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Anyone buying an iPad?


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I'm torn.


The critics are right to say its just like a giant iPod Touch. But to be honest, the idea of that sounds pretty cool. I don't like that it doesn't use eInk for its books, but that would still be a nice thing to have. there is an app that would allow me to use my work email, but no drives, no usb imputs, etc, make it no where near an actual laptop.


What are everyone's thoughts?

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I'll probably get one for wifey's birthday. She's an avid reader. It looks like it will do a lot more than the Kindle.


I have a kindle. Like it. My concern is reading on a screen rather than with eInk will really drain on the eyes.

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I researched eInk when I was going to Stevens for grad school quite a few moons ago.

First display I saw was the B&N Nook around Christmas.

I think it's very easy on the eye, and was please with the display.


It's probably a good idea to not preorder one. I won't be until June - for the aforementioned birthday present.

I've heard of other readers out there (not ready for market quite yet) that will have greater connectivity and even camera options than the iPad. I'm kind of a Mac guy at home, so I will probably stick with Apple - unless the tactile experience isn't really fine.

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I want one... My dad pre ordered the wifi one. The 3G one seems like a ripoff since you have to pay $30/month for a limited data plan. They're good for a highly portable computing experience (i.e. checking email, browsing pictures), but i'd be skeptical of reading on them. My wife has a kindle and it's awesome. I think that the iPad is not a kindle killer, since the iPad is a multi-use device, whereas the kindle has one single use.


The screen on the kindle, with the eink, will blow away the ipad for reading books, however, the ipad will blow away the kindle, or any other sort of netbook for portable computing.


Steve, get the wifi version. It's a glorified, expensive netbook. It's about $250 more than a crappy netbook (minus the $60 apple wireless keyboard). Total cost is between $500 and $700... Not to shabby if you ask me for ultra portability.

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I am not a big fan of first generation tech toys. I'll stick with small full HP laptop and a smartphone. I do not feel need for an in-between device. My big hope on the tech front is that solid state drives come down in price. Weak link in a laptop is the HD - last two machines I have blown through three in about four years.

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Steve, get the wifi version. It's a glorified, expensive netbook. It's about $250 more than a crappy netbook (minus the $60 apple wireless keyboard). Total cost is between $500 and $700... Not to shabby if you ask me for ultra portability.


Woohoo! It's $250 more than a netbook with only a quarter of the functionality! Awesome!

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I'm torn.


The critics are right to say its just like a giant iPod Touch. But to be honest, the idea of that sounds pretty cool. I don't like that it doesn't use eInk for its books, but that would still be a nice thing to have. there is an app that would allow me to use my work email, but no drives, no usb imputs, etc, make it no where near an actual laptop.


What are everyone's thoughts?


I would pass - it's a waste of money. Plus it's a first gen model.

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Well, i decided to go with the HP TM2. Only thing lacking is an internal optical drive, but I just thought about the fact that with my macbook, ive use the optical drive 4 times. Each time was on a flight to watch a DVD. I did order the TM2 (the next gen Tx2) with an external drive just in case, but the iPad truly is just a giant ipod touch.


funny parody of ipad keynote address.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well in a complete change of mind, i wrnt and bought the ipad today.... Typing this post on it now. It is freaking awesome. No, it wont replace my laptop, but for what I do 90% of the things I do on my laptop it will work beautifully. Call me an apple fan boy, but man is this thing cool. The iworks software word processor is great, and my work uses GOOD messaging for work email and "there's an app for that". Got it at best buy. Wasn't a freak that waited in line. Walked in a 2:00pm and got it.


My biggest concern was no flash, but thanks to the evil powers of apple, a lot of sites are moving to html4 just for the ipd (CNN included). Also netflix is like watching HD..


Give a better update after a few days of use..

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Can someone explain the mindset of the people who wait in line overnight for these types of things. New operating systems included. I don't get it. Do they really need to show people their iPads to oohs and aaaahs? An etch a sketch is much cheaper. JMO

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Can someone explain the mindset of the people who shop at Walmart for things that have been around for years? Old operating systems included. I don't get it. Do they really need to piss and moan when their virally-infected hunk of junk breaks down? A BMW is nicer than a Honda Fit. IMHO.

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To me the missing killer technology for the next stage consumer electronic device is flexible screen technology - a device like the ipad but something can fold in half - or something much smaller but with an extendable screen

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