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I agree with Peter King

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He makes a good case:




Let's say we could get McNabb for a 2nd and 5th or 6th this year, plus a 3rd next year. This team hasn't had a QB in more than a decade. Why wouldn't we make that deal??


Why don't we trade all our picks, next years picks too? McNabb would fill every hole on this team with his presence. Git'r dun.



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Why don't we trade all our picks, next years picks too? McNabb would fill every hole on this team with his presence. Git'r dun.




You're right, I'm sure we'll find a proven franchise QB and LT in this year's draft.


Poor Bills fans - our "season" has become the run-up to the draft every year.

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That would describe Delhomme, not McNabb. McNabb is an elite QB and he's "shown" quite a bit over his career in my view. That said, if you don't think he's top-tier then your argument makes sense. If you do, then I think you need to pull the trigger. The Bills dealt an elite LT for draft picks last year - the opposite of what you'd call "mortgaging their future." How'd that work out?

Again, based on his interview, that wouldn't have happened with Nix. He wants to focus on good drafting and signing our own players. Hopefully that's true and we won't keep losing players like Peters, Williams and Winfield going forward.


McNabb has shown that he can be a good QB when he has a good team around him, though you always have to worry about losing him for big chunks of the season to injury (something that will only get worse as his career goes on). If I were a GM on a team that had a good core but was just missing that last piece, I would definitely be looking at McNabb. He's just not going to be the savior for a team like the Bills.

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He makes a good case:




Let's say we could get McNabb for a 2nd and 5th or 6th this year, plus a 3rd next year. This team hasn't had a QB in more than a decade. Why wouldn't we make that deal??


I would guess that if that we're the asking price, he would have been traded somewhere. I'll bet they want something ridiculous for him at this time. There's also probably the issue of the team trading for him wanting him to sign an extension and he may not want to do that with the teams interested in trading for him. King makes a good point bringing up those team's need for QBs, but you have to think that there is a reason no one has pulled the trigger so far. Also, does he have four or five football seasons left in him or does he have four or five more years? Because with the near certain lockout looming, teams may be thinking about how a 34 year old QB will look after a year of no football. Maybe he lets himself go and is worthless after the lockout. It's not like we're talking about Jay Cutler who is going to play football fr the next 10 years. This guy could potentially call it quits at any time.

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He makes a good case:




Let's say we could get McNabb for a 2nd and 5th or 6th this year, plus a 3rd next year. This team hasn't had a QB in more than a decade. Why wouldn't we make that deal??


why would they trade for him? they are clearly in rebuilding mode so why bother trading for a guy that isnt even under contract beyond this season?

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Because mortaging the future for an aging quarterback does nothing to help the Bills bust out of this perpetual debacle.



this is true. The Bills have to focus on 3 seasons from now on... McNabb isnt a part of that. The Bills cant trade any picks.

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That would describe Delhomme, not McNabb. McNabb is an elite QB and he's "shown" quite a bit over his career in my view. That said, if you don't think he's top-tier then your argument makes sense. If you do, then I think you need to pull the trigger. The Bills dealt an elite LT for draft picks last year - the opposite of what you'd call "mortgaging their future." How'd that work out?


Peter King even said in the article that he didn't think McNabb was a first-tier QB. I would be hard-pressed to agree that he is in the top 12.

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I agree with you that no QB would've been successful here over the last few years.


I disagree with you that we can afford to wait to stablize the QB position until the rest of the roster has been straightened out. It seems to me the Bills have been in that cycle for almost 20 years - fix a few leaks here, then a few leaks there, and they never get ahead. They draft young QBs and then fail to put them in positions where they can succeed. Then they ignore the QB position and tinker with the rest of the roster.


I'd like to see them do both, and I'm tired of waiting. I'm willing to mortgage some of the future if that's what it takes - I am tired of losing and I don't want to wait 4 to 5 more years to see competent QB play. Trade for McNabb, draft a LT with the first pick, and do your best to pick up a DT later on in the draft. I don't see any other way to make this team respectable in the short term. Drafting Skelton in Round 5 and trying to develop him for 5 years will just not get it done with me.

Coach Tuesday - My new favorite poster.


I'm with you 100% on this. I have no patience for another 3 to 4 year rebuilding program. We've been rebuilding 6 going on 7 years. When does this end? Why can't we build the O Line and find a good QB that can play now at the same time? In the era of FA you're always adding guys at the same time you lose guys. This we haven't lost much with the exception of TO.


People on here say we have too many weaknesses to actually try to win now and should play for the 2011 draft. I submit that every team has weaknesses. A team ranked 32nd against the run played SB XLIV. We'll never be strong everywhere and if that's what you're waiting for it's going to be a long wait.


If we can get McNabb for what King suggests in his article, we gotta do it. Otherwise we are losers. I'm tired of the loser mentality.

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Because mortaging the future for an aging quarterback does nothing to help the Bills bust out of this perpetual debacle.

Agreed. They need to build the team. You can't piss away the high picks to get him and then expect to fill out the team with street free agents.



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Agreed. They need to build the team. You can't piss away the high picks to get him and then expect to fill out the team with street free agents.



I agree. Had hoped to see McNabb as a Bill, but highly doubt it'll happen.

Think it would just cost tooo much.


gotta change my avatar tho.

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He makes a good case:




Let's say we could get McNabb for a 2nd and 5th or 6th this year, plus a 3rd next year. This team hasn't had a QB in more than a decade. Why wouldn't we make that deal??


I'm thinking with the lockout looming, the Bills will not go after Mcnab. It appears to me they are in a fold the tent mode. Save money and prepare for the labor dispute. I wish this won't be the case, but it sure appears they are not going to spend a whole lot of money this off season.

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I think saying it would be "the worst move by the team in bills history" is way extreme when talking about giving up picks that are not 1st rounders for a starting proven vet QB


I can think of some worse bonehead moves.....like last year when we lumped the seasons hopes on a raw 7th round pick LT, letting go of the starter, releasing the other guy who played some LT, and signing NO veteran insurance policy to replace them.


To me that is a more boneheaded move

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McNabb isn't good enough for what the Eagles are asking for in return.


The Eagles are in rebuild mode, especially on defense. I can see them waiting too long to do a deal for McNabb or Vick and having it blow up in their face, and they go to camp with three quarterbacks, minus the picks they need to improve their defense.

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I don't know why King gets such a bad rap on this board. That first page is tremendously well written. He makes a great point.


A first round QB pick is a much bigger crapshoot than a flyer for an aged but proven NFL QB. "What would you rather have, a four- or five-year shot at a relatively sure thing in McNabb (with a +12 TD/INT ratio in each of his past four seasons), or a guy who makes you go to bed uneasy every night for the next two or three years because you just don't know how he'll pan out?"


This, above all else, is the gamble. Can Bills brass take the heat for taking a risk with McNabb and sacrificing a future star QB? Because this is all unfairly graded in hindsight, what Nix and Co. have to do is assess whether hearing "why didn't we just draft "X" in 2010? over a proven starter in the NFL.


And the end of the day, I just want a winner before I have prostate issues, gray hair, and regular colon screenings. Just sayin'.

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I don't know why King gets such a bad rap on this board. That first page is tremendously well written. He makes a great point.


A first round QB pick is a much bigger crapshoot than a flyer for an aged but proven NFL QB. "What would you rather have, a four- or five-year shot at a relatively sure thing in McNabb (with a +12 TD/INT ratio in each of his past four seasons), or a guy who makes you go to bed uneasy every night for the next two or three years because you just don't know how he'll pan out?"


This, above all else, is the gamble. Can Bills brass take the heat for taking a risk with McNabb and sacrificing a future star QB? Because this is all unfairly graded in hindsight, what Nix and Co. have to do is assess whether hearing "why didn't we just draft "X" in 2010? over a proven starter in the NFL.


And the end of the day, I just want a winner before I have prostate issues, gray hair, and regular colon screenings. Just sayin'.


That's where I'm at as well, bud. But again, I think part of it is that Bills fans have become so shell-shocked by the actual on-field product that they'd rather stockpile a ton of draft picks and geek out on the draft every year, then root for the Sabres once the draft is over. Don't get me wrong, I love the draft and I do believe you need to build that way, but at some point you just have to focus on building a team that might win a game or two NOW. The fans deserve it already.

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If we had a team on the cusp of being great and super bowl contenders I would definitely being interested in making a trade for McNabb. However, this team has so many holes even with Mcnabb here it wouldn't guarantee anything so the cost outweighs the positives.

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Don't get me wrong, I love the draft and I do believe you need to build that way, but at some point you just have to focus on building a team that might win a game or two NOW. The fans deserve it already.


You said it.


That's the problem. You tie up money in an oft-injured, aging quarterback who has fumbled 20 times in the past two years at the expense of draft picks that would -- one would hope -- help patch some of the gaping holes on this team, and you're back at square one: A five- to eight-win team that shoots itself in the foot with desparate personnel moves.


I like McNabb. But Buffalo needs to build from the ground up.

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