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Wow, all I can say is wow.!!!

Gary M

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I didn't think you did. What I meant was just because some kids are already doing it that doesn't mean everyone else's kids should be exposed to that kind of graphic material.

Have you seen MTV's "Skins" or practically any music video?

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If you are into very stupid women, then the one who called herself "Courtney" would be the one for you. I wish they had interviewed her more so i could her her say "like" about 100 times and speak every phrase with a rising inflection:


"I like really enjoy like my vegetables??? And I like really love like animals like dolphins and kittens????"

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I always love the idea that kids watching people get blown up is fine, but a seeing a pair of breasts through the same medium will make them loose/crackheads/immoral.


I am, of course, not referring to any parents in particular, it's just a mentality that I've noticed with some parents nowadays that baffles me entirely. It's a mentality apparently shared by the bodies that provide the age "ratings" and "recommendations" for TV shows and movies.

Edited by LeviF91
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Or what the girls should be doing with it!!


All the more reason to ban PETA's idiotic commercial. You think you're going to encourage healthy adolsecent male-female interaction with commercials showing girl-vegetable relationships? Typical liberal, wanting to pervert young American minds. Next thing you know, you'll be petitioning the state of CA to define marriage as being between a woman and her zucchini...

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And what guy can compare to a zuchhini?


Once you go carrot, you don't go back.


That's the real reason the NFL won't show the commercial: it sets unrealistic expectations. The NFL execs would rather they used string beans.


Except for Goodell. He wants to show them licking an orchid.

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PETA has their national HQ in downtown Norfolk. The building has a statue of some kind of animals out front. I've never cared enough to drive up close to see what they are exactly, but from the street I've driven by I've often wondered what they are and how they taste :devil:

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I always love the idea that kids watching people get blown up is fine, but a seeing a pair of breasts through the same medium will make them loose/crackheads/immoral.


I am, of course, not referring to any parents in particular, it's just a mentality that I've noticed with some parents nowadays that baffles me entirely. It's a mentality apparently shared by the bodies that provide the age "ratings" and "recommendations" for TV shows and movies.

Working in the industry is an eye opener -- especially when you get network notes on what is or isn't acceptable for TV. The show I'm currently on has horrific violence and gore week in and week out. It's a staple. But we get flack when we show sexual intimacy of any kind. Whether it's a husband and wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, or god forbid two people of the same sex.


It's absolutely insane.


In the eyes of the network it's more acceptable to show someone being skinned alive than it is to show two consenting adults having sex.

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I am all for hiring women to rub and caress my cows, specifically my bull, to kiss and run their tongues all over them. It will be to promote the quality of beef.


I will need help funding this venture, is anyone interested in helping? I will need a camcorder, some money for models, and a bunch of people to sit around and do nothing but carry clipboards and wear over priced vests and sun-visors.

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I am all for hiring women to rub and caress my cows, specifically my bull, to kiss and run their tongues all over them. It will be to promote the quality of beef.


I will need help funding this venture, is anyone interested in helping? I will need a camcorder, some money for models, and a bunch of people to sit around and do nothing but carry clipboards and wear over priced vests and sun-visors.

How much do I have to pay to carry the clipboard?

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I am all for hiring women to rub and caress my cows, specifically my bull, to kiss and run their tongues all over them. It will be to promote the quality of beef.


I will need help funding this venture, is anyone interested in helping? I will need a camcorder, some money for models, and a bunch of people to sit around and do nothing but carry clipboards and wear over priced vests and sun-visors.


Splendid idea. For the grand finale you can have kumquats shooting out of their bikini bottoms and fireworks exploding in the air.

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Violence isn't any better than graphic sexual behavior, but when I sit with my family to watch a football game I don't expect to see women performing fellacio on a vegetable or see a thousand people get blown up.

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PETA has their national HQ in downtown Norfolk. The building has a statue of some kind of animals out front. I've never cared enough to drive up close to see what they are exactly, but from the street I've driven by I've often wondered what they are and how they taste :devil:



Were you around when WNOR radio held a fishing tournament in the river by PETA HQ?


Of course nobody would want to actually eat anything that came out of that filthy river

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I don't think I will be saying open wide and eat your carrots any more.


Some people have been speculating about Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street for awhile.


But now whenever we see Bugs Bunny with a carrot asking "What's up Doc", just what is he really asking? :unsure:

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