not just in the bargain Bin/scrap heap section of FA). So far, the 'throw money around' FA method used this offseason has yet to produce a championship team. Everyone always take shots at Dan Snyders way of building a team in Washington, but thats basically what they want to see from a guy like Pegula

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lol at the Sabres = Redskins comment. The Sabres were already a top 10 hockey club, now they might be top 5 and trending upward.

Top 10? They sqeaked into the playoffs last year in the 7th seed in the East, (15th overall in the league, they wouldn't have made the playoffs if they were in the west)


How are they now a top 5 team trending upward? Cause they spent a ton of money on a new centre who has yet to play an NHL game at Centre? was it signing a defencemen most of his previous teams fans had no problem seeing leave to a contract that will make him the highest paid in the league at his position? i know, it was bringing back Kotalik


They did something different this offseason and spent a ton, but the results have yet to be seen if it was spending for the sake of spending, or if it was money well spent

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Buddy Nix has had EXACTLY TWO drafts in order to effect change on this team......shouldnt he at least get till the end of this year before passing judgement on him?


Look...I get it....the team has been bad for a while....too long....but you cannot blame the 2nd year GM for past mistakes of OTHER GM's.......you could blame the owner I guess.

I agree. Back to jerry to have a hissy fit over an exhibition game is just plain stupid.

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And to do that, the team had to go through a long stretch of "Building through the draft", not signing any big name FA's (even there own, some guys that they had drafted and developped too) because they had an owner who operated the team to ensure that they would survive in Buffalo. It wasn't until this offseason when they had a very wealthy fan come in and buy the team and throw money around that they were actually active after july first (and not just in the bargain Bin/scrap heap section of FA). So far, the 'throw money around' FA method used this offseason has yet to produce a championship team. Everyone always take shots at Dan Snyders way of building a team in Washington, but thats basically what they want to see from a guy like Pegula


Ah no. There never was a threat of the Sabres leaving Buffalo. Golisano lost interest in the team, and the budgets reflected that. He started operating the franchise exactly like Ralph Wilson. Hence you had a similar output.


You don't have a championship output from Sabres yet, but the team's performance from February 2011 spoke volumes. You can also look at where Pegula targeted his shiny objects - not in the most sought after FAs, but in the specific areas of need for the team. He was also willing to take a financial hit to ensure that the blue line was fortified.


Ralph Wilson & Tom Golisano can only dream of actually having a strategic plan to build & maintain a roster.

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they offered him more (apparently) then what Atlanta offered, but it was enough for him to be comfortable to stay where where he was and not have to uproot his young new family accross the country to Buffalo. its actually refreshing to see an athlete turn down a bigger deal and accept one to stay where they are instead of chasing the bigger deal for a couple more million.


Who should the Bills have thrown all of this extra money at to play tackle? Who is out there worth millions still available that doesn't have injury/weight/attitude issues?



How bout Doug Free or Marshall Yanda, two young up and coming players for instance...


And enough with the comparisons to Pegula, all he has done so far is come in and throw money around. So far we have not seen any changes in the team at this point because they haven't even played a game. The guy doesn't care if the team makes money or not, he just wants to win. He is a fan who is lucky enough to have the money to own the team. Weither this is a good or bad thing, its hard to say, but it hasn't worked out well for a similar kind of owner in the NFL Dan Snyder



Nobody is asking for a Dan Snyder, or a "Dream Team" approach but a couple of NFL capable OT's is not asking too much IMO. All Nix has done is pick up a few waiver wire pieces of garbage. And then there was last year's trade for Cornell Green... We all remember how well that turned out...

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-Lee Evans being traded after our offense finally gets going again is ridiculous, and to not trade for another player is worse.

-Not signing Clabo for 5 years because you can't win now is a joke.

-Why are you drafting these gadget guys when you have true needs?

-Bell is the best tackle we have, and the best means he's being compared to bad offensive linemen, which is a joke.

-Depth at WR is not the same as numbers- New England has depth and we have numbers.

-Paying Brad Smith for only a handful of plays for a wildcat offense that is exposed is ridiculous.

-The Eagles' depth is so good at CB that they are cutting a $2 million CB because he's slotted as a dime back.

-The Buffalo Sabres want to win and the Buffalo Bills are existing.


It was a bomb fest...

Apparently there IS crying in football.

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The line, which isn't much different then what they ended with last year was not as dismal as fans make it out to be.


And they didn't sign Smith at the expense of the o-line. They have plenty of cap room to sign all the o-line players they wanted, there is just slim pickings for decent o-line players that aren't available for a reason (injured, grossly overweight/lazy, attitude issues, close to retirement). The front office, like it or not, know that they aren't going to be a contender this year and have taken the approach that they would rather see what they have in some potential players like Bell, Pears, Urbick, Wrotto, Hairston, Reinhardt, etc. instead of signing players that may not be here longer then next year. They went hard after one of the top RT's available this offseason and lost out cause he wanted to stay where he was. After Clabo, there wasn't much else out there thats worth getting excited over.


BTW, the only "gadget player" the Bills drafted was Spiller


Are you trying to convince us that there was not one OT or OG out there that Buddy could have signed as a FA or (Hell, let's get crazy) trade for that isn't an upgrade for Pears, Urbik or DBell? Really? Nobody on the FA list that wasn't a better back up than Wang, Wrotto or Howard? Clabo was it? Over and done? That's just apologist Bull Sh*t. If you really buy that there's not much I can write here that will make sense to you.


I hate to say it but Sullivan was right on when we said other teams have depth and we have numbers. Lot's of OL and receivers but no quality depth. I refuse to believe that all we can do pick up guys on the waiver wire or Practic Squads and say we addressed our needs. Also, if you don't like gadget, try gimmick. We spend $4 mil on a guy who could be a bargain, I don't know. I do know that for our base offense, Smith won't be in it, but we will have a load of inferior talent on the line and even worse talent backing them up.

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Are you trying to convince us that there was not one OT or OG out there that Buddy could have signed as a FA or (Hell, let's get crazy) trade for that isn't an upgrade for Pears, Urbik or DBell? Really? Nobody on the FA list that wasn't a better back up than Wang, Wrotto or Howard? Clabo was it? Over and done? That's just apologist Bull Sh*t. If you really buy that there's not much I can write here that will make sense to you.


I hate to say it but Sullivan was right on when we said other teams have depth and we have numbers. Lot's of OL and receivers but no quality depth. I refuse to believe that all we can do pick up guys on the waiver wire or Practic Squads and say we addressed our needs. Also, if you don't like gadget, try gimmick. We spend $4 mil on a guy who could be a bargain, I don't know. I do know that for our base offense, Smith won't be in it, but we will have a load of inferior talent on the line and even worse talent backing them up.

We can't sign a tackle because we have to protect the budding stars that are Erik Pears and Mansfield Wrotto. The logic is undeniable.

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