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Torell Troup's Progress

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No reason to even look into this. Troup will be evaluated over 3 years.


You don't draft a guy for his 1st contract, you draft him for his 2nd contract. That really should be how drafts are graded, how many players get 2nd contracts.


Why would you sign the player after 4-5 years of doing nothing? lol. This concept really isnt that difficult. It really isnt.


Yeah, I understand that concept, but I was responding to the statements in bold. I don't think you have to wait 3 years to evaluate the 41st pick in the draft. I think you DO draft a guy for his 1st contract (after all, they are earning top talent money), and you want him to play right away if they are a 1st or 2nd round pick...Is this concept really that difficult?

Edited by Turbosrrgood
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You really think Maybin will make it to another contract with the Bills? Or that he will sign a big 2nd contract somewhere in the NFL?


Was what i said too difficult to understand?




Why would you sign the player after 4-5 years of doing nothing? lol. This concept really isnt that difficult. It really isnt.

No, I believe the opposite--holy cow!


Sure, if you are re-signing your draft picks, you think they are pretty good.


But you don't always need 3 years to figure out a guy's a bust--jeez!

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Nice post, your evidence clearly points to you being right...whatever your point is...






Turbo, we drafted Tim Anderson in the third round a few years ago and he wasn't on most draftniks top 13 Dl'men.


Which we should have considered as he was a waste of a pick.



I like Troupe, but i agree with your point that many were puzzled with where we took him.


In other words my post clearly points to YOU being right. Which I apologize for.



EDIT: ya see, Tim Anderson is claiming you don't know what you are talking about, while he is the very example of what you are talking about.


Its like if John Edwards got all over Arny for cheating on his wife.


...really hope I am done explaining that.

Edited by dollars 2 donuts
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Turbo, we drafted Tim Anderson in the third round a few years ago and he wasn't on most draftniks top 13 Dl'men.


Which we should have considered as he was a waste of a pick.



I like Troupe, but i agree with your point that many were puzzled with where we took him.


In other words my post clearly points to YOU being right. Which I apologize for.


Lol, I obviously didn't pick up on the sarcasm or the Tim Anderson comment (forgot he existed).

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No probs, Turbo!


Man, I like to get excited but you are right. I am sort of tapping my fingers on the desk right now in thinking about it...sort of a weird sick feeling in my stomach.


Sometimes I hate being a Bills fan.




EDIT: I like our team, but man some these guys really have to pan out sooner rather than later.

Edited by dollars 2 donuts
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No probs, Turbo!


Man, I like to get excited but you are right. I am sort of tapping my fingers on the desk right now in thinking about it...sort of a weird sick feeling in my stomach.


Sometimes I hate being a Bills fan.




EDIT: I like our team, but man some these guys really have to pan out sooner rather than later.


I don't know if this makes anyone else feel better...But this last draft was the first one that I really felt good about in a long time...We actually have a GM, finally got rid of Modrak...Hope for the future (I know, we've heard that before...)?

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Yeah, I understand that concept, but I was responding to the statements in bold. I don't think you have to wait 3 years to evaluate the 41st pick in the draft. I think you DO draft a guy for his 1st contract (after all, they are earning top talent money), and you want him to play right away if they are a 1st or 2nd round pick...Is this concept really that difficult?


When would you say a player enters his prime playing years? thats why you draft him. I would say around the 3rd year, 25 years old-32 years old.

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Troup still leaves A LOT to be desired on the football field, but I do like his work ethic. Hopefully he can turn around and be a rock in the middle for this franchise. If not, I'll regret that we passed on the much more productive DT Lamarr Houston. Although Lamarr is more of a penetrating DT.

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When would you say a player enters his prime playing years? thats why you draft him. I would say around the 3rd year, 25 years old-32 years old.


I wouldn't argue that at all, and I understand your point. The only thing I am saying is that I expect our early picks (1st, 2nd...maybe even 3rd) to contribute in some significant way, right away. After all, there is no guarantee we will be able to resign them for their prime. I at least want to see some of the potential we drafted them for, even if they don't fully develop it for a year or two.

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I thought Maybin showed a lot of improvement last year. He really cut down on the penalties in his second year after a tough rookie campaign, which speaks to how he is maturing as a player. He also released fewer rap songs.


It's way too early for "alarm" with Troup. More DTs struggle in their first 2 years than not it seems. He's got the build for the NT position, which is the rarest part.

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I wouldn't argue that at all, and I understand your point. The only thing I am saying is that I expect our early picks (1st, 2nd...maybe even 3rd) to contribute in some significant way, right away. After all, there is no guarantee we will be able to resign them for their prime. I at least want to see some of the potential we drafted them for, even if they don't fully develop it for a year or two.


I mean it would be nice if a rookie came in and was able to contribute, but I dont expect anything from rookies. Even Dareus this year. I would expect something in the 2nd year, and then in the 3rd year I would like to see the player begin to show consistency.


You take a player like Maybin or mcCargo, they have yet to even start to contribute, so the likelihood they become consistent players is very low.

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Troup was drafted by the Bills mainly because he is a high character kid that will give it his all to be the best player he can be and he's already doing just that as evidenced by his offseason training program. He has all the tools to be great, as well. Let's hope it works out.


Personally, I would've liked to see Mount Cody with that pick, but he was lacking in the department that Troup most likely wont and that's his work ethic.


This seems to be a common theme in picks made by Buddy. Nix is going after guys he feels will stop at nothing to succeed and if they do fail it won't be because they didn't try.

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Rookies, especially early round rookies, do not need to be all pro starters in their first year, but they should at least show flashes of ability. For example James Hardy showed little to nothing while he was here, while Stevie Johnson displayed some flashes of ability. Hardy is gone and Johnson is starting. Many here could see Johnson potential even in his limited action. Of course many others made excuses for Hardy's lack of development.

Some here seem to think that coasting in the first 3 years is acceptable. I'm not one of them.

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Troup was drafted by the Bills mainly because he is a high character kid that will give it his all to be the best player he can be and he's already doing just that as evidenced by his offseason training program. He has all the tools to be great, as well. Let's hope it works out.


Personally, I would've liked to see Mount Cody with that pick, but he was lacking in the department that Troup most likely wont and that's his work ethic.


This seems to be a common theme in picks made by Buddy. Nix is going after guys he feels will stop at nothing to succeed and if they do fail it won't be because they didn't try.

I disagree with those who are saying that number two draft picks need to be immediate starters who contribute to a team's success. To be a valued pick however, they have to be players who by their second year are contributors to the team while continuing their development. DL players are a good example of players who take time to adapt from college (Yes, I gave Mr. Maybe some benefit of the doubt but instead of developing himselve he keeps drifting further away and now looks like a wide out.).


Troup appears to have the potential of making a difference in the middle this year based on the continued development we saw during last season. He is dedicated, smart, and appears to have a fire in his belly ... all of which look good on paper but if we can be 'that guy' coming off the bench who fills up the middle then we are in good shape.


I just want this lock out to end so we can finally determine if these dreams are true or just another moment's wishful thinking that will evaporate on the field.


Nix and Gailey's type of players are winners with an attitude ... so to me that makes Troup's possibilities increase in value.


We'll see come September if there is football.

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A lot of optimists here defending troupe. The fact of the matter is he looked awful last year (the main reason why he stopped getting playing time). I hope as much as anyone that Troupe magically turns things around (yes, I know he was just a rookie). Let's not forget that the Bills drafted him WAY too early. I remember watching ESPN and watching the announcers scramble through their papers trying to figure out who he was (after all, he played for UCF). This was a guy that probably could have been had in the 4th round or later.


If they had drafted him then, there wouldn't be these expectations of an "instant starter". But when you draft a guy with what is almost a 1st round draft pick (41st overall), a starter is what you should have.


So far McCargo has shown a lot more than Troupe unfortunately...


Nice post. He was a 3rd rounder taken at the top of the 2nd, he came in too small for a NT and Low-and-friggin' behold got pushed around all season, and his college body of work does not provide any reason to believe he can hack it in the pros.

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No reason to even look into this. Troup will be evaluated over 3 years.


You don't draft a guy for his 1st contract, you draft him for his 2nd contract. That really should be how drafts are graded, how many players get 2nd contracts.


And what determines their 2nd contract?


Their performance over their first one...

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Wouldnt it be great if we had 5 1st round picks every year so that they all are assured of playing well.....


This thread is a joke


- You cant evaluate a spot player on one of his spot duty games.....players need to actually be on the field to play well

- While we are quick to point out technique deficiencies (which he had....hellllloooo rookie) we should also be pointing out the positives.....Troupe is a high effort player.....he moves extremely well for someone his size (I saw him run down some plays from behind last year that linebackers should have been making......impressive)

- There were som DT's that we were ridiculed for not waiting and taking in the draft that did next to nothing last year themselves

- At least the bills are TRYING to do the right thing.....people B word that they take corners every year and dont address the lines....whether or not they are good players we have taken Wood, Levitre, Maybin, Darius, Troupe, and Carrington all recently...the team IS trying to address the trenches.



- I have my own personal opinions on Torrel Troupe. I think he is a guy that is not comfortable in his own skin yet.....we sent from being Massive DOWN in wait to 310 or something like that....then this offseason it looks like he got really dedicated and put on like 15-20 pounds all while working to get stronger. Chan has already said that Troupe and Carrington are going to be much bigger parts of the defense this year so he obviously liked what he saw.....and Troup doesn't appear to be a loafer and is a hard worker. The issues I see on that link are all technique issues which are correctable.

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