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Cable let go by Raiders

Big Turk

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I cannot understand why Tom Cable was let go by the Raiders...yeah he had some issues off the field, but the Raiders were making significant progress and finished 8-8, their highest finish in 7 years, including 6-0 in their division. Just when you think the Bills were a joke, you are reminded that we are nothing compared to the Raiders, who seem to want to rebuild every year and not get any better...

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I cannot understand why Tom Cable was let go by the Raiders...yeah he had some issues off the field, but the Raiders were making significant progress and finished 8-8, their highest finish in 7 years, including 6-0 in their division. Just when you think the Bills were a joke, you are reminded that we are nothing compared to the Raiders, who seem to want to rebuild every year and not get any better...


I think they have transitioned from "Commitment to Excellence" to "Commitment to Mediocrity"

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Al Davis is the epitome of a meddling owner, only Jerry Jones is a close second...is there any wonder why these teams aren't winning


Unless this was a case where the OC or DC is clearly better then the HC and where only one coach is promoted and changed... I think 8-8 overall and 6-0 in the division is good enough to give the guy another year. I just don't see blowing up and rebuilding the team again



Jeez, I wish the Bills had a coach that could go 6-0 in the division...

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Harbaugh in the wings?


A Harbaugh and Al Davis mixture would be too volatile. Harbaugh is too hardnosed to tolerate constant interference by a weird owner. There is a greater probability that Harbaugh lands in San Francisco.


As others have noted the Raiders have finally shown progress after a number of years of stumbling. Davis is just too eratic of an owner where franchise stability can be established. Just when you think things are going well the quirky owner acts out his quirkiness.

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Ironically, and perhaps it's not ironic that it's the Raiders, but I don't think Cable's contract wasn't renewed for football reasons. You don't get fired for going 8-8 in Raider land.


I think Davis's decision is more rooted in Cable's off the field troubles, very specifically the allegations that he beat his ex-wives, months after Davis named him head coach. Cable was hired in February 2009, the allegations came out in late November of that year. Al Davis is a lot of things, but one thing he did, especially while his wife was alive, was donate generously to battered women shelters, etc. in the Southern California area. He has respect for a woman's capabilities in the professional world, as he made Amy Trask CEO of the Raiders in 1997, the only female CEO in the league, and probably has one of the more diverse (female and minority) organizations in the entire league.


Davis wasn't going to fire him. In doing so, the Raiders would have owed Cable money. He let him play out the 2010 season and said goodbye.

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Ironically, and perhaps it's not ironic that it's the Raiders, but I don't think Cable's contract wasn't renewed for football reasons. You don't get fired for going 8-8 in Raider land.


I think Davis's decision is more rooted in Cable's off the field troubles, very specifically the allegations that he beat his ex-wives, months after Davis named him head coach. Cable was hired in February 2009, the allegations came out in late November of that year. Al Davis is a lot of things, but one thing he did, especially while his wife was alive, was donate generously to battered women shelters, etc. in the Southern California area. He has respect for a woman's capabilities in the professional world, as he made Amy Trask CEO of the Raiders in 1997, the only female CEO in the league, and probably has one of the more diverse (female and minority) organizations in the entire league.


Davis wasn't going to fire him. In doing so, the Raiders would have owed Cable money. He let him play out the 2010 season and said goodbye.



While those are certainly noble causes, it is kind of ironic, that Davis has, over the years, gone out of his way to employ "outcasts" on his team, and in his organization. So now, he has one that seems to be actually producing, and he cans them? The allegations against Cable were pretty bad, as I recall...but they weren't recent when they were made. Al Davis has always been the "second, third or fourth chance" kind of guy.


I certainly have my problems with Ralph Wilson, but, the difference between Ralph and Al, at this point, Ralph wants to win, but isn't always sure how to do it. Al only wants to win "my way", as outdated as most of his notions are about the game, in this day and age. I thought Al had turned the corner...but alas, his bitterness and vindictive nature will shoot him in the foot again. It seems when any coach (and they have gone through a ton of them) starts to give the Raiders an identity other than the one Al built them on decades ago, Al has to step in and nip it in the bud. What a bitter old fool. If he could have rested his ego a little, he might be enjoying the spoils of a decade of good Raider football, under the hand of John Gruden...but Al Davis can't let anyone succeed under him...


Harbaugh in the wings?



Al could never co-exist with a popular guy like Harbaugh...and Harbaugh would never, IMO, give the Raiders a seconds consideration. NFL teams are coming to him...only a guy who won't get any other chances (like Tom Cable when became the Raiders HC, or Bill Callahan before him) to be a HC in the NFL, or a college program, would take the Raiders job, IMO.

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Al Davis is an easy guy for me to loathe. So I've been really enjoying all of his consistent screw-ups over the last decade or so. I was starting to worry since the Raiders were looking like they turned the corner and were on their way up. Whew! Situation Normal, All F<ouled> up!


The only way I'd have any respect for Al was if he truly did fire Cable for the Domestic violence issues. But Al doesn't sit around, and he's not averse to lawsuits to prevent paying any money. If that truly were the reason he'd have been gone long ago, IMO. I much more believe the coach wouldn't dance exactly to Davis's whims such as the reported conflict over benching of some of the rookies.

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