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What will the "Big Move" be this offseason to sell tickets?


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They are going to make a few mid level free agent signing on the front 7 (Derrick Johnson and Jason Ferguson types) to help out the run D. Then they are going to draft a QB like Jimmy Clausen in round 1 and trade back up into round 1 and take a LT. Honestly that would be a very good offseason, but we would need Clausen to fall to pick 9 which I don't see happening.


So a 1st round QB and a late 1st round LT and some mid level guys in Free agency to help the D is the big marketing push a holistic improvement to the team.

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Last season when season ticket sales were low, they brought in T.O. and it pretty much took care of that issue, and 2009 became one of the better ticket sales years ever. With the fanbase in such a disappointing position when it comes to the Bills now, it seems almost a must for Ralph and the boys in the FO to make some type of move to help sell tickets, as the recent coach hiring won't do it. I am not saying that it is what I want, but if I had to guess one big name that they will bring in this year to sell tickets, I would guess Michael Vick. Gailey has a history of working with athletic type quarterbacks, vice immobile pocket passers. Other possibilites might be Calvin Johnson (whom I believe Gailey recruited at Georgia Tech), Brandon Marshall, or maybe LT? What are some other guesses of who they might bring in to make a splash this off season?

I honestly think that Nix knows that Buffalo fans are knowledgable enough to know when smoke's being blown. I don't think bringing in a big name FA/trade is necessary. I think if they can address the O-line and QB positions, and have a solid plan in place for the defense, people will buy tickets. The team has good receivers, running backs, defensive backs, kick returners and kickers/punters. The obvious areas of weakness are O-line and QB, and once those are addressed, most Bills fans will have enough hope to buy tickets. I live a 6-hour drive away, unfortunately. If I lived even 3-hours closer, I'd buy season tickets in a heartbeat .. even with the team as-is.


My wish is that they somehow get McNabb in a Bills uniform. Ticket sales would soar, and so would "W"s.

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They'll give up their #1 pick for McNabb and a bunch of idiots will scramble for tickets.

Wow. That would be about 80 thousand idiots for 8 weeks. Maybe the idiots would be the ones who didn't get tickets.

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I'm going to guess Michael Vick or Tim Tebow.


Drafting Tim Tebow as a franchise QB would make this franchise the laughing stock of hte league once again.


Uninformed fans might get excited for about 10 minutes until the universal scorn and ridicule begins to descend from every corner of the planet.

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i asked somewhere else, not sure if it was answered, but do the bills have the available resources to stay at 9...move back to the early/mid 1st to get bulaga? is that even possible? Marshawn + 2nd Round pick and later round pick? is that something that would get us at pick 15-17(and will Bulaga be there at 15-17)? from there then you set your sights on the CMU QB in 3rd and Arthur Jones in 4 or 5, again, if he is available


+2. Seems impossible to get all 3, but would be huge.
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Brandon Marshall would be huge, but Chan spoke about in his press conference "character" Not sure Marshall fits in that statement. Vick either. Could this be a Marv Levy thing all over. Where did the character guys Levy spoke about end up. Either let go or starting on or DE spot. (Chris Kelsey) Ughhhh

Gailey coached Dallas for chrissakes. "Character" is a relative term.

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You may have a point. but either way Gailey wont be doing the drafting. Nix will. Hey maybe since Nix was around for the Shawn Marriman draft, maybe he'll go after him in Free Agency.



Shawne was pretty average this year and invisivle in the Jets-bolts playoff game. I don't think he'd be worth the price tag that came with him and there seems to be quite a lot of free agent LB's. If we are sticking with 4-3 then i'd much rather see some more horspower into the DT or DE's...

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Last season when season ticket sales were low, they brought in T.O. and it pretty much took care of that issue, and 2009 became one of the better ticket sales years ever. With the fanbase in such a disappointing position when it comes to the Bills now, it seems almost a must for Ralph and the boys in the FO to make some type of move to help sell tickets, as the recent coach hiring won't do it. I am not saying that it is what I want, but if I had to guess one big name that they will bring in this year to sell tickets, I would guess Michael Vick. Gailey has a history of working with athletic type quarterbacks, vice immobile pocket passers. Other possibilites might be Calvin Johnson (whom I believe Gailey recruited at Georgia Tech), Brandon Marshall, or maybe LT? What are some other guesses of who they might bring in to make a splash this off season?

Coupon for a free lap dance after every game in which the Bills get 3 or less false start penalties.



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